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Do You Believe You Deserve Success?

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Do You Believe You Deserve Success?

Many people in this world have a very low opinion of themselves. Often they have low opinions and beliefs about the rest of humanity.

man questions success

They’re trapped in self-destructive, self-limiting views. And like a disease these views can affect people the holder encounters.

So, what can we do about this? As far as a large-scale approach, there’s not much we can do for the rest of the world.

But as individuals there are a lot of of things we can do.

Today GenuLines looks at the possibilities.

Know Thyself

The fundamental approach that we have to take is to know ourselves at the deepest possible level. What does this mean?

This doesn’t mean knowing the kind of person that we are, or knowing the things we like and the things we don’t like.

Rather it’s understanding the aspects of our lives. Like our capabilities, our strengths, and our weaknesses. And it means our capacity to improve.

The question is whether you believe you deserve success or not. Take the time to go deep into yourself.

You’re here, and you have something to bring to us. But it can be tough to self-reflect.

If you work through the hesitation you’ll be off to a good start.

So, my final question to you is this:

Do You Want To Believe That You Deserve Success?

If you said no, then there’s no sense reading the rest of this post. If your answer is yes, we can move on to today’s key point.


How do you do that? Careful and continuous self-exploration and honest, sincere, and dedicated hard work.

Couple that with effort in the application of self-awareness and self-discovery.

A path of “breadcrumbs” is in front of you. All you have to do is pick them up and follow the trail.

JohnK 2-26-2024


stick man hears about successOverheard: “Success is focusing the full power of all you are on what you have a burning desire to achieve”

                                         – Wilfred Peterson

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The Every Day Choice Between Staying Stagnant or Progressing

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Choice is something you’re faced with most every day. And sometimes a choice is the difference between a big gain or a setback.

Make it a positive result with the help of today’s GenuLines look at making choices.

The Every Day Choice Between Staying Stagnant or Progressing

Ever wonder what day-to-day life should look like when it comes to success?. When you’re formulating plans for success, is it more of a general idea of what your life is going to become?

Or is it a structured plan with daily or even annual goals?

A choice of doors

An important key toward success is realizing that every day, you can be making a progress toward becoming more successful.  But you need to be able and willing to take full advantage of that.

Rise.. and Shine?

When you get up in the morning, you have a full day ahead of you. Lots you can get done.

Any or all of it can move you to the next level. Or it can leave you where you are right now.

Each day is a new chance to do things you want to do to improve. That could mean tending to your relationships or getting something accomplished at work.

Either way, the day is full of opportunities for you to advance.

Better Days Ahead

Realize that every day there’s something you can do to improve. Even on days when you’re just going to relax and recharge, at least you’re doing that with the intention of regaining energy for a better performance later down the line.

On days that you’re not recharging, you need to boost any aspect of your life that needs it. Something that a lot of people struggle with is getting back on track after they’ve fallen off the productivity wagon.

They seem to feel as though it’s the end of the world, and they’re not going to be able to go any farther. This causes so much disruption in their success plans.

They stop all progress, assuming that they’re not able to recover.

This is far from the truth. Just as each day is a new chance to progress, it’s also an opportunity to get back on track.

Good Days Bad Days

You start every day with a clean slate, and from there you can shape the day any way you want.

If sometimes you don’t have a productive day it’s okay. Everyone has their bad days.

What you can’t do, though, is just sit there and mope about it. Wake up the next day committed and with a plan to get yourself back on track.

JohnK 11-27-2023

stick man hears about choiceOverheard: “We must all make the choice between what is right and what is easy”

~Professor Dumbledore



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5 Behaviors You Don’t See In Highly Successful People

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Successful people aren’t always on their best behavior. Sometimes they show their less than attractive sides.

But GenuLines wants to tell you about some tendencies that won’t show up in their daily inter-actions

5 Behaviors You Don’t See In Highly Successful People

Everyone has a different interpretation of what success is, or what it means to them. But, when you break it down, most everyone can come to an agreement on it’s meaning.

Success is accomplishing a goal, or attaining a meaningful purpose.

That may be a loving relationship, or it could be a form of artistic expression. It might be career advancement.

Regardless of what the goal is, true success is never an an easy upward, or stable journey. The world’s most successful people are aware of this fact.

