Tag Archive for persistence

Are You Even Capable of Personal Transformation?


banner to help your transformationYou may have some sort of transformation on the list of changes to make in the New Year. Maybe you’ve been thinking about this for a long time.

Let’s pause for a moment as GenuLines asks if you have what it takes.

Are You Even Capable of Personal Transformation?

People seem to want changes in their lives. They might want a new career.

Or they want to lose weight. Some want to do something different that nobody’s done before.

They want to go through some personal transformation.

But is it even possible for us to transform?

man ponders transformationThink about the number of times you’ve made New Year’s resolutions. Did any of them last?

Many people give up because they know it’s an exercise in futility. Then, you have those who try over and over again to lose weight.

They try one diet after another and after a few months gain most of the pounds back.

On the other end of the spectrum are people who have overcome major obstacles. They’ve thrived, often never looking back from their new situations.

Do some of us have different wiring?

Most people are capable of transforming their lives. If that weren’t true, you’d have way fewer success stories in the world.

It depends on how badly people want to make changes. Sometimes, people aren’t ready for a change.

Your environment also plays a huge role in determining success in implementing changes. Being with negative-thinkers who discourage change is going to make succeeding difficult.

If you’re looking to transform, align yourself with people who want to help you succeed.

People are different. Some are naturals at making transformations.

And they don’t need help or encouragement from others.

They have strong wills and keep going until the change becomes part of their lives. Others need more help and encouragement.

Look to the past

Your upbringing could be a factor in how well you adapt to change. Let’s say your parents preferred the status quo.

Your first reaction to change might be hard, at least in the beginning.

Bear in mind, there are plenty of people who break away from the mold of their families. They make changes in spite of their family backgrounds.

Don’t give up. If something doesn’t work out, try something else or look at the situation in a different way.

Learn from your mistakes and failures and continue until you’re where you want to be. Determination and persistence are your biggest allies when making your transformations.

Granted, it’s never easy. If it were, everyone would make the necessary changes and change would not be scary.

Never let anyone stand in the way of something you must do.

JohnK 12-25-2023

stick man hears about transformationOverheard: “In order to save myself, I must destroy first the me I was told to be.”



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Motivation Through Adversity- A Proven Path

A life lived without adversity of some kind is rare. At it’s worst it can seem as though motivation is lost.

With that in mind GenuLines takes a look at a few who made their difficult roads work for them

Motivation Through Adversity- A Proven Path
People sometimes feel that they have no hope. They find themselves in dire situations and believe they’re never going to recover.
For instance, a person born with an issue that sets up barriers right from the start.
It’s understandable why they feel defeated. But there are examples of people who beat the odds and thrived in the process.
reminder of motivation
The Miracle Worker
One example is Helen Keller. At the age of 11, she lost both her sight and hearing due to an illness.
Her live-in teacher, Anne Sullivan, helped Keller prepare for college. She went on to became a prolific author and activist.
And she set up schools for the blind and deaf.
Birth of Greatness
You may have heard of Helen Keller, but have you ever heard of Nick Vujicic? Nick was born without arms and legs.
He’s now a motivational speaker and evangelist.
You can find plenty of videos of Nick doing activities as well as or better than people who have all their limbs. He refuses to let hid situation get in his way.
Super Effort
You may remember Christopher Reeves. He was an American actor famous for playing Superman in the 1990s movie series.
He developed quadriplegia after a horse riding accident. Shortly after the incident, he used his fame to help others who experience similar fates.
There are plenty of other examples of people who rose above their disabilities. It is a source of inspiration and motivation to others who feel helpless.
No Quit
These are all examples of people who would be likely to give up based on their circumstances but refused to do so. Their situations were in no way easy to deal with, and they all had long journeys to rise above their situations.
They not only accomplished something but excelled at it.
Someone in your life may be facing a particularly difficult situation. You can help them by showing the inspiration of the people mentioned in this article.
The Takeaway
Even you’re not in a dire situation you can get motivated by these inspiring people. For instance, if you are facing a problem, think about what these people had to go through.
Their experience will lend you some perspective. It’ll help motivate you to look for a solution.
And don’t look at this as reveling in their misery. Instead, you’re celebrating their lives.
And their ability to overcome the adversities they faced.
JohnK 11-8-2021
Stick figure hears about motivationOverheard: “Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records”
                               ~ William Arthur Ward
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Embody Persistence And Watch Your Life Change

We know that persistence is important when working toward a goal. But too often we get bogged down on our way to reaching it. 

Push on toward success with this GenuLines look at persistence.

(You can listen to this article by clicking here)

Embody Persistence And Watch Your Life Change

Practice makes perfect. We’ve heard that mantra since we were kids.
But more to the point, this phrase embodies persistence. That’s the key to mastering most anything.
You can practice something once every two months and not get very good at it. But persistence will usually deliver results.
There are so many distractions. From video games to the internet, to television.
It can be a difficult proposition to keep focused on persistence. Putting aside the distractions frees you to become better at something you want.
It’s important to balance being persistent with not being too pushy. It’s one thing to want something and do whatever it takes to get it.
But that could encroach on others’ personal space or even their rights. You may have to take a different approach or back off and find another way.
This doesn’t mean backing away from something you desire. Persistence is the key to getting it.
If it’s within your rights to have it then you should go for it. Maybe you’ve been trying to get a promotion at work.
Your persistence may be the aspect that makes you stand out above the others.
You might remember the 1970’s television series, Columbo. On that show, Peter Falk played a detective who tended to be persistent with his inquiries.
This paid off for him since he was always able to catch the perpetrator. Of course, this is a fictional story, but the concept carries over into real life.
perseverance quote
Many people believe that if you want something enough, you’ll do whatever it takes to make it happen. Usually, this is a result of persistence.
There’s some truth to this. But sometimes your limitations keep you from doing what’s necessary.
Try to determine what’s blocking you.
Say you failed at something, only to try it again later, It doesn’t mean that your efforts were lacking.
You just weren’t ready for it during the first attempts.
People can also persist in bad habits or unwanted behaviors. In this case, it’s best not to embody persistence and try to deemphasize the negative behavior or traits.
One great way to do this is to replace these negative aspects with positive ones. The effort is the same.
But the results will be a whole lot better.
JohnK 12-28-2020
Stick figure hears about persisteceOverheard: “Paralyze resistance with persistence”
                                    ~Woody Hayes
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