Your career takes up a big slice of your life. It informs many of the decisions you make along your path.
Today GenuLines helps you consider whether it’s time for a change of direction.
(you can listen to the article by clicking on the player below or scroll down to read it)
Should You Take a Chance On Finding a New Career?
When I was a kid we looked for jobs right out of high school or college. And we usually stayed with that same job for as long as we could.
Finding work automatically meant we were doing the right work.
Those of us who questioned what we were doing got an earful. Criticism came from friends, neighbors, and especially family.
You might be in a similar situation and disillusioned with your career. It just doesn’t seem to be what you thought it would be.
Change gonna come
You’ve thought about changing careers, but that sounds a lot like starting over.
It’s scary, especially if you’ve been in a certain career for several years, or you’re older.
Hey, you’re earning a decent salary and you’re even climbing the “corporate ladder.” Leaving means you’ll have to work for less money and no seniority!
You think to yourself “what if this affects the people in my life?”
Breaking it down
Sometimes, getting out of a bad situation is enough to overcome a salary hit. You can make money online, either by selling or working for others.
Being at a physical location is no longer necessary if you’re looking to make extra money.
The second factor with a lack of experience is the newness of it all. This can be exciting as well as scary.
Think back to when you first started in your original career. Any new achievement put you on top of the world.
The third factor concerns the lack of seniority. Remind yourself that you’ve got job and life experience that you bring to the table.
Any management experience that you have can work in your favor, too. And your age brings wisdom you can draw on in adverse situations.
Staying in a career that you’ve grown tired of can make you bitter and take years off your life. If you’ve thought about taking a chance on starting a new career, remember that many others have done it.
Your passion in life seems so elusive. Yet, the ancients told us you carry it with you at all times.
GenuLines breaks down the process of carving out a path toward your passion.
(listen to this article by clicking on the player below)
5 Steps to Find Your Passion
If you want to live your best life, then you need to find your passion and follow it. Sounds easy, no?
Actually, it isn’t that hard, so it’s surprising that more of us don’t do it. Rather, we seem to choose existing over living a life of happiness and success.
To make a positive change in your life consider the following five steps.
Step 1: Dream Big
Everyone has big dreams. What have you done with yours?
Do you think about them, act on them or hide them away?
Help yourself find your passion and purpose, by dreaming big. List those big dreams you’ve had from childhood to today.
No matter how wild or funny, write them all down. Which of those dreams resonates most with you?
Which makes your heart sing and inspires you the most?
Now, if you’ve set your sights on being the first full-time resident of Mars, then double-check your list.
You may be coming from your ego rather than your Self.
Don’t expect your dream to be outrageous or huge. But expect that it will push you out of your comfort zone.
Be ready for the changes in your life that will help you achieve it. You’ve got to want it.
It needs to spark your inner passion and desire.
Step 2: Set Mile Markers (Goals)
I’ve always preferred the words “mile markers” to goals since goal has the sound of being finished.
Once you’ve fleshed out your ideal or dream you need to set your mile markers. They’ll lead you to your dream.
There will be other, smaller goals, that you will need to achieve along the way. You want to jot these down, too.
Step 3: Plan Your Way
Now that you know what you want and need to achieve, it’s time to plan what you need to do to get there. Think about several things.
The action you need to take. The resources you’ll need.
And anything or anyone that can provide help and support.
Step 4: Take Action
You know what you want, how you can achieve it and the steps to take. It’s time for action.
Remember you’re looking for a passionate life. One that fills you with excitement, joy, and success.
Step 5: Live Your Best Life
Once you’re taking action and seeing your direction you’ll find that your life starts to improve. Instead of dreading each day you’ll look forward to it with excitement and anticipation.
Your best life is the one that gives you achievement AND fulfillment. It’s the result of living your passion and your purpose.
You can get your desired result on your own. Or you can get the help of a coach or mentor.
Inspiration can come to you in a flash. But it can also avoid you when you need it most.
GenuLines invites you to read on for some ways to get access to this thing called inspiration.