And they often have behavioral traits which set them apart from the rest.

picture of bad behavior

If you’re struggling to achieve what you want in life, you may want to consider starting with an inward look. This might mean a shift in your mindset to bring you in line with how successful people behave.

When you work with great leaders and executives you notice what does and doesn’t work in the long-term. It’s not so much personal habits or intrinsic characteristics that determine success.

Instead, it’s about your behavior.

What does behavior mean? It’s about how you communicate and how you react to stressful situations.

It’s also about how you interact with the people around you.

Add to that the attitude you have in dealing with clients and colleagues.

It’s how hard you work. And whether you’re disciplined, and focused.

You may know some dysfunctional people who have gained success. But these behaviors will catch up with them.

Here’s a look at 5 behaviors that you won’t see in highly successful people.


High pressure and stressful situations in the business world are a common occurrence. Things don’t always go according to plan, and they often go horrifically wrong.

It’s just part of the territory.

What highly successful people don’t do is panic. If you can’t override that adrenaline spike and stay calm during a crisis, you’re not going to last long.


While passion is a massive driver in success, you can take it too far. Become a fanatic and your energy and passion starts to work against you.

The result? Flawed reasoning, poor decision making, and a skewed perception of reality.


When you’re driven to achieve greatness, you have one fundamental truth: it’s going to be a long haul. And it’s going to be a lot of hard work.

That’s why highly successful people are so disciplined, and highly focused. A lot of people are slackers, and quite simply, it’s why they don’t go on to achieve great things.


Okay, so we may all start out with a wide eyed, gullible approach in the business world. However, the sooner you turn skeptical the savvier you become.

And the better your chance at succeeding. Why is this true?

Suckers don’t succeed.

Highly successful people question everything. And they tend to trust, verify, and consider the source.


Thin skinned people don’t make great leaders, nor do they tend to be highly successful. They drive themselves crazy with every little criticism.

And they don’t obsess over every comment that offends or upsets them. That’s why seriously great business leaders often have a sense of humility, and a good sense of humor.

While life may be serious, you can’t take yourself too seriously.

JohnK 11-20-2023

stick man hears about behaviorOverheard: “Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image”

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Article image by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash


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Improve Your Physical Health by Being Optimistic

Optimistic people seem to draw good things into their lives. But did you know that this includes better health, too? 

This check-up from GenuLines will show you how that happens.

Improve Your Physical Health by Being Optimistic

letters spell optimisticIt’s no surprise that being optimistic has mindset benefits. But did you know there are physical health benefits to being more optimistic?
Do you believe that some people are born with it and others aren’t that lucky? Yes, some come into the world with a cheery disposition.
But others including you can learn how to be optimistic. Even better news is that being optimistic can improve your general physical health. 



The Benefits of Optimism on Your Physical Health

Keep a belief system of “I think I can, and I know I will.” Your goals can come to fruition with hard work and dedication.
Your workouts, exercise routines, and high intensity interval training will improve, too.
Once you develop an optimistic mindset and apply it to those routines, the benefits will include:
A more enjoyable workout
An increased capacity for a sustained commitment to your workout routine
The learned skill of creating momentum and reaching your fitness goals
An enhanced self-confidence helps you succeed in other areas of your life
Reaching goals with more ease with optimistic thinking
A willingness to take on other challenges in life
Experiencing satisfying results of optimistic thinking and affirming your success
A healthier mind and body Improved sleep
Building your self-esteem
Focusing on how hard your workout is or how much you dislike doing it keeps your mind focused on what does’t work. This will only your take you in the opposite direction of optimal physical health.

The Mind, Body Connection of Optimism

Think about the mind, body connection. Have you ever felt disappointment?
What does that feel like? It no doubt feels like a sinking in the pit of your stomach while your shoulders begin to sag.
Your emotions, thoughts, and feelings are all stored in your body somewhere. Nervousness can show up as butterflies or an upset stomach.
Anxiety can cause sweaty palms and trembling. And embarrassment leaves its own visible discomfort.
If you want a better body and a better workout don’t add more hours to your workout routine. Instead try taking on learned optimism.
If you think you can and know you will, your body and mind will begin to show the results. With more effort and less time, you may begin to see better results.
Your mind and body will thank you.
JohnK 1-9-2023
stick figure being optimisticOverheard: “I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter”
                                  ~ Walt Disney
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What Is Peace Of Mind And Why Do You Need It?

