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What is Self-Reliance?

You might see self-reliance as your natural state of being. But is it really?

Use this GenuLines check list to change your state if necessary.

What is Self-Reliance?

The idea of self-reliance is a broad one and one that covers many different concepts. Everyone has a different idea of what makes up self-reliance.

And there are many different types of self-reliance for different situations.

You can be self-reliant in that you don’t need the accolades of other people. You can be self-reliant in that you are able to do things on your own without becoming lonely or bored.

And you can be self-reliant in as much as you’re able to solve problems without help.
Self-reliance is none of these things and all these things.

And as such, none of us are self-reliant though most of us strive to be more-so in various areas of life.

sign says self-reliance

Read on and we’ll look at some of the different ways in which you can be self-reliant and some of the forms it takes.


Independence is being able to do things on your own. You don’t need the encouragement or the company of others.

This is a valuable trait. Your options aren’t limited by what other people are willing to do with you.

Many people struggle with independence. They think they need to be with friends or to spend all their time with a partner.

If you do this too much you can end up losing your own identity.


This is a form of self-reliance in as much as it helps you to cope in situations where the chips are down. This means being able to draw on a limited pool of options and still come up with a satisfactory solution.

Financial Independence

You don’t rely on an employer or anyone else for your income. Most of us are dependent to at least some degree.

But having savings and the ability to gain alternative income makes you much freer.


Entrepreneurs are the perfect examples of self-starters. They motivate themselves to work without needing a boss.

You have the ability to forge your own path. You’re self-motivated and able to drive yourself to achieve what you want.


Being self-reliant means being able to fix your car engine or take out the trash. What’s more, it means not relying on someone else to do everything for you.

Thus you’re ready for almost any situation.

JohnK 7-3-2023

stick man hears about self relianceOverheard: “Discontent is want of self-reliance: it is infirmity of will”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Article image Jon Tyson on Unsplash 


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Stop Relying Too Much on Others

If you have difficulty trusting yourself, you may be too dependent on others. The situation can grow and you become dependent on more and more people.

GenuLines knows that can present problems when called upon to handle situations on your own, so read for some helpful ideas. 

call to action for others

Stop Relying Too Much on Others

Have you ever let someone else take over a part of your job? You may feel relief when this happens.

But you could be setting yourself up for future failure. The reason this happens is that you didn’t trust that you could do the job yourself.


character explaining to others


In the above scenario, you’re taking on something outside of your comfort zone. It may be that your boss wants to test how you will handle a new situation.

He or she gives you an assignment knowing that you have never dealt with it before.

It’s natural to ask others for help when you find yourself in unfamiliar territory. There’s nothing wrong with doing this.

But there’s little growth in letting others solve problems for you. You won’t develop the self-trust for handling new situations.

And your manager will see that you, for the most part, passed the assignment to someone else.

Positivity helps
Face your new challenges with positivity. Be willing to make an attempt even if you make mistakes.

The mistakes are the tools for you to learn. When you do make those mistakes, ask what you did wrong.

Over time, those mistakes will get less and less, and you’ll begin to trust that you can handle the situations.

There’s a subtle result of trying something new. You’ll prove that you can handle new tasks and develop new skills.

That’s enlightening and it’s a big factor in developing trust in yourself.

Every skill you are now good at and find easy you probably struggled with at the start. If you keep this in mind, you will give yourself over to trusting that you can handle anything that comes your way.

You’ll need less reliance on others. But you still should ask questions when you are unsure about something.

That’s another part of learning.

Some people may give you a hard time because it’s inconvenient. But, you’ll find most people want to help you succeed.

It helps them when you get up to speed with new skills.

JohnK 5-21-2019
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stickman listening to othersOverheard: “Trust but verify”
                           ~Ronald Reagan





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Kristen Moeller on CHI FOR YOURSELF



Join us for the interview with Kristen Moeller, author of What Are You Waiting For: Learn How to Rise to the Occasion of Your Life.


Kristen’s inspiring story is one of personal challenges and learning to live beyond loss. You can hear the interview on the chiforyourself.com ‘Start’ page…. 


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