Tag Archive for peace of mind

Consider Doing a SWOT Analysis on Yourself

We’re about halfway through a year-long GenuLines series of articles on self-improvement. It’s a good time to pause for an overall look at how we’re doing. 
The following offers a template for doing that.
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Consider Doing a SWOT Analysis on Yourself

man doing analysis
When people create case studies on businesses, they often include a SWOT analysis. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
If you can do this for business, why not consider doing one for yourself?
It can help you gain insight into yourself and reinforce the idea of believing in yourself.
The SWOT concept is usually diagrammed in quadrants or squares. Each represents one word or letter in the acronym.
You can put any of the words into any square
It’s customary, though, to use the upper left square for Strengths. The lower left square is for Opportunities.
The upper-right square is for Weaknesses, and the lower-right square is for Threats.
Fill up each quadrant with appropriate items relating to the heading of the quadrant. To take this a step further, ask family and friends to help you fill up the quadrants.
After you have them all filled, you can decide what needs improvement.
Stay positive
Don’t let the negative aspects of this process (Weaknesses, Threats) trip you up. You’re listing them to gain perspective in areas that you need your focus.
In fact, some weaknesses you may not want to tackle because it doesn’t interest you. Threats are merely items to be aware of and may help you try to overcome them.
The key to success is to be as honest as possible with yourself about all the items included in the analysis. If you aren’t, it isn’t going to help you much, and you may focus on the wrong items to improve.
Further, you may not be as strong in some areas as you believed, which also can lead you on the wrong path.
A good SWOT analysis is a great foundation for your personal and professional life. You can use it as a tool to advance your goals.
You’ll learn about yourself and who you are. But don’t rush this process.
You want it to be as representative of yourself as possible. It’s better to take several days or even weeks than to try to list items for the sake of filling up the quadrants.
Feeling comfortable with your analysis can help your self-belief.
It’s all there for you to reference and to refine your tasks and goals.
JohnK 6-18-2019
stick figure doing analysisOverheard:  “The analysis of character is the highest human entertainment”
                         ~Isaac Bashevis Singer
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Teaching Kids to Deal with Adversity

Parents want to shelter their kids from adversity as much as possible. They see the world as dangerous, and going into protection mode is understandable.
But kids need to learn how to deal with adversity. Sheltering them can prevent this from happening.
Below are some GenuLines suggestions for showing kids the way through adversity.
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Teaching Kids to Deal with Adversity

Can you teach kids about the difficulties ahead of them? It’s a delicate balance between knowing what to tell them and what to keep from them.
After all, many societies use movie rating systems to limit certain children’s viewing.
But they learn a lot from older siblings. And they learn from classmates in school (who also have older siblings).
They also take cues from parents who let profanities slip out, as hard as they try not to.
Kboy facing adversityids know more than we give them credit for, and they can handle much more than we want to believe. They watch the news and see stories of violence, terrorism, and other horrific events.
Even if you keep them from watching, they hear about the events in school. There is simply no way around it.
When kids know they can talk to their parents, they can handle most situations. It’s better to learn from the source, i.e., parents, rather than from outside sources such as friends.
Chances are the information from friends is not reliable. That’s one reason kids tell outrageous stories when they get home from school.
To help kids deal with adversity, be sure the set the stage for their behavior. If you lose it during your own challenges you can be certain they’ll do the same.
Stay as calm as possible and look for solutions. The kids will take your lead on this behavior as well.
Kids should also learn to help others at an early age. This way, they won’t be afraid to rely on others when they need help.
When they get older, they may be willing to reach out to friends or family members. Of course, they should try to take care of certain situations on their own before reaching out.
Again, it’s a delicate balance and a learning process.
Every family situation is different. Each may call for different ways of handling them.
The variety makes a step-by-step process tough if even possible. Early exposure to life’s situations is key.
This will pay dividends for them when they’re adults.
JohnK 6-4-2019
stick man looking for adversityOverheard: “The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.”
                                        ~ Chinese Proverb
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Become a “Turnaround Factory” for Negative Thinking

