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What Is Peace Of Mind And Why Do You Need It?

Peace of mind is in short supply today. We’d love to have it but many of us wonder if we’ll ever get to that point.

But you can have it as GenuLines shows you today. 

What Is Peace Of Mind And Why Do You Need It?

The words “peace of mind” often take on an ambiguous meaning. They can range from the serenity of a Buddhist monk to being able to sleep at night without a racing mind.
The phrase “peace of mind” has become watered down over time.
But there’s actually a valid reason for the various definitions of these words. We’re unique individuals navigating through life with a lot of perspectives and experiences.
So achieving peace of mind must also differ in its definition.
picture brings peace of mind
Your path to this state requires you to be your own trailblazer.
Whatever approach you take to reach piece of mind, it’s only important that you do.

Having It All

You can have all the drive, motivation, and intelligence in the world. But if you lack focus the road in front of you will always appear blurry.
We’ve already looked at the fact that peace of mind varies from person to person. But there’s one definition that encapsulates it.
– Peace of mind is the ability to appreciate and respect the person you are, realize that you are not perfect and that mistakes are inevitable. And you want to keep a limit on the regret and second-guessing you leave behind.

Looks Are Deceiving

There are many examples around us of people who, from the outside looking in, seem to have it all. They’re dominating the game of life.
Unfortunately, a lot of these people feel anything but successful in their own minds.
Sure, they may look like they’ve raced down the path of success. While this may be true; they’ve arrived at the finish line with a lot of extra baggage.
It could be that they made some unethical business decisions to accumulate a fortune. On the way they neglected those closest to them in pursuit of personal goals.
The point I’m getting at is that peace of mind is not a destination you reach.
In reality, it’s the WAY you reach this destination. As the ancients might say, “it’s not the destination, it’s the journey.” 

Going For Broke

As you go through life, make sure to never fall into the “succeed at all costs” way of thinking. This may get you many of the material things of value the world has to offer.
But the enjoyment will fade out at some point. Another way of saying this is do things the right way.
Most of us have some form of moral compass. This could be our religious beliefs, cultural values, or personal code of ethics.
These things serve to speak to the person we are and the person we are to become. In your pursuit of success in this life, never jeopardize what is right to get ahead.
Make a habit of staying true to yourself. You’ll sleep well with a clarity of consciousness.
And that comes from knowing you did things the RIGHT way.
JohnK 12-26-2022
stick figure hears about peace of mindOverheard: When you’ve seen beyond yourself, then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there”
                          ~ George Harrison
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Criticism Is Not Always Meant To Be Negative

Nothing stings quite like criticism. And that sting can last a long time. Let GenuLines provide some relief, and a way to turn the situation around. 

Criticism Is Not Always Meant To Be Negative

Do you struggle with criticism? Some of it comes from a negative place, but most of the time it’s meant with good intentions.

man giving criticism
Unfortunately, even if the person criticizing you is coming from a good place, it can still hurt.
Differentiating Between Negative and Positive
There are a few ways to determine whether criticism is coming from a positive or negative place. Is your usual reaction to it negative?
If so, the first step is to tame that initial negative reaction.
Try to view the criticism with an open mind. Could there be any truth in what the person is saying?
Also pay attention to their delivery method. Is there a reason for their feedback, or does it appear that they are nit-picking only to be difficult?
Criticism can come from a negative place, but often it’s given to help us improve. Knowing the difference between helpful and negative is important.
The Role of Self-Esteem
Your self-esteem will go a long way toward determining your reaction. The more confident you are, the less likely criticism is to affect you.
If you have a healthy dose of self-esteem you’ll be able to learn from any feedback you get. You won’t personalize it.
Think about your own self-esteem. Could it use some improvement?
If so, focus on ways to build it up and you’ll notice this has a direct impact on your ability to handle criticism. You’ll find a lot of awesome self-esteem building tips online.
Top Tips to Deal with People Who Criticize Instead of Critique
We’ve all heard criticism when what we needed was an honest critique. So staying calm is important.
You may find that your first reaction to criticism is anger. But if you express anger, it isn’t going to help the situation.
In fact, it could work in your critic’s favor! Remaining calm helps you know where the criticism is coming from.
You can deal with it much better.
If the problems are coming from your boss, try and get to the bottom of where the feedback is coming from. Need to know more?
Ask to speak to somebody higher up in the company. Sometimes we need an outsider’s view to help us know what’s happening.
To Sum Up
Criticism is never nice to deal with. But, it isn’t always meant to be negative.
Sometimes it will help you to grow and become a better person. So, don’t be quick to dismiss it when it comes your way.
Think about it with an open mind and decide whether there is something you can learn.
JohnK 7-25-2022
Stick figure hears about criticismOverheard: “Criticism is an indirect form of self-boasting”
                                  ~Emmet Fox
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Relaxation Is An Important Part Of Mental Focus

