Tag Archive for Self-Discovery

5 Steps To Decide What To Do Next In Life

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5 Steps To Decide What To Do Next In Life

Are you feeling stuck in life and have no idea what to do next? Do you feel paralyzed with fear at the very mention of change?

First off, you can be proud of reaching this state. It means you sense that your life is shifting.

Yet, knowing where to begin or what to do can be overwhelming. So, if you’re facing this decision, these GenuLines points are for you.

Below are five steps to help you decide what to do next in your life.

Take a Step Back

When you’re looking at what to do next in life, it’s imperative to stop and take a step back. Take a look at the big picture to identify where you want to go and what you want to do.

Too often, we struggle with all the ways of how to get there without fully knowing where ‘there’ actually is. We don’t take the time to highlight what’s working in our lives and what’s not.

man facing life decision

So when we reach a crossroads, we’re baffled and unable to move forward. This is when taking a step back can help you specify where you want to go as you move on in life.

Understand What Fulfills You

Get to know what makes you you. Dig deep and do some soul-searching to understand what motivates you.

Ask yourself these questions: What drives me and makes me excited? What are my values and beliefs?

And, what contributions do I want to make to my community?

What’s important to me? What are the skills and talents that I bring to the table?

Explore Your Passions

Make a list of all the things that you’re passionate about and explore those options in more detail. It’s important to analyze your options on emotional and intellectual levels.

To do this, try to imagine how each one impacts your thought processes and your emotions. Do this step without worrying about any of the whys, should-haves, and would-nots.

Instead, connect more with your subconscious. Find out what resonates with you and your core values.

For instance, let’s say you value innovation and technology. You might look for positions at industry-leading businesses.

If family culture suits you might be better off seeking a job at a small family-owned organization.

Learn New Skills

No matter how many great skills you already have, it’s always nice to learn something new. Whether it’s soft skills or hard, think about what you’d like to learn.

Look for places in your community or online where you can take classes.

For example, you want to learn more about graphic design. You may consider applying to an art program.

Or you could be interested in gardening. You can take a class in gardening and plants, then apply for a job at a garden center or arboretum.

Whatever ever you do remember to set short-term goals that follow the SMART plan. This framework ensures that your goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based.

Let Go of What Could Be

Change is scary because you don’t know what to expect from your decisions. This fear keeps you in a state of inaction and apprehension.

But what if you could let go of all that worry just for a few minutes?

To do that, you need to trust yourself and maintain a positive mindset. Have faith that whatever comes along, you’ll find a way to handle it.

Stop thinking of change as something to be dreaded and feared. Instead, you can begin to think of it as something stimulating that adds a layer of excitement and intrigue to your life.

Be open to whatever life brings your way. It may surprise you with an even better outcome than the one you first imagined.

Final Thoughts

These five steps can help your personal and professional life short term and long. It’s a tough journey, but if you’re determined to make it, it can also be extremely rewarding.

Now, all that’s left to do is take that first step to discover your purpose and get back on your life’s path.

JohnK 1-27-2025


stick man hears about life decisionsOverheard: “The purpose of life is a life of purpose”

~Robert Byrne


Article image by Yan Krukau: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-in-gray-suit-sitting-on-black-chair-covering-his-face-7793987/



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Moving On Might Be Exactly What You Need

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Moving On Might Be Exactly What You Need

It may be hard to believe, but there’s tremendous strength in releasing the past and moving forward. I understand it doesn’t feel that way.

Right now it’s easy to get caught up in what’s already happened.

young man moving on


But there’s a lot of power in letting go and moving on. I know it doesn’t feel like it.

And GenuLines knows that at this point, you’re focusing on what happened in the past.




You’re thinking that if you keep dwelling on what happened, you might be able to figure it out. You think that with enough contemplation, things would fall into place.

And you’d see the rhyme and reason for the negative things that happened in the past.

This isn’t the first time you’ve thought this way. In fact, this might be the thousandth or so time you’ve entertained that idea.

What happened the previous days when you thought this way? How about the days before those?

Focusing on the past isn’t going to help you. And understand that past misfortunes don’t make your life a complete disaster.

You do want to map out a more clear path for your life. You’ll see that things are not so bleak.

There are very promising possibilities

Understand that these areas of light are areas of hope in your life.

You haven’t completely dropped the ball in those areas. You haven’t completely screwed up.

There’s your cause for optimism. It’s something to feel good about.

Focus and move on.

Focus on the fact that you have control. Given time, that area of control in your life could grow.

But these areas of control can’t grow if you don’t focus on them. As the old saying goes, “Where attention goes, energy flows.”

How can you take full ownership of your life if your attention stays on the things you can’t control? I’m talking about people from the past.

I’m talking about situations in the past. And I’m talking about people in your present you can do nothing about.

Focus on your area of competency, which is your choice to respond to things going on in your life.

This is your area of control. It’s the only area of control.

But the good news is the more you focus on it, the more competent and self-confident you become.

This helps you to become a more responsible and powerful person. Focus on these and move on from things that waste your time, attention, and emotional energy.

JohnK 1-13-2025


stick man hears about moving onOverheard: “There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind”

C.S. Lewis


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Is Your Money Mindset Setting You Up For Failure?

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Is Your Money Mindset Setting You Up For Failure?

Dreaming of getting rich? You can’t help but admire the extravagant lives of celebrities and influencers, right?

It’s easy to fantasize about living like them. But as you chase after riches, are you losing sight of the things that matter?

Today, GenuLines invites you to explore this crucial question.

Man showing money mindset

It’s often said that if you do something you love, the money will follow. This worked for me and it provided me with a good life (story for another time)

And after all, common sense says that you’ll approach something you love with passion.

But what if?

What if making money is your driving force? You’ll chase the dollar from one job to the next or from one opportunity to the next.

You’ll get seduced by false offers of riches. Over time, you’ll look back and see that you didn’t actually get real fulfillment.

The quick buck

You may be successful in the short term. You get that extra dollar from a new job.

Or you squeeze a quick buck from your business. But, you’ll be searching for more and more money.

You could even put yourself into a position where you can’t handle the new job due to lack of experience.

In other words, you didn’t give your previous level enough time to develop a foundation. You jumped ahead, and now you’re unclear what to do.

It’s a concept known as the Peter Principle, named after the person who came up with the idea, Peter Drucker.

Money isn’t as important as many try to make it out to be. For instance, what good is having a high-paying job when you have to work 80-90 hours a week?


Many people who do this look back at their lives and wonder why they did it. While they may have a lot of money when they get older, they likely don’t have fulfillment.

Another possibility is the heavy workload needed to get that wealth also gets them to an early grave. The money they earned is useless to them.

If you’re happy with what you’re doing, money becomes a less urgent priority. You do need money to live, and you shouldn’t settle for work that pays less than you’re worth.

So reach a balance between your paycheck and doing something that you enjoy. It can bring a whole bunch of fulfillment into your life.

JohnK 12-2-2024

Stick figure hears about money mindsetOverheard: “Wealth is largely the result of habit”

~John Jacob Astor


Image photo by Photo By: Kaboompics.com: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-man-in-gray-long-sleeve-shirt-5717843/


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