Our next scheduled CHI FOR YOURSELF guest will tell us about using intuitive power to bring profound growth into our lives. Tori Hartman is the author of Chakra Wisdom Oracle: How to Read the Cards for Yourself and Others. Her system of cards and workbook is designed to help you break through blockages and achieve your dreams.
Join us for CHI FOR YOURSELF and Tori Hartman. Thursday, September 7th at 4 pm Eastern, 1 pm Pacific time at chiforyourself.com.
Few things are as frustrating to you and those around you as your inability to make decisions and stick to them. This inability can be the result of a lack of self-confidence.
There can be many reasons why you lack the confidence to make decisions in your life. For example, you may have grown up in an environment where your parents made all the decisions for you. And they insisted you must not question them.
You may feel very anxious at the thought of having to make a decision.
Here are a few indicators that you are someone who lacks confidence in making decisions:
You would rather have someone else make the decision for you –
This happens when you don’t trust that you’ll make the right decision. It’s an indicator that you don’t have confidence in your ability.
You never make a decision –
Other people may be relying on you for a decision, but you let weeks or months pass without ever making a decision.
Your decision avoidance can be a signal that confidence in your abilities is poor.
When you do make a decision, you second-guess yourself –
Another demonstration that you lack confidence in your abilities.
You can work at and improve on this tendency not to trust yourself when you make decisions.
What follows are ideas for improving your confidence to make good decisions.
Make an “unofficial” decision –
In other words, this is a decision that is not yet set in stone. Make a decision, and live with that decision for a day.
For example, you’ve decided to upgrade to a bigger house, and you have the money saved. You find a house that you like a lot and that fits all the criteria you want in a bigger house. It has a big yard, a deck, and an attached garage.
But if you have trouble making decisions you may find yourself trying to talk yourself out of it. You begin to worry about how you’ll afford it, higher heating and cooling costs, and so forth.
This is where it can help to make an “unofficial’ decision. You have to decide that you will or will not move. Pick one, and live with that decision for a day. Make your mind believe that the decision is a real one that you have made. Then see how your decision makes you feel.
This can be a good way to test out decisions before making them official. Knowing that you can still change your mind if it does not feel right, can be comforting.
Recognize decisions that are reversible –
For example, you’re having a tough time determining what color to paint your house. Start by getting a collection of color swatches. Then make a decision, rather than continuing to fret over choosing the perfect color.
If you start painting and don’t like the color, you can always choose another color.
Ask yourself what is the worst that can happen –
Not all decisions are life altering. Begin with making small decisions such as what movie to see. You can grow your confidence and make bigger decisions as time goes on.
Write down pros and cons of each decision you are considering –
Sometimes it helps to see your ideas for and against a decision written down on paper. When you see the options on paper they crystallize. This it can make it easier to come to a decision.
Growing numbers of respected physicians and health care professionals agree on the benefits of aromatherapy. They’re finding that pleasurable smells go to work immediately on your brain, easing pain and relieving stress.
How does this work? It has to do with the way your nose communicates with your brain.
Aromatherapy affects your brain’s emotional center, also known as your amygdala.
CHI FOR YOURSELF invites you to check out a FREE list of some popular aromatherapy scents available in essential oils and other products, as well as the healing benefits they provide.
We see the word “natural” at every turn. Health organizations and food makers love this word. They tell us that natural is our signal that certain food is healthy and good for us.
You may believe this yourself. After all, you see natural listed on product labels all the time. But what does natural actually mean?
Consumer Reports magazine warns that natural can be a very misleading word. Some are calling on the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to ban the word’s use on food labels.
Now, it’s unlikely that manufacturers will put the word “unnatural” on a product. Yet foods described as natural can be healthy, unhealthy, or have no effect on you at all.
By the way, the FDA has yet to come up with a hard and fast definition of natural on a label. Other modern countries are facing the same challenge.
So, for years manufacturers have had no problem slapping the natural label on food. Some of it is actually unhealthy.
If the “Natural” Labeling Process Seems Confusing To You, You Are Not Alone
Let’s look at a recent survey by the Consumer Reports National Research Center*. 60% of the 1,000 shoppers questioned said they look for the word natural on labels. 66% believe natural means no artificial ingredients, genetically modified organisms, or pesticides. Yet there are no mandatory disclosures that allow foods to carry the word natural.