Peace of mind is in short supply today. We’d love to have it but many of us wonder if we’ll ever get to that point.

But you can have it as GenuLines shows you today. 

What Is Peace Of Mind And Why Do You Need It?

The words “peace of mind” often take on an ambiguous meaning. They can range from the serenity of a Buddhist monk to being able to sleep at night without a racing mind.
The phrase “peace of mind” has become watered down over time.
But there’s actually a valid reason for the various definitions of these words. We’re unique individuals navigating through life with a lot of perspectives and experiences.
So achieving peace of mind must also differ in its definition.
picture brings peace of mind
Your path to this state requires you to be your own trailblazer.
Whatever approach you take to reach piece of mind, it’s only important that you do.

Having It All

You can have all the drive, motivation, and intelligence in the world. But if you lack focus the road in front of you will always appear blurry.
We’ve already looked at the fact that peace of mind varies from person to person. But there’s one definition that encapsulates it.
– Peace of mind is the ability to appreciate and respect the person you are, realize that you are not perfect and that mistakes are inevitable. And you want to keep a limit on the regret and second-guessing you leave behind.

Looks Are Deceiving

There are many examples around us of people who, from the outside looking in, seem to have it all. They’re dominating the game of life.
Unfortunately, a lot of these people feel anything but successful in their own minds.
Sure, they may look like they’ve raced down the path of success. While this may be true; they’ve arrived at the finish line with a lot of extra baggage.
It could be that they made some unethical business decisions to accumulate a fortune. On the way they neglected those closest to them in pursuit of personal goals.
The point I’m getting at is that peace of mind is not a destination you reach.
In reality, it’s the WAY you reach this destination. As the ancients might say, “it’s not the destination, it’s the journey.” 

Going For Broke

As you go through life, make sure to never fall into the “succeed at all costs” way of thinking. This may get you many of the material things of value the world has to offer.
But the enjoyment will fade out at some point. Another way of saying this is do things the right way.
Most of us have some form of moral compass. This could be our religious beliefs, cultural values, or personal code of ethics.
These things serve to speak to the person we are and the person we are to become. In your pursuit of success in this life, never jeopardize what is right to get ahead.
Make a habit of staying true to yourself. You’ll sleep well with a clarity of consciousness.
And that comes from knowing you did things the RIGHT way.
JohnK 12-26-2022
stick figure hears about peace of mindOverheard: When you’ve seen beyond yourself, then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there”
                          ~ George Harrison
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What Is Personal Mastery?

Your road to personal mastery can be long and winding. And it can be a frustrating process. 

GenuLines has been on this road before, and today we’ll make some of the “stops” along the way. 

What Is Personal Mastery?

Personal mastery is about approaching life in a different way. People sometimes refer to it as a journey towards continuous improvement.
Tiger showing mastery
Certain key principles can guide you. These include vision, purpose, creative tension, and commitment to truth.
Add to those an understanding of the subconscious mind.




One of the most important fundamental aspects of personal mastery is personal vision. Combine these two and you get a guiding philosophy.
This can be your operating system throughout life. Supplement with books, tapes, and courses for continued growth.
Personal mastery is about loving yourself and expressing your gifts to the fullest. It’s not about control or limiting yourself.
The more you suppress things the tougher it is to overcome them.

Take Responsibility

Personal mastery is self-discipline. It’s about taking responsibility for the direction that your life is going to take.
You come to realize that you can do anything with the aide of your skills and talents. Discipline can clarify and deepen your perspective in life.
And it can help you develop patience and a healthy view of life.

See The Signs

Personal mastery can actually help you become successful in life. A sign of progress is starting to understand your strengths, talents, and purpose in life.
Personal mastery makes you inspired, energized and happy with your life. You start to show a sense of commitment in changing on how people perceive life and the world.
Important qualities to include on your journey are integrity, humility, justice, and industry.

A Long Road

Reaching personal mastery has no shortcuts or no quick fixes. The process can take a lifetime.
You’ll detach from self-interest or selfishness. You’ll encourage people to care about and serve others.
And you’ll see the connections in your surroundings and everything in general as a whole.
Proactive behavior is another product of personal mastery. You base your actions and services on maximizing your skills in a creative way.