Negative images bombard your life. They’re all over the television news and your favorite TV shows.
You see it online, at work and even at home. But, GenuLines suggests some out of the box thinking to turn things around 
call to fight negative

Become a “Turnaround Factory” for Negative Thinking

What if you could picture your brain as a factory? One that takes in negative thinking and processes it to churn out positive thoughts.
negative picture of factorySeems a bit odd since, of course, you’re not a factory. But, if you can think in these terms, you may be able to combat negative thinking.
Switching to factory status means you need to stop overreacting to what people say. When someone says something you don’t agree with, take a moment to consider what they’re saying.
When you get annoyed at others, you stop listening to them and only want to get your point across. You want to prove why they’re wrong.
Instead, after he or she speaks, take a moment and consider what the message is.
The next step is to try and see the other person’s point of view. If you have a difficult time doing this, calmly ask questions of the person making the statement.
You can say that you don’t understand the reason for the statement and would like to know more about why they said it.
You don’t have to agree with the other person, even after you start to process what they say. But, the act of listening and considering their point of view will transform you.
You may start to challenge your belief system. Sometimes you can get so focused on a belief, even when the reason why you feel that way has changed.
When you start to question your beliefs, you’ll be more open in considering what others have to say. The process will help you turn negative thoughts into positive ones.
Negative thoughts seldom lead to believing in oneself. You will end up challenging what everyone says as wrong if they don’t agree with your way of thinking.
You’ll become bitter towards others and at some point towards yourself. You won’t believe that anything is possible because you shoot down every suggestion.
This type of thinking doesn’t make people happy.
When you start to open yourself to others, you will learn more and be accepting of different beliefs. You’ll become enlightened when this happens.
JohnK 5-14-2019
stick figure hears negative talkOverheard: ” Negativity can only feed on negativity”
                                ~ Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
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Show Others How to Appreciate the Small Things

Life gives us lots to appreciate. People who forget that can become bitter over time.
But you can set an example for them. Today GenuLines looks at some ways to do it.
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Show Others How to Appreciate the Small Things

Your gratitude for life’s gifts can help you show others how to do the same. You don’t have to go overboard.
sign you can appreciateYou can make occasional references to how you enjoy your life and give reasons why. Relate experiences about your weekend to your colleagues.
Then tell why you appreciate them.
Stay as positive as you can, even if the bitter people are negative. That’s not easy since negative people can sour the moods of the people around them.


But, your positive outlook can cancel out that negative behavior.
People appreciate listeners
They haven’t been able to get their problems off their chest. These problems often build, which stokes their bitterness.
They feel as though no one is listening and no one cares about them. But playing the role of advisor can be the wrong tactic to use.
Be a listener. It’ll make a world of difference.
Invite them to events after work. Understand that it may take some time before they say yes to your invitations.
Bitter people often become reclusive. Keep inviting them, and over time you may break down their barriers.
Don’t pressure them. That will make them more reclusive.
Talk activities
Get them talking about their hobbies or their favorite sports. Even if they aren’t active in these events, ask about past experiences.
When they start talking it may re-ignite a spark. That can be a great starting point in helping them get through their issues.
Some people will never let down their guard, and that’s unfortunate. They’ve stopped living life, and they don’t appreciate any aspect of it.
But there’s hope for some. Even changing one life is a force for good.
They’ll become more pleasant to be around. And they may get to the point where they’ll help others who’ve lost their way.
JohnK 5-7-2019
stickman who apreciatesOverheard: When the crowd appreciates you, it encourages you to be a little more daring, I think.
                               ~ Julius Erving
***Photo by MARK ADRIANE on Unsplash
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Helping Others Deal with Adversity

At some point in your life, you’re going to experience adversity. It teaches you that you have the strength to overcome most anything that comes your way.
Sometimes, others you know may need help when dealing with their adverse situations. GenuLines reminds you that your experience of self-help puts you in a good position to offer them help.
banner helps with adversity

