Tag Archive for self help

Identify What Is Causing Your Stress

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Identify What Is Causing Your Stress

All the stress-reduction techniques in the world are of little value if you don’t find the cause of your stress. You could exercise until you pass out.

But if you still can’t make your mortgage payment, the problem still doesn’t go away. When you find the cause, you can take steps to help yourself reduce the stress.

Example of stress

Taking the example of not paying your mortgage, you want to find a quick solution. But, you don’t want to use a shady looking online loan service, for instance.

They charge very high rates with interest calculated on a daily basis.

Taking advantage of one of these services will increase your stress. And you’ll be stuck with a higher payment.

Work Problem?

Your stress may have something to do with a coworker. Let’s say they’re lagging behind in their work, and it’s bringing your whole team down.

One solution is to help the lagging member with his or her work. But, try to show them ways to get work done faster, so it doesn’t happen again in the future.

It could be that your procrastination on something important is a stressor. You need to reverse that right away.

The situation is likely to get worse. For instance, you’re letting a slow leak in your home keep building.

This is going to make it tougher to handle when it becomes a large leak. If you’re not capable of fixing the leak yourself, hire a professional.

In the above cases you would have dealt with the actual cause of the stress points. You could try meditating or getting involved in extreme sports.

Those will help reduce your stress to some degree. But, they wouldn’t do much to remedy the situation.

Dig Deeper

Find what’s causing the stress. Take actions based on that.

Now, stress reduction techniques not related to the cause can still help. They can help you relax, which can get you to think about solutions to the problem.

The techniques can also help to lower your blood pressure and heart rate. When you’re calmer, you’ll find solutions much quicker.

In most cases, you’ll be able to determine what is stressing you out. There are situations where you become anxious, and you are not sure why.

Do what you can to make that a temporary condition. Should it become more long-term, consider getting help before it gets out of control.

JohnK 3-11-2024

Stick figure hears about stressOverheard: “Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one”

– Hans Selye



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What You Nееd tо Knоw Abоut Crеаting Chаngе in Your Life


man with check signChаngе can be diffiсult.  Okay, we got that out of the way.  It can be even more diffiсult whеn thе сhаngе is big. Again, no surprise. Let’s say уоu wаnt to brеаk uр with someone you love. You may be thinking оf lеаving уоur old job tо mаkе a transition tо a different job. Maybe you’d love to start your own business.
If уоu саn оvеrсоmе thе fear of fаilurе whеn you set out to make change, thеn a huge portion of the job is done.  Bеlоw wе’ll look аt some hеlрful tiрѕ to guidе you through trаnѕitiоn.


You Nееd tо Truѕt Yоurѕеlf
Trusting yourself iѕ vеrу imроrtаnt in making аnу mеаningful change. It’s оnе оf the bеѕt things you саn do for уоurѕеlf in any area of life. Sеlf belief рuѕhes you to dо what nееds tо bе dоnе.
Bеliеvе thаt you саn dо it.  You’ve done thingѕ оn уоur оwn that уоu (and maybe others) never thought уоu соuld.
Onе Chаngе аt a Timе
Thiѕ iѕ whаt I call change mаnаgеmеnt.  Lifе сhаngе can be vеrу stressful if уоu attempt multiple changes at one time. You may еnd uр nоt асhiеving аnу. Focusing on a ѕinglе tаѕk makes success more likely when you take up your next lifе changing project.
Think of the сhаngеѕ thаt уоu nееd to make. Write them down if you have to. Then choose to work on them in sequence. This will leave you with mоrе drivе. And it will еliminаtе any роtеntiаl blосks to сhаngе уоu may encounter.
Mаkе Time tо Wоrk оn Chаngе
Take thе timе that you need tо work оn the сhаngе(ѕ) you рlаn tо mаkе. Remember the old saying “failing to plan is planning to fail”.  Allowing enough time lets you take care of all the details involved with less stress.
You made a list of the changes you want to make. Very good.  Now уоu саn also writе dоwn thе ѕtерѕ to tаkе to achieve your best rеѕult.  Cоnѕult experts or mentors.  Aѕk questions. Plаn the wауѕ you’ll асhiеvе уоu aim.
This is by no means the only list of tips. But it can help you start out with more confidence as you begin to mаkе important сhаngеs in your lifе.