(you can listen to the article by clicking on below or scroll down to read)
Five Effective Ways to Find Inspiration
At a loss for inspiration? Here are five techniques you can use to try and coax something new and exciting out of your brain.
They won’t always work, but give them a shot. They may just surprise you!
Go for a Walk
Walks are inspiring for many reasons. For starters, they allow us to take a break from what we’re doing and to change our environment.
In turn, this leads to new input. This can help us to gain a new perspective on whatever problem or task we’re wrestling with.
At the same time, walking is a monotonous task that allows our default mode network to kick in.
You could end up daydreaming, which is often, a source of great inspiration.
Ask the Right Questions
Sometimes, inspiration is merely asking the right questions. This can help to re-frame the problem and see it in a new way.
Let’s say you’re wondering how to solve a problem and you can’t come up with an answer. Make up a name.
Then try asking yourself how ‘Johnny’ would approach it. Likewise, instead of thinking about what you want something to be, decide what you don’t want it to be.
Take a Break
Sometimes, the best thing you can do to spark some creativity or solve a problem is to take a break. With a time-out, you stop trying to force the idea.
You ease your stress, and that lets ideas come to you much easier. This is why we’re often encouraged to sleep on big decisions.
Listen to Music
Music can be a great inspiration. It alters our mood and energy level and takes us to different places.
Often, you’ll find that music can leave you lost in thought. So try listening to some tracks while you mull over a subject, and see if that helps.
Talk it Over
You’ve seen ideas depicted as light bulbs. Or, as lightning strikes that show up in a flash, fully formed.
When you ask them most people admit that their best ideas formed slowly. They’ll tell you that they gestated for days, months, or even years before showing up.
Often, the best ideas come to us when we discuss them with other people. Even if we’re just thinking aloud, this can help us to see new perspectives.
Your goals are important to you. That’s why GenuLines used two days to cover the topic.
Today we offer some takeaway thoughts toward reaching your goals and building your genuine life!
How to Set Powerful Goals You Can Achieve (pt 2)
Be Measurable
At which point have you achieved the goal? If you can’t come up with a number or something that’s measurable, then you won’t have a real goal.
Let’s say you want your business to earn x number of dollars each week by a certain date. You would work out the how and why you’re going to do it.
Be Actionable
To achieve any goal there have to be steps you can take to get there. It’s like using a map to reach a vacation destination.
You need to draw a map to your vision of success with the steps and paths you’ll take along the way. Put not only what but when, and how you’ll reach your endpoint.
Be Realistic
You don’t want to work toward a goal that’s too hard to achieve or worse, impossible. Make sure to do thorough research and be realistic about your expectations.
For example, you’re not likely going to start a business today and earn six figures by tomorrow. Or even your first year in business.
Look at the research and determine what is doable and how you’ll do it.
Be Timely
Every goal has to have a time limit otherwise you may never achieve it. Start at the end and work your way back to today.
Create a list of things to do each day to finally reach the end result. But, do set a time limit. You can adjust as you get into the project if it works to be more realistic.
But resist the urge to change the time because you’re not sticking to your task lists.
Now Create!
Keep these points in mind to create powerful goals that you can achieve.
You’ll reduce your failure chances because:
you can always adjust your timeline and your goals
you’ll learn as you move along in the process
The important thing is to give each goal a lot of thought, consideration, and study before setting it.
Goals are a sort-of road map on your life’s journey. You want them to be satisfying, yes. But you don’t want them to be too challenging.
In this first of a two part post GenuLines offers a map to guide you on a comfortable and rewarding trip!
How to Set Powerful Goals You Can Achieve
Say you need a fresh start? O.K., you want to challenge yourself, but you don’t want to make things so tough that you fail.
First we’ll look inside, at the things that are important to you. And we’ll make sure that these goals are even doable.
Match Your Core Values
Start with four main areas in your life.
The better you goal fits into one or more of these the more likely your goal is achievable.
If for some reason a goal doesn’t fit into one of your core values, it’s not likely you’ll experience much success.
Be 100 Percent in Control
Goals that rely on others are not necessarily wrong. But they can be harder to achieve.