Helping Others Deal with Adversity

cloud of adversityThe people you’re trying to help may need to open up about their situation. If they’re denying that it’s occurring, it’s going to be difficult to help them.
They won’t accept your offers of help because they don’t believe anything is wrong. Or worse, they’ll get angry with you for even suggesting something is wrong.
A helpful approach
There’s a way to help them realize they have a problem. Ask them how they would handle a similar situation if they needed to help someone else.
This gets them to focus on an outside entity, even if fictitious. This lets them start the process of identifying the problem.
It doesn’t guarantee that they’ll come around. But it can get the process started.
Helping people to recognize the problem helps them take action.
You may want to search for help online. Research before they do so that you can help them when they get to that point of doing the research themselves.
It’s not a bad idea to learn more about the situation. You’ll be better able to help them.
Your adversity experience
If you’ve dealt with the specific situation before, that will speed the process. The person you’re helping can ask questions about your experiences and what you did to cope or get through it.
You will likely have a list of resources prepared from your experiences. You can volunteer to go with them to any support groups or meetings.
But once they get started they may be able to do it alone.
Helping others deal with adversity is not an easy task. You should expect to get resistance, especially in the beginning.
But, if you can get them to see the problem, they may be ready to take action towards the recovery process. It can be rewarding to know that you helped people start on their road to recovery.
JohnK 4-30-2019
stick figure hears about adversityOverheard: “The bravest sight in the world is to see a great man struggling against adversity”
                             ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca
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Do You Know Your Optimal Routine Zone?

Do you have a favorite time of day to do your work? Not everyone’s a “rise and shine” thinking dynamo.
Today GenuLines looks at different peak productivity times. Let’s see where you might fit into one of them.
banner helps find zone

Do You Know Your Optimal Routine Zone?

People have certain times of the day when they do their best work. They get more done and are more focused.
Some do better in the mornings. Others in the afternoons.
relaxing in the zoneThen there are the night owls, who can produce the most during the later hours. These are their optimal routine zones.
What is your optimal routine zone? Are you a morning person or do you cringe at the thought of getting up early?
Do you have vampire blood that lets you do your best work at night?
Match up with the zone
Whatever you find to be your optimal routine zone, set your tasks to work during these times. Do as much of your work as possible during this optimal zone.
Structure your day around it.
Working during your optimal time doesn’t mean you do nothing when you’re outside of those zones. Your boss will likely not take too kindly if you slack off.
Instead, you should use this time for activities that are not as taxing. These include making phone calls and other non-stressful activities.
Sometimes, you’ll have no choice but to do more of the heavy lifting during your “off times.” If this happens, you’ll have to make the best of it.
Zone out
Another problem is that you may be working in a job that does not coincide with your optimal zones. That’s a tough one. 
You may want to adjust or to move on to opportunities where you can work during your optimal times.
If your job involves being creative, this concept of optimal zones is going to work in your favor. For instance, if you are a writer, try to do most of your writing during these times.
You can use the other times to answer emails, post on social media, or check out forums related to your writing. If you’re writing for a blog, try writing several posts in your zone. 
Schedule them as if you’ve written one per day, etc.
Increasing your productivity is knowing your advantages. Find your optimal work zones and use them effectively
This way you’ll increase your productivity. Your manager will notice this, and it could help you when asking for a raise or getting a promotion.
It will also give you the satisfaction of a more fulfilling job.
JohnK 4-23-2019
stick figure hears about zoneOverheard: “It’s a hard thing to leave any deeply routine life, even if you hate it.”
                                          ~John Steinbeck, East of Eden
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Your Routine: Good, Bad, or In Need of a Tuneup?

We’re talking routine today. If yours is working for you, way to go!
If not, GenuLines is here to help you power up your routine 
call for a routine

Your Routine: Good, Bad, or In Need of a Tuneup?

