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Computer Code Uses Routine – And It Works

Having a routine can help your life go a lot smoother. GenuLines borrows from computer science to give you a template for setting up your own routine.

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Computer Code Uses Routine – And It Works

Ever write computer code? It’s an effective way of creating routines. These snippets of code can repeat the running of certain functions or processes.
They prevent coders from having to write redundant code each time they need it. It’s an efficient way to code and saves countless hours for programmers.
binary code shows routine
From the machine’s perspective, it will run successfully every time you call it. This assumes the code is well-written and bug-free.
With the program loaded the device runs the routines on command.
Humans try to create routines for themselves. They write down processes that they handle on a frequent basis.
For instance, you might pay your bills on the same day every month.
You have a system for how you do it. You follow a step-by-step procedure to organize the eventual payment of bills.
The routines that you set up for yourself help you to keep an orderly flow to the work at hand. But unlike a machine, you are subject to error.
That’s part of the human equation.
You can’t help it, and this means that your routines are fallible. While it may be annoying, it’s reasonable because you’re human.
Sometimes, we try to use machines to automate as much of our routine as we can.
Routine and Your BIlls
Let’s take a closer look at bill paying. Rather than send checks you can automate your bank payments on a specified date.
In most cases, all goes well and your bills get paid on time. But, what if you forgot to deposit enough funds into your account?
Your automatic payment will fail.
This issue shouldn’t discourage you from automating your life. You need to realize that there is room for error.
Be ready when errors occur.
While the banking example is trivial, others may not. For instance, suppose someone in your company is leaving. and they transfer an automated process over to your control.
The process works well for a while, and then one day, it blows up on you.
Your company is depending on you to get the work done. You never learned the manual completion of the automated process.
And you don’t know anything about coding.
As you can see, routines are great. But they have their limitations.
Be aware of those limitations and make sure you have steps in place should your plan not work for you.
JohnK 8-6-2019
stick man hearing of routineOverheard:  “Zen is not some kind of excitement, but concentration on our usual everyday routine”
                          ~Shunryu Suzuki
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Can Vision Boards Help You Believe in Yourself?

It’s called a vision board. Its purpose is to reinforce some message about yourself or your goals.
But, does it really work?
Today GenuLines looks at the question from both sides.
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Can Vision Boards Help You Believe in Yourself?

man looking for vision boardsWhile “vision board” is not an official definition, it should serve to give you the concept in a nutshell. Are vision boards an effective tool towards helping your self-development?
First, we look at how they work. In general, you place information and pictures on your vision board.

Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay


These represent various aspects of your life. They can be personal, professional, or both.
You could have separate vision boards for personal and professional purposes as well.
Vision board pros and cons
One of the most significant benefits of a vision board is you can refer to it whenever you need inspiration. Or if an aspect of your life changes in some way.
You can update the board to reflect those changes.
Another pro (but possibly also a con) is that you can put whatever you want on a vision board. That’s great, but if it doesn’t help you with your goals, it may not be as beneficial to have it on the board.
In fact, it could hinder your progress since it takes up prime real estate on your board.
Remember that nothing is set in stone on your board. If you find something on it that isn’t working, take it down.
Vision boards are not for everyone
Some people find them to be a waste of time. They spend lots of time finding items to place on the boards and then never refer to them again.
It’s time that could be better spent elsewhere.
One use of vision boards is to place accomplishments on them. It’s easy to forget about events that happened earlier in our lives.
Keeping spots on the vision board dedicated to them will serve as reminders.
Don’t believe that you’ve forgotten about your accomplishments? Think back to what you accomplished in high school and college.
Or when you started your first job.
Having a handy reminder of your accomplishments boosts your self-belief. Each accomplishment will help you remember what you went through to get it.
This can help move you toward future accomplishments.
There are no right or wrong answers when creating a vision board. It just needs to work for you.
If it doesn’t, you should figure out why and adjust as you see fit.
signature for vision board article
JohnK 7-23-2019
stick man sees vision boardsOverheard: “Cherish your visions and your dreams, as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements”
                                         ~Napoleon Hill
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Appreciate the Small Things And Find Contentment

