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Why You’re Not Happy (And How to Change This)

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Why You’re Not Happy (And How to Change This)

So you’re reading this while you grapple with feelings of discontent in certain areas of life. Especially when it comes to being happy.

I get it.

Quick fixes and hacks don’t deliver and don’t help your mood. The changes they bring don’t last.

Their temporary highs don’t give you genuine fulfilment. Enter GenuLines and our ways to point your life toward fulfillment.

The truth is, your life isn’t a circumstance beyond your control. Your happiness and fulfillment are not accidents or the result of external factors.

happy smiling character

They/re a direct result of the choices you’ve made in the past.

The law of cause and effect is undeniable: every decision you’ve made has led to where you are today. Your thoughts, more than anything else, have shaped your life.

Your thought patterns and the way you choose to think have created the circumstances you’re in. And here’s the good news: you have the power to change your thoughts and, in turn, change your life.

As humans, we’re incredibly adaptable. We can thrive in most any environment, no matter how challenging.

But we often forget this power and allow our circumstances to define us.

We become victims of our own expectations and standards. We forget that we created those standards in the first place.

One key to happiness and fulfillment lies in recognizing that you have the power to choose. You can choose to focus on what you can control and scale up from there.

You don’t have to be held back by your current circumstances.

So, where do you start? Focus on the areas of your life where you’re doing reasonably well – the areas where you have control.

See if you can improve them, broaden them, or expand your area of control. From there, you can tackle the more challenging areas that may be holding you back.

Remember, your life isn’t a fixed landscape. It’s a dynamic, ever-changing environment that reflects your choices and decisions.

Choose to focus on what you can control and adapt to your circumstances and you can create a more fulfilling and happy life.

Don’t wait for external circumstances to change; change yourself by changing your mindset. You have the power to choose.

And with that power comes the ability to create a life that truly reflects genuine living.

JohnK 2-10-2025

stick man hears about being happyOverheard:  The habit of being happy enables one to be freed, or largely freed, from the domination of outward conditions”

~Robert Louis Stevenson

Article Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/yellow-cube-on-brown-pavement-208147/


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5 Steps To Decide What To Do Next In Life

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5 Steps To Decide What To Do Next In Life

Are you feeling stuck in life and have no idea what to do next? Do you feel paralyzed with fear at the very mention of change?

First off, you can be proud of reaching this state. It means you sense that your life is shifting.

Yet, knowing where to begin or what to do can be overwhelming. So, if you’re facing this decision, these GenuLines points are for you.

Below are five steps to help you decide what to do next in your life.

Take a Step Back

When you’re looking at what to do next in life, it’s imperative to stop and take a step back. Take a look at the big picture to identify where you want to go and what you want to do.

Too often, we struggle with all the ways of how to get there without fully knowing where ‘there’ actually is. We don’t take the time to highlight what’s working in our lives and what’s not.

man facing life decision

So when we reach a crossroads, we’re baffled and unable to move forward. This is when taking a step back can help you specify where you want to go as you move on in life.

Understand What Fulfills You

Get to know what makes you you. Dig deep and do some soul-searching to understand what motivates you.

Ask yourself these questions: What drives me and makes me excited? What are my values and beliefs?

And, what contributions do I want to make to my community?

What’s important to me? What are the skills and talents that I bring to the table?

Explore Your Passions

Make a list of all the things that you’re passionate about and explore those options in more detail. It’s important to analyze your options on emotional and intellectual levels.

To do this, try to imagine how each one impacts your thought processes and your emotions. Do this step without worrying about any of the whys, should-haves, and would-nots.

Instead, connect more with your subconscious. Find out what resonates with you and your core values.

For instance, let’s say you value innovation and technology. You might look for positions at industry-leading businesses.

If family culture suits you might be better off seeking a job at a small family-owned organization.

Learn New Skills

No matter how many great skills you already have, it’s always nice to learn something new. Whether it’s soft skills or hard, think about what you’d like to learn.

Look for places in your community or online where you can take classes.

For example, you want to learn more about graphic design. You may consider applying to an art program.

Or you could be interested in gardening. You can take a class in gardening and plants, then apply for a job at a garden center or arboretum.