A goal you control 100 percent is one that you can reach.
Make sure fear isn’t getting in your way. Be realistic about whether you do have control or not and give yourself more credit. And, don’t blame fate for your setbacks.
Don’t think you lack control over your financial future because “that’s just how it is,”
Be Able to Envision the Goal
If you can’t see the end result, it will be very difficult to move forward toward achieving the goal. If you need to draw a picture, make a vision board.
Or take a day off to fantasize about your big dreams. Imagine how it all fits together in the big picture of your life. You need to see the end to be able to achieve it.
Be Specific-Spell It Out
Every goal you set needs to be very exact in nature. If you want to be sure to reach the goal, you have to know when you’ve actually reached it. Instead of saying “I want to start a business,” state exactly what type of business you want to start.
Know who you want as your clients. Know all you can to make the goal more concrete.
Your happiness level isn’t what you’d like it to be. Someone in your circle suggests that you should think positive thoughts. That’s the answer, or so it seems.
Today GenuLines looks at happiness as more than just staying in a positive mindset.
Happiness Is More Than Thinking Positive Thoughts
The dictionary defines happiness as “the state of being happy.” Not a lot of information to go on there.
Let’s look at some different things that happiness can be. But realize that in truth, happiness is in the mind of the beholder.
Your Needs are Met
When a person is happy, they usually aren’t wanting for much. It doesn’t mean that they’re not having a tough time.
Rather, they’re making what they have fill their needs.
You feel satisfied
When you’re happy you tend to feel satisfied with your life. You think about your life and feel good about your good fortune.
This could include your living space, your life partner, or the fact that you live alone.
Contentment is a hallmark of happy people. Whether it’s their job, home, health, or things in general.
Happy people do experience stress. But they have a way of drawing on their contentment when things are less than perfect.
You Are at Peace
A happy person often feels a lot of peace surrounding their life and family. They tend to know that everything will turn out okay.
They’re pretty good at turning negativity into positivity.
Your Definition
You can set your own definition of happiness. It’s not necessarily about getting tons of stuff.
It’s not about finding a spouse unless you want that. Or about having kids, unless you want that.
It’s a Journey
Happiness isn’t a destination where you’ll forever dwell. It’s a lifelong journey that will have many ups and downs and struggles.
Still, you manage to feel good about it.
In the 1989 movie “Parenthood”, one of the main characters is a struggling mother. She says she loves “the roller-coaster” of life.
Her husband, though, is struggling and not as happy. He focuses on the downs instead of the ups.
It’s How You Act
When you’re happy your actions lean toward the positive. You eat better, you move more, you think better thoughts.
Know that you have it in your power to be happy where you are in your life right now.
Thinking positive thoughts is not the be-all and end-all of happiness. It’s having your needs met, yes.
But it’s not about having everything, or even the best. It’s about being satisfied with what you have while also being able to work toward the things you want.
It starts with your thoughts. And it manifests with your actions.
Self-belief makes you unstoppable. Don’t believe it?
Allow GenuLines to offer you a little reminder of how this works.
The Power of Self-Belief
You’ve heard it before. If you believe in yourself, there’s little to stop you in whatever your pursuits.
It gives you the power to push forward and to defy the odds. You’ll be able to handle any roadblocks that come your way.
And you’ll brush off the naysayers.
It gives you peace of mind when you stick to your self-belief. To keep that self-belief strong, you need to define your goals.
You wouldn’t expect a general to fight a war without a map. You too need a map to guide you on how to proceed.
Too many people skip this step and wonder why they aren’t getting anywhere. Goals are your guidance, but carrying through with them is only done when you believe that it’s possible.
This belief is the energy you need to take action.
It helps you to focus on getting your tasks completed. You’ll also build confidence when you have self-belief.
It’s a powerful tool that will attract others to your confidence.
They’ll follow your lead, and you’ll help show them what is possible. When you run into any stumbling blocks (and you will), that confidence will help you see them through.
You’ll know how to take alternative action when necessary. The people following you will respect that as well. Several forces will try to beat you down.
You may even find yourself letting it happen.