Personal mastery guides you to awareness of your beliefs, attitudes and behavioral impacts. It also enables self acceptance, and responsibility for your action, attitude, and thought.
It’s living with integrity and purpose. And it’s all tied together with your ideals, standards, and behavior
JohnK 9-19-2022
stick figure hears about masteryOverheard: :”The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions”
                                    ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson
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Be Relentless In Your Pursuit Of Change

You need to make a change in your life. You know you do, but it just seems so damn hard to do. 

Let GenuLines put some fuel into your intention to follow through toward that much-needed change 


Be Relentless in Your Pursuit of Change

For many people, change is a difficult thing. There’s so much to it that can make you uncomfortable.

 So you might start to give up on it, even if the end goal is a positive one.
You don’t want to spend that time being uncomfortable. You’d rather live with the mediocrity and stay where they’re used to being.
This kind of mindset is not one built for success.
picture of change
Even if it’s hard for you to process, you still need to be relentless when going through change. Go into it knowing that it won’t be easy, but it’s something that you have to do.
Without change, you’re not going to make the switch from a mediocre life to a successful one. If you don’t do enough to stick with the changes you’re making, you’re going to spin your wheels.
You might stay stuck in the same place for years to come.

Tough Love

Sometimes, this mindset requires you to be strict with yourself and others. If you want to see that change, you can’t let those who don’t want you to succeed hold you back.
There will always be life obstacles you need to overcome.
Input from toxic family members who don’t agree with your life choices.
Or your current employer would try to steer you away from quitting. Especially if you’re a vital part of the company.
By being firm with your dedication to change, you’ll be able to remove these roadblocks.
You can’t let people talk you out of what you want to do. Only you know what’s best.
You need to limit contact with those who try to steer you away from your goals. Remind yourself that no matter what anyone else tells you, the goals you want to achieve are possible.
Don’t let someone talk you out of your pursuit of success and change. If you do you’re not ready to become successful.
You have to be adamant about fulfilling your dreams and not let anyone or anything limit you.
JohnK 8-16-2021
stick figure hears about change
Overheard:  “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”
                          ~Leo Tolstoy
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5 Reasons To Be Grateful For Struggle

Life’s struggles usually don’t move us to feeling grateful that we have them. But GenuLines iinvites you to re-examine this idea.

You may be surprised at the results!

5 Reasons To Be Grateful For Struggle

Have you ever asked yourself why you always want more? You want to make yourself better.
Get that promotion. Earn more money.
man needs to be grateful
Win the lottery, a new car, a bigger house, another pet, to travel more often. It’s natural to pine for new things and to aim your sights higher.
But there’s a problem here. We often take our eye off the ball.
And instead of living in the present, we become obsessed with the future. We figure everything will be better there.
But you can’t make everything better there without first putting in the work here.
The struggles that we face now do serve a purpose.
It isn’t something we enjoy or look forward to, but we may be able to find reasons to be grateful for those struggles.
Here’s why:
1. It Could Be Worse
This might not sound like a reason to be grateful for struggle, but… do you have the food you need to survive and a roof over your head? You have the basics down and while that isn’t everything, for right now it is.
Sometimes coming back to that thought is enough to remind you of your life achievements. You’re building the strength to handle what you’re facing now.
2. You Can See Through People
When you’re struggling, you learn who your real friends are. Friends can offer a great shoulder to lean on. But false friends can make their way into your life. They’re the first ones to run for the hills when things get tough.
3. You Rediscover Who You Are
You might wonder how this could be true, but it is. Think about the darkest days you’ve ever experienced. Now realize that you’re still here and you’re still standing. This speaks to your ability to be strong..
4. You Learn To Appreciate The Little Things
Sometimes we take these things for granted. Pause to savor your morning cup of coffee.
Carry this attitude with you through the day. Share your good energy with other people.
An act of kindness can change your day – and help others to change theirs.  
5. Struggle is Building You Up
It might feel like your struggles are trying to tear you down. But like working a muscle they’re building you back up.
It’s difficult to think of struggles as being a blessing. But the blessing comes from your response to those struggles.
What’s the most difficult type of struggle to cope with? One that you have no control over.
You learn to cope and when you know how to cope, you learn how to succeed.
JohnK 5-17-2021
stick man being gratefulOverheard: “If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.”
                             ~Meister Eckhart
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What To Do When You Don’t Get What You Really Want

You want it badly. But somehow it doesn’t show up. This happens to most of us, but GenuLines has some action steps for you if you’re struggling with this. 