You’re intent on finding happiness, but what about contentment? You hear about appreciating the small stuff and feeling happy.
Today GenuLines asks you to turn your aim from happiness to contentment.
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Appreciate the Small Things And Find Contentment

baby feeling contentmentMost emotions are transitional, meaning you’re never in one state for long periods. People labeled upbeat actually do have moments of sadness or depression.
And even depressed people may not feel depressed all the time.
Think about a major event such as a war. When two countries are fighting, both sides lose lives.
It’s bloody, and it can last for several years. But, when the war is over, the countries are euphoric.
There will be no more bloodshed because of the war, and people can return to their lives.
But nothing that has changed in the world except that the war has ended. In other words, the sun still sets each day.
People still have to manage their lives.
The euphoria from the war ending doesn’t last long. Months later, the war is still over, but the euphoria has died down.
The same is true in a smaller way when you’re ill. For instance, suppose you have a stomach bug that leaves you uncomfortable and in pain.
When the bug passes you feel wonderful.
Yet, you don’t feel any better than you did when you weren’t experiencing the bug. It’s relative to the bad feelings.
That’s how emotional states work. They go from one to the other on a constant basis.
Appreciating the small things in life may lead to happiness. But, it’s likely you’re content more than you are happy.
Contentment can feel like a neutral state, leaning on the side of happy. There isn’t anything wrong when you’re content.
But, there’s also nothing ratcheting up your happiness.
Consider contentment before happiness
Striving for happiness can be stressful. The antidote? Gratitude. You’ll feel content without having to always push toward happiness.
Time spent in contentment means you’re doing something right.
Think about the people you love. And think about all you have, such as your health and a good job.
Imagine life without them and you’ll really appreciate contentment. That thought may even make you happy, if only for a short time.
JohnK 7-16-2019
stick figure feeling contentmentOverheard: “A harvest of peace is produced from a seed of contentment”
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How to Handle Being Laid Off

Being laid off sucks! As a broadcaster for many years, I experienced this over and over again.
Read on for the GenuLines look at ways to deal with layoffs.
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How to Handle Being Laid Off

You wake up every day and think about what you’ll need to do when you get to work. Once you get there you feel overwhelmed, but you know it’s good to have a job that pays the bills.
man laid offThis time, your boss calls you and several other coworkers into a conference room. A Human Resources person is at the meeting, too.
Then, your boss gives you the news that you’re losing your job.
Image by www_slon_pics from Pixabay
Your first thoughts are how are you going to pay the bills? Do you have enough money to cover your expenses for the next several months?
Where will I find a new job?
Even when you find something, it could take months before you end up starting it.
Don’t panic
Losing your job is a blow. But, it’s not the end of the world.
You’ll find something.
Or you may feel the urge to start an online business. It’s never been easier or cheaper to get something going.
Of course, taking that route isn’t an instant path to riches. It still takes work.
Don’t spend too much time on what happened with your job. Instead, focus on how you’re going to rectify the situation.
That focuses your energy and lessens the chance of having gaps in your work history.
Avoid crutches
Getting fired moves some people toward drugs and alcohol. It’s easy to get hooked, and once you do, it’s challenging to overcome the situation.
It could lead to you postponing your job search. Worse, you will likely alienate your family and friends.
Contrary to popular belief, alcohol is a depressant. If you’re pessimistic about your situation, it’ll drag you down even more.
Cut back on spending. Don’t rack up credit card balances that can reach unmanageable levels.
If you’ve saved some money for emergencies, use it instead of hitting up the credit.
If you find yourself strapped for cash, make sure you pay your mortgage or rent before other bills. You don’t want the bank hounding you or foreclosing on your property.
You can negotiate the payment terms on other bills.
JohnK 7-9-2019
stick figure is laid offOverheard: “Keep doing some kind of work, that the devil may always find you employed”                                                      
                                                ~St. Jerome
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Make Your Exercise Routines Less Routine

Your exercise routine is so, well, routine! GenuLines has a few ideas on making it less so.