You need to get centered on why you started your journey in the first place. Use affirmations to reinforce your message.
Be consistent with your affirmations
Unfortunately, many of the negative forces are going to be from your family and friends. They will see it as helping you avoid mistakes.
Many people will succumb to this negative pressure and give up. One way to prevent this is to join groups of like-minded individuals.
These can be connections to your business. Or they can be groups that focus on self-help.
These organizations exist to try and push the negative forces out. It’s great to go to meetings and get encouragement from the group.
These associations can lead to friendships that help you encourage each other. You may even form business partnerships from these friendships.
It’s good to know that you have this kind of support. They understand when everyone else around you doesn’t.
A to-do list can help keep order in your life. But does your list make the grade?
This GenuLines overview will help you get up to speed.
Does Your To-Do List Work For You?
The to-do list is a helpful tool. Something is satisfying about checking off an item when completed.
It can also be a reference when a boss wants to know employees’ progress. But, are you doing the right tasks to meet your longer-term goals?
That can leave you feeling as though you aren’t progressing.
Worse, you’ll be going through the motions of “doing something.” This will make the process of not getting anywhere that much more frustrating.
To-do lists are a good idea. But, you need to make sure they’re in-line with your goals.
You should consider taking a top-down approach to your tasks rather than bottom-up.
Start with your long-term goals
Where do you see yourself in a few years from now? If you can’t answer that question, you need to do some soul-searching.
Find what you want to accomplish at a high-level. Then, you can use that to break it down into granular tasks.
Finally, you use the mid-level tasks to help define the to-do list that you use daily. People put off setting long-term goals because the time frame seems so far in the future.
How can you be expected to know what’s going to happen five to ten years from now? It’s much easier to choose the shorter-term time frames.
You can measure what happens two weeks from now as it’s going to happen soon.
Some people believe that declaring a long term goal and chiseling it in stone commits them to it. Remember that circumstances can change, and goal adjusting may be called for.
Don’t be afraid to commit to your goals. You may want to create a few long-term goals.
As you’re working on what it will take to reach those goals, you can decide which path makes the most sense. You can take into account both feasibility and costs.
Some goals become unattainable for one reason or another, so prepare to change course. In fact, if you can project these possibilities, you can put them on your list of goals.
Set your goals and break them down into sub-tasks. Creating your to-do lists will become easier.
And, they’ll get you closer to accomplishing your goals.
You trust others, but in yourself, you’re not so sure. Are you in this camp?
Today GenuLines offers some ideas to help you turn this around.
Trust Your Choices To Work For You
You may have a difficult time trusting yourself. If so, you’re not alone.
Often, when you lose trust in others, you start to lose trust in yourself.
To help you overcome this problem, you need to focus on key aspects of trust. The first is to be mindful of your accomplishments.
Pass off your accomplishments as unimportant and they won’t be there to draw on when you need them. That’s sure to interrupt the process of trusting yourself.
Trust your instincts
This feeling will put you on target if it comes from the deepest part of you. An instinct is something you feel strongly about and does not come only from experiences.
It comes from something internal that defies explanation. It’s part of that inner voice that is telling you what to do.
You need only listen. How many times have you said to yourself that you should have listened to your instincts?
Opening up to others
A funny thing happens when you let others into your life. You find that you become more trusting of yourself.
Don’t be afraid to need other people.
Draw from the strength of others to supplement what you know. It’ll unburden you from feeling as though you have to do everything yourself.
And it will open you to the possibilities of trusting yourself.
Filter out negative information
You’re bombarded with negativity throughout your life. You get it every day in the news, at work, and too often, at home.
The more you learn to focus on positivity in your life, the easier it will be to trust yourself. A good first step towards this goal is to avoid negative people.
Trusting yourself sometimes requires a leap of faith. Take some chances.
Sure, you want to take calculated risks. But you don’t want to over-analyze every decision you make.
That will only cause you to stagnate.
It’s true that not everything will work out the way you plan. But you’ll never know unless you try.
The good news is that when you’re ready to try, many of your decisions will work for you.