Tough times make tough conditions for relaxation. A calm mind helps you stay focused.

So GenuLines offers some ideas to keep you in the calm zone.   

Relaxation Is An Important Part Of Mental Focus

It sounds counterintuitive. But if you want to improve you mental focus, you need plenty of rest and relaxation.
In other words, it’s easy to overdo it, and work too hard, which can then lead to lapses in concentration and focus.
dog during relaxation

For Starters

Start out by doing what you can to get a good night sleep. Poor sleep makes it harder to concentrate.
And a couple of hours of sleep isn’t going to cut it.
Your brain needs long periods of rest to process information. This “makes room” for you to focus on something new the next day.

Late Nights

While burning the midnight oil may seem like a great way to get more done and stay productive, the opposite is true. Yes, you can power through a long night to finish a project every once in a while, but it isn’t sustainable for the long run.
Do it when you must, but get in the habit of getting good sleep the rest of the time. Your brain and your body will thank you.
Taking breaks throughout your work day is another good way to stay focused and get more done. Work hard in short bursts of time and then take little breaks.

Break Time

Go get a cup of coffee. Move around your work space for a few minutes.
Or enjoy a day dream and give your brain a short rest before diving back in.
This doesn’t have to be long. You can get big benefits from breaks shorter than five minutes.
Go chat to a coworker, or do something like filing or straightening up a few things on your desk.
Then get back to your most important task at hand.

Time Out

A few longer breaks throughout the day can be as important as short breaks. Every couple of hours, take a 30 minute or longer break and walk away from your desk.
Go to lunch, have coffee with a friend, or go for a walk outside.
This gives your brain time to process what you’ve done so far and gets you ready for the next couple of hours of work


Now, don’t forget to do something fun and completely work unrelated at the end of the day and on the weekends. We all need balance in our lives.
If you enjoy your work and you’re invested in it, it can be hard to unplug and not think about it for a while. Make a conscious effort to take time for rest and relaxation.
You’ll find you actually get more done in the end since you’re able to focus when it’s time to get back to work.
JohnK 6-13-2022
stick man hears about relaxationOverheard: “Every now and then, go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work, your judgment will be surer”
                                  ~Leonardo da Vinci
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Don’t Let Chronic Stress Be A Killer

On any given day life is at least somewhat stressful. Let it go on too long and something’s got to give.

Here GenuLines gives you a look at how the situation can turn deadly. 

Don’t Let Chronic Stress Be A Killer

Your body is hard-wired to react to stress. This protects you from potential threats.
The predators and aggressors of long ago are long gone. But you still face daily demands that make your body react in much the same way.

What Is It?

Some see stress as feeling overwhelmed, worried, run down, or anxious. It affects most everyone regardless of age, gender, socioeconomic standing, or circumstances.
Couple ffeels stress
Some stress is beneficial because it produces a boost of energy allowing us to get things done.
Healthy management skills can help. But this isn’t always the case.
And extreme and chronic pressure can have severe health consequences.

Chronic Defined?

Chronic stress is something that you deal with day after day for long periods of time.
This can be poverty or dysfunctional family dynamics. It could be an unhappy or abusive marriage, or a hated job.
It feels as though you have no way out of a miserable situation and you give up on searching for a solution.

How It Kills

Chronic stress can lead to a multitude of health problems including: addictions.