Routines are neither good nor bad. It all depends on the context by which you apply them.
symbol for routineIf your routines are making you crazy, or have you in a rut, it may be time for you to break away from them, at least temporarily. Then again, if you don’t have some structure in your life, routines may be what you need.
If you’re feeling like you’re in a rut, consider going on a vacation. This can be a great way to reset the ordinary.
It can also lead to meeting new people or opening up opportunities. How many stories have you heard of people going on vacation and falling in love with the place they visited?
But keep in mind that making the new place your home can result in still more routine. Another way to shake things up is to join a club that you wouldn’t otherwise join.
For instance, if you never tried a certain type of craft, join a local club where you can learn all about that craft. Or, join a group that plays music together.
You may have to learn an instrument or try out with the group as the singer. No matter what the activity, try doing it in a different way.
If your life is a bit unstructured, and this isn’t working for you, try to introduce some routine into your days. This could be as simple as creating a to-do list.
And you might want to find someone who can hold you accountable to the routine. People form accountability partnerships for this purpose.
You can hold your partner accountable for reaching their outcomes.
Many people find having a mix of routine and spontaneity works best for them. Doing something spontaneous helps to break up the routine before the people get into a rut.
Getting back to those routines after taking a break will restore order in their lives. This isn’t necessarily the way everyone will work best, though it’s worth a try.
Make sure you give yourself some time before writing this off.
Only you can decide whether you need to incorporate a routine or if you have too much routine in your life.
Remember, you’re the only one who can determine if you need to do a mix of routine and spontaneous action.
JohnK 3-19-2019
stick figure shows routineOverheard: “It’s a hard thing to leave any deeply routine life, even if you hate it”
                                 ~John Steinbeck



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Action Steps For When You Don’t Trust Yourself

Many people don’t trust themselves for one reason or another. If you include yourself in this group ask yourself why.
Today GenuLines helps you break the issue down and begin to change. Once you discover the problem, you will be well on your way to learning how to trust yourself.
Call to trust yourself

Action Steps For When You Don’t Trust Yourself

Start with your childhood. No, this doesn’t mean you have to spill your guts to a shrink while lying on a couch.
Baby learns to trustThose early years can give you some clues into why you don’t trust yourself. Could be your parents were distrustful of themselves.
Siblings or other relatives might play a part. The purpose isn’t to blame them.
Recognize that it happened and use it to move forward.
Not trusting others can be habitual. It isn’t too much of a stretch for that mode to extend to you.
Start putting trust in other people and they’ll likely appreciate you for it.
Are you an overly sensitive person? If so, this could cause you to be mistrustful of yourself.
A sensitive nature can cause you to take others’ remarks out of context.
It’s not wrong to be sensitive. You only have to realize that it can cause you to misread what others are saying or feeling.
When trust doesn’t work
Putting your trust in others is going to backfire sometimes. Some people aren’t trustworthy.
They may even put on a front that they are. You should accept this as a part of life, and try not to project experiences from a few onto other people.
Otherwise, you are going to continue to maintain your wall.
This wall will make it difficult for you to trust others as well as yourself.
Another reason for not trusting yourself is that others don’t trust you. If you are not trustworthy, how can you expect to trust yourself?
You may not even realize this is happening.
You may think you are doing right by others when in fact, you aren’t. Ask friends and family to assess whether you’re trustworthy.
That can be a hard pill to swallow, but you’ll get great insight. Try not to get upset if people tell you that you aren’t trustworthy.
It’s a learning experience.
JohnK 3-12-2019
stick figure shows trustOverheard: ” Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow”
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Self-Doubt And What You Can Do About It

Have you ever wrestled with self-doubt? That might seem like a silly question.
Most people doubt themselves at some point in their lives. Scroll down for some good words from GenuLines on dealing with self-doubt.
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Self-Doubt And What You Can Do About It