And in the process making it less likely that you’ll abandon it.  

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Make Your Exercise Routines Less Routine

It’s difficult to get into an exercise routine, and for the few who do, it starts to become too routine. In other words, it becomes too easy to stop doing the routines and give up on exercising altogether.


exercise routine

When you do the same routines with exercise, you get fewer benefits from it after a while. Your muscles get used to the routine.

And they’ll reach plateaus that are difficult to break through.

By mixing up your routines, your muscles will have new plateaus to reach and will develop faster. This is why trainers vary their clients’ exercises.

They switch up the sets of routines to keep the muscles from not getting the benefits from new exercises. Then, over time, they bring back the previous sets to once again break up the routine.

Routine exercise is still better than no exercise at all. Without exercise, your muscles will start to break down and become out of shape.

But, once you start changing your routines, your muscles will develop quicker.

Also, your mindset about exercise will stay fresh. That’s one of the best ways to keep going with it.


You can look forward to trying something different. Of course, your muscles will hurt when you give something new a try for the first time.

But, it doesn’t last forever. In fact, it should be a reminder that those muscles haven’t been getting the proper exercises.

Most people break their exercises into two major categories, cardio, and weight training. You can do cardio exercises more often than weight training. In fact, you can do cardio every day.

But work the weights every other day or every two days. The rest period gives the muscles time to rebuild.

Even though you can do cardio training every day, it is still beneficial to break up the exercises. You can do the same exercise for a few weeks and then change to something different.

Or, you can alternate between two or more cardio exercises. If you use a treadmill one day, use a cycle the next.

If you jog one day, then swim on the next day, etc. Shaking up your exercise routines will give your body the most benefits.

And you increase your chances of sticking with exercising. You’ll be happier as well as healthier because of it.

JohnK 7-2-2019
stick figure learning exercise routineOverheard:   “Exercise should be regarded as tribute to the heart”

                                              ~Gene Tunney

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Knowledge, Trust and Being a Know-It-All

man increasing his knowledgeQuestion: When is knowledge not a good thing?
Answer: when it goes to your head!
This GenuLines offering is aimed at keeping you grounded while acquiring and using your knowledge.


(Image by Tumisu from Pixabay)


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Knowledge, Trust and Being a Know-It-All

It’s said that knowledge is power. It gives you the power to make decisions and even keeps you from making the wrong ones.
people gathering for knowledge
But, trouble comes into play when you get to the place where you believe you know everything. That can hurt your ability to make those decisions.
At that point, you’ll lose trust in your abilities.
You’re one smart cookie. After all, you went to a respected college.
You landed a great job after graduation.
But once you start working, you come to believe that you know everything there is to know. That’s when you’re in danger of losing your edge.
You’ll start to make bad decisions which could end up costing you a job or two.
It’s important to trust yourself with the knowledge you’ve learned. Just remember, times and technologies change, and you need to be ready for those changes.
Too many people get left behind by getting comfortable in their current positions.
Companies have been trying to help by offering training or tuition reimbursement. It’s a step in the right direction.
But without appropriate corporate or college training it’s a waste of money.
There’s another danger with companies that offer internal training. They can blame employees when those employees don’t learn from the offerings.
Even if employees learn their knowledge may not boost the bottom line.
These companies don’t rate the effectiveness of their programs.
What’s worse are broad claims that their training makes them leading-edge firms.
There are some great training programs online. These include websites such as Udemy.com, SkillShare.com, and others.
Keep in mind, though, that anyone can submit training modules. This can make your selection process hit or miss.
There are good offerings with these programs. But, you’ll want to get feedback from others.
Expired knowledge
No matter where you find training there’s a chance it will be out-of-date.
And sometimes courses get high ratings based on the fact that they’re well-presented. That gives you a false sense of security.
Be selective when choosing training for the current work environment. Be critical, but don’t let it stop you from seeking training.
Good training exists. Ask people you know for suggestions.
Stay in learning mode, no matter where you went to school or how much knowledge you think you have. In a world that keeps on changing, you’ll be way ahead of the curve.
And you’ll have the tools you need to trust your decisions.
JohnK 6-25-2019
stick figure gains knowledgeOverheard:  “Time, as it grows old, teaches all things.” 
                               ~Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound
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Consider Doing a SWOT Analysis on Yourself