Whatever ever you do remember to set short-term goals that follow the SMART plan. This framework ensures that your goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based.

Let Go of What Could Be

Change is scary because you don’t know what to expect from your decisions. This fear keeps you in a state of inaction and apprehension.

But what if you could let go of all that worry just for a few minutes?

To do that, you need to trust yourself and maintain a positive mindset. Have faith that whatever comes along, you’ll find a way to handle it.

Stop thinking of change as something to be dreaded and feared. Instead, you can begin to think of it as something stimulating that adds a layer of excitement and intrigue to your life.

Be open to whatever life brings your way. It may surprise you with an even better outcome than the one you first imagined.

Final Thoughts

These five steps can help your personal and professional life short term and long. It’s a tough journey, but if you’re determined to make it, it can also be extremely rewarding.

Now, all that’s left to do is take that first step to discover your purpose and get back on your life’s path.

JohnK 1-27-2025


stick man hears about life decisionsOverheard: “The purpose of life is a life of purpose”

~Robert Byrne


Article image by Yan Krukau: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-in-gray-suit-sitting-on-black-chair-covering-his-face-7793987/



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Is Your Money Mindset Setting You Up For Failure?

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Is Your Money Mindset Setting You Up For Failure?

Dreaming of getting rich? You can’t help but admire the extravagant lives of celebrities and influencers, right?

It’s easy to fantasize about living like them. But as you chase after riches, are you losing sight of the things that matter?

Today, GenuLines invites you to explore this crucial question.

Man showing money mindset

It’s often said that if you do something you love, the money will follow. This worked for me and it provided me with a good life (story for another time)

And after all, common sense says that you’ll approach something you love with passion.

But what if?

What if making money is your driving force? You’ll chase the dollar from one job to the next or from one opportunity to the next.

You’ll get seduced by false offers of riches. Over time, you’ll look back and see that you didn’t actually get real fulfillment.

The quick buck

You may be successful in the short term. You get that extra dollar from a new job.

Or you squeeze a quick buck from your business. But, you’ll be searching for more and more money.

You could even put yourself into a position where you can’t handle the new job due to lack of experience.

In other words, you didn’t give your previous level enough time to develop a foundation. You jumped ahead, and now you’re unclear what to do.

It’s a concept known as the Peter Principle, named after the person who came up with the idea, Peter Drucker.

Money isn’t as important as many try to make it out to be. For instance, what good is having a high-paying job when you have to work 80-90 hours a week?


Many people who do this look back at their lives and wonder why they did it. While they may have a lot of money when they get older, they likely don’t have fulfillment.

Another possibility is the heavy workload needed to get that wealth also gets them to an early grave. The money they earned is useless to them.

If you’re happy with what you’re doing, money becomes a less urgent priority. You do need money to live, and you shouldn’t settle for work that pays less than you’re worth.

So reach a balance between your paycheck and doing something that you enjoy. It can bring a whole bunch of fulfillment into your life.

JohnK 12-2-2024

Stick figure hears about money mindsetOverheard: “Wealth is largely the result of habit”

~John Jacob Astor


Image photo by Photo By: Kaboompics.com: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-man-in-gray-long-sleeve-shirt-5717843/


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Self Development And Your Success

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Self Development And Your Success

Life experiences come and go. But, how do they impact your life’s success?

Some of us insist that every event serves a purpose. Negative events can challenge you to see the positive in them.

A “looking with new eyes” mindset might open you up to more positivity. And GenuLines has some practical tips on guiding you on this journey.

Feeling as if you’re a failure

There are no failures in life – only people moving through different experiences. How can others accept you if YOU can’t accept yourself?

Comparing yourself to media figures

Don’t compare yourself to them. The same holds true for the real people you meet.

There is no need to obsess about your looks, financial situation or anything else. Self acceptance does not depend on those things, nor does the approval of others.

Man prepares for success

Down and out

When you see that other people are feeling down about themselves, give them a helping hand. But if you find that they’re determined to stay in their negativity, leave them to it. Nobody benefits when you’re both in a tailspin.

There are no mistakes – only lessons learned

Don’t feel stupid or doomed because you failed some kind of test. See failure as a step on the road to success.

