Tag Archive for struggle

The Every Day Choice Between Staying Stagnant or Progressing

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Choice is something you’re faced with most every day. And sometimes a choice is the difference between a big gain or a setback.

Make it a positive result with the help of today’s GenuLines look at making choices.

The Every Day Choice Between Staying Stagnant or Progressing

Ever wonder what day-to-day life should look like when it comes to success?. When you’re formulating plans for success, is it more of a general idea of what your life is going to become?

Or is it a structured plan with daily or even annual goals?

A choice of doors

An important key toward success is realizing that every day, you can be making a progress toward becoming more successful.  But you need to be able and willing to take full advantage of that.

Rise.. and Shine?

When you get up in the morning, you have a full day ahead of you. Lots you can get done.

Any or all of it can move you to the next level. Or it can leave you where you are right now.

Each day is a new chance to do things you want to do to improve. That could mean tending to your relationships or getting something accomplished at work.

Either way, the day is full of opportunities for you to advance.

Better Days Ahead

Realize that every day there’s something you can do to improve. Even on days when you’re just going to relax and recharge, at least you’re doing that with the intention of regaining energy for a better performance later down the line.

On days that you’re not recharging, you need to boost any aspect of your life that needs it. Something that a lot of people struggle with is getting back on track after they’ve fallen off the productivity wagon.

They seem to feel as though it’s the end of the world, and they’re not going to be able to go any farther. This causes so much disruption in their success plans.

They stop all progress, assuming that they’re not able to recover.

This is far from the truth. Just as each day is a new chance to progress, it’s also an opportunity to get back on track.

Good Days Bad Days

You start every day with a clean slate, and from there you can shape the day any way you want.

If sometimes you don’t have a productive day it’s okay. Everyone has their bad days.

What you can’t do, though, is just sit there and mope about it. Wake up the next day committed and with a plan to get yourself back on track.

JohnK 11-27-2023

stick man hears about choiceOverheard: “We must all make the choice between what is right and what is easy”

~Professor Dumbledore



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5 Reasons To Be Grateful For Struggle

Life’s struggles usually don’t move us to feeling grateful that we have them. But GenuLines iinvites you to re-examine this idea.

You may be surprised at the results!

5 Reasons To Be Grateful For Struggle

Have you ever asked yourself why you always want more? You want to make yourself better.
Get that promotion. Earn more money.
man needs to be grateful
Win the lottery, a new car, a bigger house, another pet, to travel more often. It’s natural to pine for new things and to aim your sights higher.
But there’s a problem here. We often take our eye off the ball.
And instead of living in the present, we become obsessed with the future. We figure everything will be better there.
But you can’t make everything better there without first putting in the work here.
The struggles that we face now do serve a purpose.
It isn’t something we enjoy or look forward to, but we may be able to find reasons to be grateful for those struggles.
Here’s why:
1. It Could Be Worse
This might not sound like a reason to be grateful for struggle, but… do you have the food you need to survive and a roof over your head? You have the basics down and while that isn’t everything, for right now it is.
Sometimes coming back to that thought is enough to remind you of your life achievements. You’re building the strength to handle what you’re facing now.
2. You Can See Through People
When you’re struggling, you learn who your real friends are. Friends can offer a great shoulder to lean on. But false friends can make their way into your life. They’re the first ones to run for the hills when things get tough.
3. You Rediscover Who You Are
You might wonder how this could be true, but it is. Think about the darkest days you’ve ever experienced. Now realize that you’re still here and you’re still standing. This speaks to your ability to be strong..
4. You Learn To Appreciate The Little Things
Sometimes we take these things for granted. Pause to savor your morning cup of coffee.
Carry this attitude with you through the day. Share your good energy with other people.
An act of kindness can change your day – and help others to change theirs.  
5. Struggle is Building You Up
It might feel like your struggles are trying to tear you down. But like working a muscle they’re building you back up.
It’s difficult to think of struggles as being a blessing. But the blessing comes from your response to those struggles.
What’s the most difficult type of struggle to cope with? One that you have no control over.
You learn to cope and when you know how to cope, you learn how to succeed.
JohnK 5-17-2021
stick man being gratefulOverheard: “If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.”
                             ~Meister Eckhart
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Is True Happiness Possible?

Happiness has a reputation for being elusive. Some would say it’s not even possible.

GenuLines offers you some points to consider as you do your own evaluation. 

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Is True Happiness Possible?

When your struggles get to be too much it’s easy to think that happiness is not even possible. The truth is there are different levels of happiness that you can experience in your life.
The process doesn’t move in a straight line. Your attitude is the difference maker.
Look Around You
happy personIt’s one thing to say that people can’t be happy unless they have their basic needs met. But there are people all around you who don’t have their needs met yet are very happy.
Studies of affluent people tend to show find they’re not happier than poor people in general.
It’s Not About Stuff
If you look at a list of the happiest countries in the world, you tend to find that being happy isn’t about owning things. Often the happiest people live in the poorest countries.
It’s common to find that the USA ranks in the teens on these lists. Stuff doesn’t guarantee happiness.
It’s Not Even About Goals
You may insist that it’s all about about reaching your goals. If you often say things like “I’ll be happy when…” then happiness may elude you.
You can be happy now, before you reach your goals.
It’s Not About Your Circumstances
Now, of course, some things in life can really get you down. But a happy disposition can serve you well.
You’ll be better able to navigate the murky water.
*Dr. Gillian Mandich is a well known name in this area. She believes that our circumstances account for only 10 percent of our happiness.
Happiness is about accepting that you can experience it and understanding it’s meaning. A happy person isn’t going to be the same level of happy 24/7, 365 days a year.
Think about cancer sufferers who manage to have a happy attitude. Or children around the world who don’t get enough to eat.
Be in that state of mind and you can be happy, too.
JohnK 12-26-2019
stick figure talking about happinessOverheard: “It’s a helluva start, being able to recognize what makes you happy.”
                                             ~Lucille Ball
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