JohnK 1-18-2016

Clipart image of overheardOverheard

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself”

                                    ˜ Andy Warhol

























Wallowing Over Google Gremlins :-( And a Link to The Tina Gilbertson Interview


Picture of Tina GilbertsonApologies for problems on the Google Hangouts page that muted the audio for the Tina Gilbertson interview! Tina is the author of Constructive Wallowing: How to Beat Bad Feelings by Letting Yourself Have Them. Tina turned conventional wisdom around with her explanation of how “constructive wallowing” can help in dealing with feelings. A list of talking points follows, and you can hear the interview by clicking on the BlogTalkRadio logo.


CHI FOR YOURSELF guest: Tina Gilbertson talking points:

  • Isn’t wallowing an oxymoron?
  • Having a good cry might not be enough
  • Self-criticism is not healing
  • Anger, temper, and wallowing
  • The T.R.U.T.H. Technique
  • Hatred, and working through it
  • Self-compassion toward yourself
  • Trying to replace a feeling with a thought
  • The benefits of constructive wallowing
  • Forgiveness- the policy and the emotion
  • The wallowing end-point


You can hear the CHI FOR YOURSELF interview with Tina Gilbertson by clicking on the BlogTalkRadio logo:



JohnK 9-12-2014

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Today: Wallowing is Good For You!


Child hiding faceToday’s guest on Chi For Yourself is Tina Gilbertson. She says pushing bad feelings away never works, and she’ll offer us a practical approach to the more liberating alternative of allowing yourself to feel them. Chi For Yourself – at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time. Hear the interview at chiforyourself.com




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Tina Gilbertson is the author of Constructive Wallowing: How to Beat Bad Feelings by Letting Yourself Have Them.

Picture of Tina Gilbertson

Tina Gilbertson


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“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love an affection”

~ Gautama Buddha




JohnK 9-11-2014

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Matthew Fox on Chi For Yourself


Though he lived in the thirteenth century, Meister Eckhart’s deeply ecumenical teachings were in many ways modern. He taught about what we call ecology, championed artistic creativity, and advocated for social, economic, and gender justice. All these elements have inspired spiritual maverick Matthew Fox and influenced his Creation Spirituality. You can hear Matthew Fox on Chi For Yourself today at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific at chiforyourself.com.

picture of Matthew Fox

Matthew Fox



JohnK 8-21-2014

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Simone Wright on CHI FOR YOURSELF: A Big (intuitive) Hit

The Chi For Yourself interview with Simone Wright gave us lots of insights into how we can use our intuition to our greatest advantage. Don’t think you have intuition? Guess again. Simone reminded us that intuition is something we ALL have. And it’s something we can work on and develop. Some talking points from the interview:

  • Simone’s definition of intuition
  • Intuition is more natural than supernatural
  • The difference between being intuitive and being psychic
  • Simone’s early experiences with intuitive “hits”
  • How we get started using intuition in our lives
  • Intuition can help us heal
  • How intuition helped Simone decide on whether to accept the offer of a Reality TV show


Simone Wright is the author of First Intelligence: Using the Science and Spirit of Intuition.


Picture of Simone Wright


You can hear the interview by clicking on the BlogTalkRadio logo:



JohnK  July 7th, 2014

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Join us today on Chi For Yourself for a conversation with Simone Wright, author of First Intelligence: Using the Science & Spirit of Intuition. Simone says that that while we all have the ability to use our intuition, in order to be actively intuitive — which means to be able to use it at will instead of by happenstance — we must develop the skill. Her book is intended to give readers all they need to know to do just that.

Hear the interview today at 4pm Eastern..1pm Pacific time at www.chiforyourself.com

Picture of Simone Wright

Simone Wright


JohnK  July 3, 2014

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Thoughts on Thinking: Priming the Creative Thinking ‘Pump’


Picture of man thinkingWhile I was posting this Friday’s Chi For Yourself/BlogTalkRadio episode with Michael Michalko (1pm Eastern) I got to thinking about, well, thinking. I was looking for some ideas for an upcoming project and I was feeling kinda scattered when up popped this article by Colin Bates. Synchronicity! I got it together and I’m feeling a lot better about the project. If your thought process is ‘all over the lot’ give this article a look. It’s a good warmup for Michael Michalko’s discussion of his book Creative Thinkering: Putting Your Imagination to Work.