A University of Maryland Medical Center study found that chronic stress affects concentration. It hurts your ability to react to situations.
You may have more accidents and be more forgetful, too.

Digestive Disorders

Digestion is a lower body priority when you respond to stress. Because of this, chronic stress can contribute to many digestive disorders.
Think bloated stomach, cramping, constipation, acid reflux, ulcers, and inflammatory bowel disease.

Increased Risk Of Heart Problems

There’s more from that University of Maryland Medical Center, mentioned earlier. Links to chronic stress included higher heart attack risk, heart disease, and stroke.
Your heart rate increases and this can constrict your arteries. Your blood thickens, which affects heart rhythms.

Lowered Immune System

Stress lowers your body’s ability to fight an infection. When it’s chronic it leaves you more susceptible to infections and severe colds and flu, and it ramps up the tension even more..


Chronic stress affects sleep patterns, leaving you feeling irritable, fatigued, and over reactive. Depression is also a common occurrence. 
These negative emotions and mental health issues often lead to a lowered quality of life. And they make interacting with others a challenge.  

Skin, Hair And Teeth Problems

Coping with chronic stress also leads to hormonal imbalances. It’s linked to eczema, acne, hives, psoriasis, rosacea, hair loss, and gum disease.
Smaller amounts of distress are normal. You’re never going to be free of them..
But this doesn’t mean that you have to live a life feeling bogged down with constant concern. Identify what areas of your life are the culprits.
Then see what changes you can make.
JohnK 7-26-2021
stick figure hears about stressOverheard: “A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety.”


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Staying Calm During The Election And Beyond

A calm mind can be had during pandemic or pandemonium. This GenuLines list of tips can help guide you through rough waters. 

Check out the list then listen to an explanation by clicking on here.

Be well!





JohnK 11-2-2020

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Patience Is A Virture And It Can Be Yours

So patience is a virtue. Well, let’s get a definition of virtue.
Merriam Webster defines patience as “the ability to remain calm and not become annoyed when dealing with problems or with difficult people.” Simple but not always easy!
GenuLines drills down a bit deeper to help bring patience a little closer to you
(Listen to the article by clicking on below or scroll down to read)
Radio for the patient

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Patience is a Virtue And It Can Be Yours

Patience is one of those things that can make life go more smoothly. But, a lack of patience can cause serious problems, even health issues.
Some of life’s irritants move us to squeeze a little harder on the hair-trigger of impatience. But we can learn to overcome and enjoy life one day or even one minute at a time,
man needs to patiernce
What triggers your impatience? For some, it’s certain situations or circumstances, such as a job or a family problem.
Others may lose their patience when they’re driving or cooking. Impatience with job or family situation can be especially tough to address – and even harder to fix.
A good start though is to acknowledge it. Then focus on anything that may help relieve tension.
Seek help
Work toward focusing on pleasant things in your life. If a certain task at your job is causing your impatience ask your supervisor or co-worker for help.
They may be able to offer help or suggestions.
Also, they may have a better way of dealing with it or be able to adjust your workload. The problem with many of us is that we don’t want to ask for help.
We want to be able to take on everything even though we aren’t able to do it.
If it’s a family situation the best way to handle it may be to talk about it, which can be difficult.
Again, many tend to shy away or avoid difficult situations.
But, getting it out in the open and talking about it is often the best solution. Seek outside help if a difficult challenge amps up the impatience.
The problem itself may not cause the impatience. But it may trigger something in you that causes you to be impatient.
Focus on other things
Impatience can affect your driving, housework, or other routine tasks. Be ready by conditioning yourself to relax and focus on your breath.
You could try relaxing before you start or listening to music while doing any of these tasks. This is where gratitude comes in.
Be grateful that you can do routine tasks.
Some only imagine cooking or driving but aren’t able to for any number of reasons. Keep this in mind during the tense moments.
It’ll help you to focus on the task at hand, but it may also make you more patient.
JohnK 3-11-2020
stick figure man hears about patienceOverheard: “A man who is a master of patience is master of everything else.”
                                               ~George Savile
Article Image by ErikaWittlieb from Pixabay 
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