Take things one at a time

It’s fine to have big goals but split them down into realistic, simple steps. Self development means working on habits that you have built up over years or decades. You will not turn everything around overnight.

At YOUR best

Understand that self development will help you to be the best YOU that you can be. It will not turn you into somebody else. Look for your own strengths and build on them, instead of comparing yourself with others.

Little things matter

Sometimes, we don’t realize that the little things that we do are like a pat on the back. Saying “hi” or “hello”, or passing little compliments can mean a huge amount to other people.

Be sensitive to other people’s plight. Help them to see the positive in their lives. This will come back to you in a positive way.

You’re willing to accept change

But it doesn’t mean that everyone else is. It may not be the right time for them, or the method you are using may not be what they need. So do everything you can to be successful with your self development, but don’t bore others with it.

There’s a profound quote that says that “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” We’re all here to learn our lessons.

Your parents, children, friends, colleagues, neighbors, even strangers. They all have the potential to be your teachers.

Open the door to self development. You can learn from every person and every situation that you encounter.

JohnK 11-4-2024


stick man hears about reaching successOverheard:  “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out”

~Robert Collier

Article image by Zen Chung: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-pen-writing-on-a-notebook-5749155/



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Why Do We Avoid Certain Tasks?

You can avoid some tasks but they don’t go away. It’s like a child covering it’s eyes and thinking that will make something go away.

With that in mind GenuLines opens your eyes so you can get things done.

Why Do We Avoid Certain Tasks?

Do you find yourself dreading a particular task in your life every time you must complete it? Do you often wonder why you avoid it?
There are several reasons we avoid completing specific tasks. And the reason why this is can vary from individual to individual.
list of tasks

You Don’t Think You’ll Have Fun

You may not believe you’ll have fun completing it when you think about that task. Or it could be you’ve performed the task before and didn’t have fun.
Humans generally want to avoid doing things that lead to unhappiness. This is especially true when they are especially difficult or complex.


When you’re tired, you will generally avoid certain tasks. Even if they are tasks, you usually have fun doing.
This is because you’re tired and need to get some rest.
If you avoid a task because you feel exhausted, then it’s time to get some rest and try to approach it again later. It’s tough to focus when you’re fatigued.
And that could lead you to become distracted as an avoidance tactic for certain tasks.

You Don’t Think You’ll Do Well

Fear of failure can leave you feeling afraid of embarrassment or looking bad. This fear is quite common and one of the easier ones to overcome.
Usually you can remedy it working on self-confidence and self-acceptance.

Medical Conditions

When everything else fails there may be a medical problem behind your procrastination. If so, get treatment and you see an uptick in your motivation.
The reasons on this list may be separate, but they all boil down to a lack of motivation. If so, you need to own up to it.
Once you realize this, you can find the cause to motivate yourself in the future better.
JohnK 7-25-2023
stick man hears about tasksOverheard: “There is nothing so fatal to character as half finished tasks.
                                     ~David Lloyd George
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Find the Source of Your Motivation

Lack of motivation can throw cold water on the best of plans. So let GenuLines help keep you on the path toward realizing exactly what you want in life. 

(Listen to this article by clicking here)

Find the Source of Your Motivation

You get your work assignment. You know what you have to do.
You’ve got to get started – but somehow, you lack the motivation to get off square one.
Success won’t be had without motivation.

Where’s the source of your motivation?

man thinking about motivationWhere can you turn for the inspiration that will propel you forward? We’re all different and we’re all motivated by different things.
You may get motivated by visualizing completion of the task and reaching the goal. There may be a job promotion in it for you and a bigger paycheck.
Or you want to finish another chapter in the book you’re writing, or you look to lose five pounds by the end of the week. Seeing the goal in your mind could motivate you toward success.