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The Creative Thinking Process – Three Examples


Expert Author Colin BatesCreative thinking can be learnt. And to do so it helps to understand the creative thinking process: the structure and steps that you need to take to generate (and sometime evaluate) creative ideas.

Here are 3 examples of the creative thinking process. They all start with a definition of the creative challenge, or creative goal. In my case, this is to ‘generate new ideas for a holiday’.

Information, Incubation, Ideation

This creative thinking process begins with gathering information. To generate ideas we need input, ideas won’t emerge from an empty vessel! In my case, looking for ideas for a holiday, I’d go online, talk to friends, look through the travel magazines… any relevant source of information!

Next, relax. Put the challenge to one side. Forget about it. Let the information incubate in your mind. This process is rooted in the belief that generating ideas should be natural, stress-free and almost effortless. Let the mind do it’s work in the subconscious.

The key thing is to make sure you’re ready to capture the ideas as they emerge. Because the final ideation stage is quite fluid you need to be ready to write down the ideas before they’re lost. Keep a notebook handly, especially on the bedside table, so that you can write down the ideas as soon as they emerge.

You’ll soon find you have plenty of great ideas!

Observe, combine, create

This process begins in a similar way: observation is a way of gathering information.

The key to this process is combine. It’s a technique of idea generation which involves taking existing ideas, and combining them to create something new.

This process is great for creating new products. As a very simple example, putting a camera into a mobile phone combined two existing products to create something new.

For my holiday, I might see a ‘foodies’ holiday in Italy, but chose to combine it with my original destination, Thailand. This inspiration could result in a tour around the gastronomic hotspots to sample Thai cuisine.

Dreamer, Realist, Critic

This final creative thinking process involves not just generating ideas, but also evaluating and improving them. It’s know as ‘The Disney Way’ as it was originally used by Walt Disney to generate ideas and evaluate ideas for his movies.

The Dreamer is free of all constraints, has infinite resources and anything they think of is guaranteed to succeed. This mindset is designed to overcome limitations, and generate the ‘free thinking’ required to come up with great and outrageous ideas.

The Realist is more practical: evaluating and refining ideas.

And finally, The Critic asks if the ideas are really good enough. If not, it’s back to The Dreamer!

As I search for a holiday, I might dream of going to the moon. Not possible, but as I become a realist it will trigger more thoughts. Perhaps I could visit NASA? Or try skydiving? Or visit Area 51?

In summary: Three Creative Thinking Processes

Next time you have a challenge that requires a creative solution, try using these techniques. You’ll soon be developing your creative thinking skills, and generating more and better ideas too!

Visit http://www.shinealittlebrighter.com for more articles on creativity and change.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8267341

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Colin_Bates


JohnK 5-22-2014

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On Chi For Yourself: Work That Works for You- with Jim Donovan



Hear Jim Donovan on Chi For Yourself today at 1pm Pacific, 4pm Eastern. Jim is the author of Happy @ Work:60 Simple Ways to Stay Engaged and Be Successful. Here’s his intention for writing this book:

“ I wrote Happy @ Work to provide…simple, easy-to-implement ideas that [your audience] can use to move toward creating an amazing career — and life. You have the right to enjoy everything in your life, especially your work; however, doing so requires you to take ownership of your circumstances, and define what you want.”

Sound like you? Then be with us today at 1pm Pacific for Jim Donovan on Chi For Yourself.

Hear the interview at chiforyourself.com

Picture of Jim Donovan

Jim Donovan




John K 5/1/2014

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Oops! Correction on the Sam Bennett Interview Date


The Sam Bennett interview will be heard today (Thursday) at 1pm Pacific time..4pm Eastern..This week’s post incorrectly listed the date as April 9th. Apologies for any confusion!

Can you really be successful in just 15 minutes a day? Sam says “Absolutely! I’ve had clients finish their graduate thesis, complete oil paintings, make jewelry, cut albums, create voice over demos, lose weight, reconnect with their sexuality and even write a novel. It’s absolutely astonishing how much a person can accomplish in just 15 minutes, and especially when you put in 15 minutes every day for a week, a month, six months, or even several years. Small, consistent effort can bring jaw-dropping results.”

Picture of Sam Bennett

Sam Bennett


The interview can be heard at chiforyourself.com’s Start page.