What To Do When You Don’t Get What You Really Want

man who wantsIt sucks to know that life isn’t fair. But knowing this fact alone still doesn’t make us feel better when something that we really want seems to elude us.
Here are a couple of key things to consider when you don’t get what your heart desires.

Appreciate The Needs You DO Have

Being able to separate the things you need from those you want is extremely important in life. People worldwide go without even the most basic things many of us take for granted.
While it’s in no way wrong to pursue things other than the basic needs, try to avoid getting these things mixed up.
Think about each situation where you didn’t get something you wanted. Each of those is likely balanced by getting something you did want.
If you always got what you wanted do you think you’d be grateful?

Be Honest About Why You Didn’t Get It

When something doesn’t pan out it feels like a tragedy. But sometimes not getting something serves as a fork in the road.
It can point the way to something much better.
Whatever you’re feeling like you missed out on, give it a second look. You might realize that this failure could very well be for your benefit.
Even if it wasn’t a major disappointment the fact that you fell short can provide the motivation. you need to go after something even better!
banner to talk want
You Covered The Bases And Still Want It? Try Again!
So you slipped up but believe you still should have whatever avoided you. Regroup and try again!
Rest assured, most of the things worth having are not going to fall into your lap. If this were the case, they wouldn’t be nearly as fulfilling when we you get them.
If whatever you missed out on keeps bugging you it could be a sign that you’re meant to have it.
But not right now
If you’ve decided that it is, be ready to go after it! I could insert any number of motivational quotes such as “fall seven times, stand up eight.”
Or “fail forward.”
But the fact is, the life of a successful individual will include failures. How you deal with failure separates winning from living with self-pity and resentment.
Never allow yourself to give up in the pursuit of anything you believe to be yours.
JohnK 4-26-2021
Stick figure hears about wantOverheard: “Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.”
                             ~Dale Carnegie
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Successful People And Their Lessons In Adversity

Successful people deal with adversity. It’s true.

fish being successfulRead the stories or profiles of most successful people. You’ll be surprised at just how adverse many of their situations were.

They often tell the stories for others to learn and to use to overcome adversity. I read those types of stories to help me with GenuLines posts.

Here are some suggestions for you to do the same.



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Profiles of successful people

These contain gems of information and can act as a resource for everyone else. The story is one aspect of reading about them.

But how they dealt with their situations is often a source of inspiration. When you become inspired, you increase your chances of effective problem-solving.

Inspiration doesn’t last forever, unfortunately. You need to reinforce the message.

If you can, try to set aside time to read one story of a successful person every month. This will help you feel inspired.

And it will give you ideas on how to use the stories to make your life better.

Some people’s stories are dated
But their techniques may be timeless. A perfect example of this is Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People.

The stories themselves describe people and occupations of days long gone. But, his techniques are as valid today as they were back then.

You can read all about the stories of successful people and get inspired. But, if you don’t take action, it will be of little help to you.

At that point, you become nothing more than a dreamer. Having dreams is good, but you need to make sure you take action on those dreams.

Common ground
Reading the stories of successful people often shows that they’re just like the rest of us. There isn’t anything superhuman about them that led them to their successes.

You’ll find a common theme among those facing adversity. They had persistence and kept a positive attitude.

Those two attributes will take you far when facing any situation.

Finding successful
You can choose to read stories online or find material in your local library. You can also choose to find stories on the internet.

Be careful of the resources you find online. Anyone can publish whatever they like while sounding convincing and authoritative.

Check the resources. And keep a critical eye out for people who don’t present qualified information.

Get into the habit of reading about successful people. You’ll shift to a successful mindset yourself.

And you’ll have a memory bank of stories to draw inspiration.

JohnK 2-18-2019
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stick figure shows successOverheard: “A minute’s success pays the failure of years”
                               ~Robert Browning




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