You can see where this is going. No hard and fast rules for natural as it applies to food can assume too much trust. With that in mind, what steps can you take to be confident that your food is natural?
A good starting point is to contact the manufacturer. It may take some time, but get someone on the phone. Ask some hard questions. Get the name of the person you’re talking to. Ask him or her to send any and all relevant information to you via snail mail or e-mail.
The contact person may tell you such information is “proprietary.” That they’re not allowed to tell you. Consider this a red flag.
Also, keep in mind that food with tons of sugar and calories may actually be natural. But that doesn’t make them healthy.
The bottom line? Stay away from packaged foods wherever possible. Eat whole foods. More fruits and vegetables than processed items.
Take the steps to ensure that you’re getting more natural and healthy foods. After all, you and your family are worth the effort!
Our next CHI FOR YOURSELF guest makes her second visit to the show. Suzanne Scurlock-Durana is one of the world’s leading authorities on conscious awareness and its transformational impact on the healing process. On her last visit she discussed her book Full Body Presence: Learning to Listen to Your Body’s Wisdom. This time we’ll hear about her latest work– Reclaiming Your Body: Healing From Trauma and Awakening to Your Body’s Wisdom
Suzanne Scurlock-Durana
This show will be not be available as a live listen. It’s going to be pre-recorded due to a scheduling conflict. I’ll give you the heads-up post on GenuLines as to when it will be available.
I hope you enjoyed our 30 day “challenge” on finding your purpose driven life– and that the points in the series are helping you toward living your genuine life. Maybe you’re feeling some resistance and you just can’t seem to get started. If that’s the case, check this new CHI FOR YOURSELF “freebie.”
This is a list of suggestions and affirmations to give you more focus.You can use it as your own personal challenge. Or just refer to it from time to time as you feel you need it. It’s yours free from CHI FOR YOURSELF and you can grab it by clicking on the FREE Stuff button:
Well, we’ve come to the end of our 30 Day Living With Purpose Challenge. Time flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it?
The idea was to move you toward living a more intentional and purpose-driven life. And to have these daily blog posts inspire some serious thought and discussion. Here’s what we covered over the past 30 Days..
1. Welcome And What Does It Mean To Live With Purpose
2. Why It’s Important To Find Your Purpose
3. What Is Your Purpose?
4. The Connection Between Purpose and Happiness
5. Why What You Do For A Living Matters
6. How To Find Your Calling
7. Your Purpose Doesn’t Have To Be Huge To Make A Difference
8. Small Things You Can Start Doing Right Now To Make A Difference
9. Do You Know What’s Sucking Up Your Time
10. Going From Existing To Truly Living Life
11. Let’s Talk About TV And The Likes
12. How Much Time Are You Spending On Facebook
13. Embrace Your Hobbies And Interests
14. Never Stop Learning
15. The Big Benefits Of Traveling The World
16. Creating Purposeful And Meaningful Relationships
17. When You Have A Purpose, You’re Taking Action And Aren’t Afraid Of Failure
18. Living With Purpose Is Good For Your Spiritual Health
19. Guess What? Money And “Stuff” Doesn’t Make You Happy
20. Living With Purpose Makes You A Kinder Person
21. When You Live With Purpose, You Don’t Have Time To Worry
22. When You Live A Purpose Driven Life, Your Values Are Clear
23. You Realize The World Doesn’t Revolve Around You
24. Aligning Yourself With Your Purpose Through Mediation And Prayer
25. Avoid Temptations And Wrong Paths Along The Way
26. Living With Purpose Is About Serving Your Community
27. Your Loved Ones Will Benefit From A Purpose Driven Life
28. Your Purpose May Evolve And Change As You Do… And That’s Ok
29. What Do You Want To Be Remembered For?
The next question is of course where you go from here. That’s up to you. I’ve given you a lot of ideas, tools, and suggestions to craft a more purposeful life for yourself and your loved ones.
What you do with that information is up to you. I hope you’ve been following along, doing a lot of thinking, and taking action.
I encourage you to continue on this journey. Keep bringing more meaning and purpose into your life.
Keep reading, keep learning, and keep on making progress.
Be with us today on CHI FOR YOURSELF, and our guest Dan Millman, author of The Hidden School: Return of The Peaceful Warrior. We’ll start the call at 4 pm Eastern, 1 pm Pacific at chiforyourself.com