Tag Archive for new age

Out With the Clutter and In With the Good Chi- Post Script

A quick note about the problems with our recent Chi For Yourself postings on Blog Talk Radio. We received this note from BTR and it further explains an earlier mention on this site about the “glitches”:..


Dear Valued BlogTalkRadio Host, 

In recent days, your BlogTalkRadio show may have been adversely affected by technical difficulties with the BlogTalkRadio website. It appears that during prime time hours (our busiest on the network), BTR suffered a series of “Distributed Denial of Service” attacks. Unfortunately, DDOS attacks on prominent websites, banks, and government institutions have become quite common. In recent weeks and months, sites such as Amazon, Facebook, and the Washington Post, among others, were hit by DDOS attacks, resulting in temporary outages.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience these attacks may have caused you and your listeners. Rest assured that our technical, security and operations teams are working around the clock to ensure that our network, and your shows, remain safe from unwanted hackers and intruders.

Yours Truly,

Alan Levy
CEO, BlogTalkRadio


Article: Out With the Clutter and In With the Good Chi- Post Script


Just wanted to add a little encouragement for you on this final day of declutter posting. Once you have gained the upper hand on your ‘stuff’ you have to be aware of clutter creeping back into your life. Like so many things it’s easier to do if done on a regular basis.


Have a regular system. Look at how you do things and how the junk stacks up. In fact, think about individual systems for most everything,  email, laundry and more. Write down the system in steps and follow as best you can. Don’t fall into the do-it-tomorrow mindset. You’ll keep the hassle to a manageable level if you deal with things right away. Remember: ditch it, donate it, or designate an area for it.


John K 4/19/2013

Image for overheard


Simplicity is making the journey of this life with just baggage enough.”
                                                       – Charles Warner



Slacks, Ties, and Video Tapes: Out with Your Clutter and In With the Good Chi!

Problems with our BlogTalkRadio post caused the Tammy Strobel interview to be pushed back to Saturday April 13th. We saw a similar snafu with the previous week’s Polly Campbell interview. It’s rare when we have these types of snags, but we’re caught up now. If you didn’t get to hear the shows you can catch them here:


Polly Campbell is the author of Imperfect Spirituality: Extraordinary Enlightenment for Ordinary People

Picture of Polly Campbell

Polly Campbell


Tammy Strobel is the author of You Can Buy Happiness (and it’s Cheap): How One Woman Radically Simplified Her Life and How You Can Too.

Picture of Tammy Strobel

Tammy Strobel



I’m really getting into this de-clutter “thing”. This week I’ve managed to unload what seems like a lifetime worth of stuff, though there’s still a long way to go.

Excessive clutter can creep into every area of your life, like waiting to do your taxes until the final day (which just happens to be today!) It spills over into your total enjoyment of life. Clutter can steal your attention, be a physical and mental burden, and ratchet up the chaos in your life. Moving out your stuff can seem to be  mission impossible if you don’t have some sort of plan for getting it done. This week I’m “chunking it”- concentrating on small steps each day.

Today I’m starting with the office. There are papers everywhere (research, you know!) Then the computer area. I gotta get to work. I’ll have a report on the office cleanup, and in fact I’ll update ya with posts this week. If I get any brainstorms on how to make this project go a little easier I’ll send them along.


JohnK 4/15/2013


Image for overheard

Overheard: “Eliminate physical clutter. More importantly, eliminate spiritual clutter.

                                                        ~Terri Guillemets



A Vote For Conscious Living- Change We Can Live With

X placed in voting boxIn the days leading up to the election in the U.S. there’s been a flood of discussion on the merits, or should we say demerits of most every candidate seeking office. Have you noticed how comparisons center on their missteps and shortcomings, usually leading to the dreaded “lesser of 2 evils” conclusion? Maybe it’s time to have a thorough look under the hood of the electorate. A bit of tinkering is in order.

Mountains of copy have been written about individual consciousness and it’s effect on the quality of one’s life. This blog/website is a contributor to that very end. But this election year seems to make one thing perfectly clear and that’s the need to re-examine voters’ collective consciousness. Just as one person’s concentrated thought brings results into his or her life, the dominant thoughts of a group of people (or a nation for that matter) will translate into the people’s frame of reference. If the masses are putting their attention on the “evil” of another people then they can expect to be visited by an equal or greater experience of evil. If they keep stoking the fires of distrust can they expect anything other than a generous helping of what they were afraid of in the first place? Can we continue to sustain a burning hatred for the political system and its offerings for elected office?

I heard a talk show host say that Washington is nothing but a cesspool. I suggest that Washington and literally all centers of power are more like reflection pools. We don’t get the government we deserve, we get the government we are. If our dominant thoughts center on hostility, mistrust, greed, discrimination, and non-cooperation how can we be surprised at the tack of our public servants?

You’ve probably heard the expression “when you change the way to look at things the things you look at change.” Could we also say that if we change the way we look at things society will change as well? If you really want change, vote with your thoughts before you pull the lever.


JohnK  11-6-2012



Clipart image of overheard“By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it.

The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired.”

– Nikos Kazantzakis