We’re about halfway through a year-long GenuLines series of articles on self-improvement. It’s a good time to pause for an overall look at how we’re doing. 
The following offers a template for doing that.
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Consider Doing a SWOT Analysis on Yourself

man doing analysis
When people create case studies on businesses, they often include a SWOT analysis. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
If you can do this for business, why not consider doing one for yourself?
It can help you gain insight into yourself and reinforce the idea of believing in yourself.
The SWOT concept is usually diagrammed in quadrants or squares. Each represents one word or letter in the acronym.
You can put any of the words into any square
It’s customary, though, to use the upper left square for Strengths. The lower left square is for Opportunities.
The upper-right square is for Weaknesses, and the lower-right square is for Threats.
Fill up each quadrant with appropriate items relating to the heading of the quadrant. To take this a step further, ask family and friends to help you fill up the quadrants.
After you have them all filled, you can decide what needs improvement.
Stay positive
Don’t let the negative aspects of this process (Weaknesses, Threats) trip you up. You’re listing them to gain perspective in areas that you need your focus.
In fact, some weaknesses you may not want to tackle because it doesn’t interest you. Threats are merely items to be aware of and may help you try to overcome them.
The key to success is to be as honest as possible with yourself about all the items included in the analysis. If you aren’t, it isn’t going to help you much, and you may focus on the wrong items to improve.
Further, you may not be as strong in some areas as you believed, which also can lead you on the wrong path.
A good SWOT analysis is a great foundation for your personal and professional life. You can use it as a tool to advance your goals.
You’ll learn about yourself and who you are. But don’t rush this process.
You want it to be as representative of yourself as possible. It’s better to take several days or even weeks than to try to list items for the sake of filling up the quadrants.
Feeling comfortable with your analysis can help your self-belief.
It’s all there for you to reference and to refine your tasks and goals.
JohnK 6-18-2019
stick figure doing analysisOverheard:  “The analysis of character is the highest human entertainment”
                         ~Isaac Bashevis Singer
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Teaching Kids to Deal with Adversity

Parents want to shelter their kids from adversity as much as possible. They see the world as dangerous, and going into protection mode is understandable.
But kids need to learn how to deal with adversity. Sheltering them can prevent this from happening.
Below are some GenuLines suggestions for showing kids the way through adversity.
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Teaching Kids to Deal with Adversity

Can you teach kids about the difficulties ahead of them? It’s a delicate balance between knowing what to tell them and what to keep from them.
After all, many societies use movie rating systems to limit certain children’s viewing.
But they learn a lot from older siblings. And they learn from classmates in school (who also have older siblings).
They also take cues from parents who let profanities slip out, as hard as they try not to.
Kboy facing adversityids know more than we give them credit for, and they can handle much more than we want to believe. They watch the news and see stories of violence, terrorism, and other horrific events.
Even if you keep them from watching, they hear about the events in school. There is simply no way around it.
When kids know they can talk to their parents, they can handle most situations. It’s better to learn from the source, i.e., parents, rather than from outside sources such as friends.
Chances are the information from friends is not reliable. That’s one reason kids tell outrageous stories when they get home from school.
To help kids deal with adversity, be sure the set the stage for their behavior. If you lose it during your own challenges you can be certain they’ll do the same.
Stay as calm as possible and look for solutions. The kids will take your lead on this behavior as well.
Kids should also learn to help others at an early age. This way, they won’t be afraid to rely on others when they need help.
When they get older, they may be willing to reach out to friends or family members. Of course, they should try to take care of certain situations on their own before reaching out.
Again, it’s a delicate balance and a learning process.
Every family situation is different. Each may call for different ways of handling them.
The variety makes a step-by-step process tough if even possible. Early exposure to life’s situations is key.
This will pay dividends for them when they’re adults.
JohnK 6-4-2019
stick man looking for adversityOverheard: “The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.”
                                        ~ Chinese Proverb
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Let Your Daily Routine Move You Toward Success