Visualize completion

Never lose sight of your ultimate goal. Know you’re going to get what you deserve and push forward with renewed motivation.
You know that success is not only an option but is a real fact. Keep this in mind and motivation comes easier.
Motivation without the skills to achieve your goals is not enough. If you know you’re lacking something to move forward motivation is hard to summon.
Knowledge fuels motivation, and to a lesser extent, so does persistence.
Change your environment
New surroundings often give you a renewed outlook on your life. It can be something simple.
Put a new plant in your home or office, hang a new picture or open the curtains and let in the light.
This also includes surrounding yourself with positive people. When you’re around positive and successful friends their attitude rubs off on you.
You absorb their energy. But you’ll also absorb the energy of negative people or depressing surroundings.
Other methods
Find the source of your motivation and re-evaluate your tasks. Brainstorm and look for new information.
You can do this by taking a break. Go for a walk, exercise, work in the yard or relax with an inspirational book.
Using your brain in different ways will stimulate it. And stimulation leads to motivation.
Do something for others
When we do for others we find motivation within ourselves. Many times the way to achieve your goal is to assist others in reaching theirs.
Seek to serve and you’ll become energized and motivated when people rely on you. Disappoint them and you disappoint yourself – and you’re not going to let that happen, are you?
Some find a motivational source by talking or reading aloud to themselves. Keep an inspirational book handy at all times.
When you actually hear the positive affirmations they become more effective.
Motivation comes from many different sources. Look within and find what works for you.
Believe in yourself. Look forward to the good that will come into your life.
Do these things and expect motivation to come your way..
JohnK 2-1-2021
Stick figure hears about motivationOverheard: “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great”
                                    ~Zig Ziglar
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How Meditation Can Benefit Your Motivation

Meditation might not be your first thought when your motivation is on the wane. But GenuLines knows that it can be a go-to tool for those times when you lose your spark, 
How Meditation Can Benefit Your Motivation

meditation momentThe downward spiral of low motivation can seem like an impossible cycle to break. During those times productivity and accomplishment can seem like unattainable goals. 

There is one simple tool you may not have considered before that can get you back on track, and that’s meditation. It’s an exercise that goes well beyond providing relaxation.

Focus and Concentration

Focus and concentration are by-products of meditation. But don’t force the issue.
This could have a negative effect on your motivation.

Increased Happiness

More and more of us are being diagnosed with depression. It’s no surprise that happy people tend to have more energy and higher self-confidence.
And motivation raises happiness by helping release the brain’s “happiness hormones.” When you’re feeling more positive, you’re likely to have more desire to get things done.

Less Stress

Meditation leads to a more relaxed state. This is due to the way it allows the brain to slow down as it receives sensory input.
This relaxation and improved processing leads to reduced feelings of stress and overwhelm. With less stress comes a feeling of more control, which then fuels your motivation.

Positive Thinking

One of the biggest killers of motivation is negative thinking. A pessimistic view can come from many sources.
Think depression, poor habits, or general life difficulties.
The beauty of meditation is that it “rewires” brain patterns. This process encourages more positive thought patterns.
The result is a reset that helps you become more motivated.

Clarified Goals and Purpose

Taking time each day for meditation can give you a great deal of insight. This helps with reassessing what’s most important in your life.
When you have a better picture of your priorities, your goals and life’s purpose become clearer. Knowing where you want to go kicks your motivation into high gear.
And you’ll feel a greater urgency to take the necessary steps on the path to your dreams.
The benefits of meditation for increased motivation are many. There are various types of meditation.
You can begin to research on your own or find a teacher who can help you develop a practice that works for you. What’s most important is that you get started.
And maintain consistency in your meditation practice to get the most effective results. Soon you’ll be tackling your to-do list and pursuing the life goals that matter with renewed vigor.
JohnK 11-16-2020
stick figure man hears about meditationOverheard: “When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace”
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6 Hacks to Keep Your Motivation Going Strong

Motivation is great- when you have it. But sometimes it slips away like the proverbial thief in the night. 

Just ahead you’ll find some GenuLines tips to bring the motivation back where it belongs.