Why do people engage in self-doubt? The reason is that it’s easier to doubt yourself than it is to believe that something is possible.
ape with self-doubtYou may believe in your concept, but it’s something that hasn’t materialized yet. It’s unfamiliar territory for you.
Our protection mechanisms tell us to reach for something that’s familiar. We use this as a reason to quit.
The unknown also helps us to come up with excuses. It’s easy to say it won’t work because, and then insert whatever reason can set your mind at ease.
You can even find help from others in coming up with excuses. They have plenty of them for you to choose from.
If they didn’t, they would be succeeding at their goals.
A survival mechanism
Sometimes self-doubt can help us survive. For instance, someone tells you that you can jump off a cliff and survive.
Your self-doubt probably jumps in and tells you this is a bad idea. Self-doubt can sometimes keep you from making bad financial decisions.
This might be an opportunity that sounds too good to be true.
In most cases, self-doubt is not something that will advance your life. It will hold you back, and you need always to be aware of that.
Don’t take the easy way out. Do prepare yourself as much as possible for unfamiliar situations.
But, go forward with a strong belief that you can complete what you set out to do.
Try to structure your life so that you have more positive than negative energy. Flush out as much negative energy as possible.
Use affirmations, support groups, or whatever works for you.
Negative energy is what self-doubt is all about. Two forces are opposing each other.
If you have 100% negative energy that means you have 0% positive energy. Try to tip the scale toward as much positivity as possible and push away the negativity.
No shortage of negative energy
It’s unlikely that you can ever have 100% positive energy. But, you can work towards exposing yourself to positive energy.
You can stop listening to or reading the news, and you can reduce your exposure to negative people. Positive people do exist.
You just need to find them.
JohnK 3-5-2019
stickman with self-doubtOverheard: “Every time I start a picture I feel the same fear, the same self-doubts, and I have only one source on which I can draw. Because it comes from within me”
                                                  ~ Federico Fellini
Photo by Paolo Nicolello on Unsplash
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Thyme For Some Sage Advice About Parsley

You sit down to dinner and you can’t wait to dig in to everything, EXCEPT the parsley. Today GenuLines looks at the humble parsley and why it’s a nutritional star!


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You may have seen that parsley on your plate and thought of it as a mere decoration. And while parsley is often used as a pretty garnish, it also has many health benefits.
parsley on cutting board
It turns out that parsley is very high in antioxidants. These chemicals help to prevent disease and improve your health in general.
What exactly is so special about parsley? It:
  • slows the aging process
  • contains powerful antioxidants luteolin, vitamin A, and vitamin C
  • can strengthen your immunity
  • helps your body repair connective tissue
  • strengthens bones and teeth
  • repairs cuts and scratches faster
  • protects you from hardened arteries and heart disease
  • discourages plaque buildup in your blood vessels
  • protects nerve cells to help prevent nervous system disorders
The natural oils in parsley are also known to fight cancer. Specifically, you can reduce your risk of colon cancer and prostate cancer.
You can even get some protection from the carcinogens in cigarette smoke. (though parsley consumption won’t make it a good idea to start or keep smoking)
Parsley can help inflammation-related diseases. These include arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and autoimmune disease.
How much do you need to eat to get the benefit? It turns out that you only need about two (fresh) tablespoons each day.
This gives you the vitamins and antioxidants it provides in high levels.
Parsley is delicious in its own right. It makes a great compliment to many dishes either raw or cooked.
Raw parsley gives you you the most benefits. And don’t forget to throw a few sprigs into the juicer for a tasty and healthy drink! (you can mix the juice with something sweet like apple)
Oh, there’s also a cosmetic benefit to consuming parsley. The oils and texture of parsley help to clean your teeth and freshen your breath after a meal.
This is great when you don’t have time to brush your teeth between meals.
Next time, instead of leaving the parsley on the plate, go ahead and eat a bit of the garnish to get the health benefits.
You’ll come away with fresher breath and an army of nutrients to help keep your body healthier and younger.
JohnK 12-4-2018
man hears about parsleyOverheard: “He who takes medicine and neglects to diet wastes the skill of his doctors.”                          ~Chinese Proverb
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