Spontaneity is a lot more fun than routine. It helps to mix things up and keeps life interesting.
But too much spontaneity can lead to an unstructured way of life. Some people love that, but most find would find that difficult to maintain.
Today GenuLines asks you to take a look at or set up your daily routine.
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Setting Your Daily Routine

For starters, enough sleep is important for proper function. If you don’t have a routine, it’s not likely you will get the right amount of sleep every night.
a boy's sleeping routine

Your body needs to have its internal clock set to the same sleep habits.
What if you don’t have those things in place? You might find it difficult to go to sleep at night.
Or you’ll wake up from time to time during the night.
To help you get to sleep faster, make sure you go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time in the morning. Try to avoid drinking too much alcohol as this will disrupt your sleep.
You may fall asleep easier, but you will not go into a deep sleep. That deep sleep interrupts your internal rhythm, and you may not be able to fall back to sleep.
Snoozing over screening
Try to limit the use of electronic devices before you go to bed. Studies tell us devices such as laptops and tablets stimulate your visual senses. This makes it tougher to sleep.
You should have a routine for your diet, too. If you don’t set up the right diet and eat at the same time daily, you will likely have digestion issues.
Your erratic schedule has a downside, too. That’s because your body’s inability to regulate can cause weight gain issues.
An article about routines would be incomplete if it didn’t cover getting exercise. Exercise is also the one element where many people have a problem being consistent.
But a routine here can be a stress-buster. And it can bring better sleep.
You don’t have to incorporate intense exercise. Take a daily or every other day walk.
Then you can check off a big part of your exercise need.
Find the routines that work for you, and work hard to stick with them. Routines are habits, and it takes some effort to develop habits to the point where you don’t even think about them.
There’s room for some spontaneous activity, which everyone needs once-in-a-while. Don’t try to make major changes all at once.
Small changes are best since it’s easier to succeed with them.
JohnK 5-28-2019
stickman looking for routineOverheard: “The only routine with me is no routine at all”:   
                                      ~Jackie Kennedy
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Helping Others Deal with Adversity

At some point in your life, you’re going to experience adversity. It teaches you that you have the strength to overcome most anything that comes your way.
Sometimes, others you know may need help when dealing with their adverse situations. GenuLines reminds you that your experience of self-help puts you in a good position to offer them help.
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Helping Others Deal with Adversity

cloud of adversityThe people you’re trying to help may need to open up about their situation. If they’re denying that it’s occurring, it’s going to be difficult to help them.
They won’t accept your offers of help because they don’t believe anything is wrong. Or worse, they’ll get angry with you for even suggesting something is wrong.
A helpful approach
There’s a way to help them realize they have a problem. Ask them how they would handle a similar situation if they needed to help someone else.
This gets them to focus on an outside entity, even if fictitious. This lets them start the process of identifying the problem.
It doesn’t guarantee that they’ll come around. But it can get the process started.
Helping people to recognize the problem helps them take action.
You may want to search for help online. Research before they do so that you can help them when they get to that point of doing the research themselves.
It’s not a bad idea to learn more about the situation. You’ll be better able to help them.
Your adversity experience
If you’ve dealt with the specific situation before, that will speed the process. The person you’re helping can ask questions about your experiences and what you did to cope or get through it.
You will likely have a list of resources prepared from your experiences. You can volunteer to go with them to any support groups or meetings.
But once they get started they may be able to do it alone.
Helping others deal with adversity is not an easy task. You should expect to get resistance, especially in the beginning.
But, if you can get them to see the problem, they may be ready to take action towards the recovery process. It can be rewarding to know that you helped people start on their road to recovery.
JohnK 4-30-2019
stick figure hears about adversityOverheard: “The bravest sight in the world is to see a great man struggling against adversity”
                             ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca
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