(To listen to the article click HERE)

6 Hacks to Keep Your Motivation Going Strong

robot needing motivationSo you got motivated recently. Maybe you saw an awesome speaker or got a stinging dose of honesty from a friend or family member.
But initial motivation often fades…so here are a few ways to keep it going strong.
1. Remember the pain points
In sales lingo, pain points are problems that come about when the solution offered is not taken. Try to keep in mind all the things that could or will happen if you don’t stay the course.
For example, if you were once motivated to go running three times a week. Think about what will happen if you don’t give your heart the exercise it needs.
2. Don’t play leapfrog
Feelings of motivation can sometimes slip into the category of finding the next high. Don’t bounce from goal to goal.
Instead finish what you start before getting motivated about something else. Let’s say you enjoy language and made a goal for yourself to learn French.
Learn it before you switch to learning German, and then Italian, or whatever else.
3. Know Thyself
When you try to reach goals that other people set for you, your motivation can wane. Take a look at those goals.
Make sure they’re yours…not goals that other people want you to achieve. If they’re not, you may want to set them aside and reassess where you’re going.
4. Visualize
Picturing realizing your goal is a big help in motivating you to succeed. And it has some awesome side effects.
The positive energy you give that imagery will affect you at a subconscious level. The mental affirmation that you can achieve it will do loads for your self confidence.
This will also also help you stay the course.
5. Let go of stuff beyond your control
When it comes to motivation, it can be easy to give up because things don’t’ go according to plan. Learn to let go of things beyond your control. If you don’t they’ll reduce your motivation to succeed.
6. Get organized
If you want to stay motivated, you need to work a little bit to keep the motivation alive. If you don’t it’ll slip under the radar.
Motivation will be just another feeling unless you crystalize it. Put your goals on the calendar and make an action plan.
JohnK 8-31-2020
stick figure man hears about motivationOverheard: “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing–that’s why we recommend it daily.” 
                                                       ~ Zig Ziglar
Article image by Dmitry Abramov from Pixabay 
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Handle Adversity: Consider Opposing Viewpoints

Adversity can bring you opportunity- an opportunity to do your homework! GenuLines helps you get an edge by looking at all sides of an issue.

call to action for adversity

Handle Adversity: Consider Opposing Viewpoints

Adversity often grows out of misinformation about a situation. You know the information might not be true but you act on it as if it was.
A good way to counter this situation is to take the other end of an argument or the opposing viewpoint.
two men showing antagonismFirst, consider the people you have an issue with and learn more about them. Do you disagree with their political views?
Or do you have some other bias against them? For instance, religion can bring out different standpoints and beliefs.
For the sake of discussion, we’ll call your opposition adversaries. You’ll need to find out more about them.
The internet is a good place to start. If you get stuck go old school. Visit your local library and ask the reference librarian.
They specialize in research and they can help you.
Get A Read on Things
Read material that you normally would not. Do this even if you’re not facing an adversarial situation.
It gets you in the mindset of accepting differences in others. You can look for magazines and books, or you can view blogs and forums related to the topic you want to learn.
You aren’t required to agree with adversarial topics. You only want to learn more about them so that you have information on your side.
Back your arguments with information. This will make it tougher to challenge you because you can cite your sources.
Play devil’s advocate when approaching any subject. Try to pose questions that your adversaries would pose. See if you can understand why they would pose those questions.
It may get you to rethink your own beliefs.

What were they thinking?

It’s also important to understand the motivations of your adversaries. Here’s an example. Fundraisers sometimes use a lot of hype to get you to buy into their message.
When this happens, knowing the facts will help you make your decision.
Try to stay away from name-calling since this never solves the problem. You’ll come off as petty.
And you might strengthen your adversary’s position.
It’s okay to argue with people when you have the facts on your side. But, some people won’t accept those facts no matter how hard you try to get them to consider them.
When this happens, there isn’t much you can do but walk away.
JohnK 9-17-2017
stick figure hearing about adversityOverheard: “Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune, but great minds rise above them”
                                ~ Washington Irving
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Pain: A Different Perspective on Dealing With It


woman in painOur next scheduled guest on Chi For Yourself has lived with chronic pain since 2007.

Sarah Anne Schockley offers fellow pain sufferers a compassionate and supportive guide for living with pain that can be used alongside their ongoing medical or therapeutic healing programs.



Sarah Anne Shockley is the author of The Pain Companion: Everyday Wisdom for Living With and Moving Beyond Chronic Pain.

Be with us for Chi For Yourself on Thursday, July 26th at 4 pm Eastern, 1 pm Pacific time at chiforyourself.com

JohnK 7-25-2019

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