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What Are You Doing with Your Life? Tips for Figuring It Out 

Yo want to make good life choices. But you can’t figure out where to start. 

Get some ideas today from GenuLines and then get going and start mapping it out. 

What Are You Doing with Your Life? Tips for Figuring It Out 

Do you often find yourself wondering what to do with your life? Many people reach a point where they feel they lack direction.
Instead of living life to the fullest, they only go through the motions.
sign says live life
If this sounds like you, there are things you can do to help you get out of the rut. Below, you’ll find some fabulous tips for figuring out what it is you want from life.
Consider Your Passions
If you want to know what direction to go in, it’s helpful to think about the things you’re passionate about. The things that motivate and inspire you will change from time to time.
For example, what you want today may look very different from what you wanted a few months ago. We change and adapt over time according to our experiences.
This means to keep a direction in life, we need to assess what it is we want. Figuring out the things you’re passionate about will help you to understand where to go next.
And what you need to do to get there.

Address Your Fears

Even if you know what it is you want to do, you might be stuck because of fear. It’s one of our most powerful emotions.
Fear can stop you from going after the things you want in life.
So, if you’re going to move forward and figure out what it is you must do in life, you’re going to need to address your fears. Figure out where the fear is coming from.
Then, be willing to work it them so you can stop it controlling your life.

Assess Your Current Goals

Do you have any goals you’re working toward right now? Chances are, if you aren’t sure what you’re doing in your life, you won’t have any goals to work towards.
This can exacerbate the problem.
You need to set goals to keep you motivated and positive. When you have something to work toward it gives you a purpose each day.
You generate more motivation to get you to where you need to be. Make sure you set small, specific goals that are easy to achieve.

You Don’t Need To Have It All Figured Out

Nobody has everything in life figured out. There will always be doubts and things you want to do better.
In fact, at times going with the flow can present you with a lot of opportunities you would otherwise miss.
Feeling like you don’t know what you’re doing in life can be lonely and frustrating. Let the above points help you figure out exactly what you want.
JohnK 10-3-2022
stick figure hears about lifeOverheard: “Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans”
                                   ~John Lennon


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Get Back on Track If You’ve Lost Your Enthusiasm For Life

When you lose your enthusiasm for living your life sucks. Simple as that.

But it’s not too late to get it back, and GenuLines is here to partner with you in the recovery. 

Get Back on Track If You’ve Lost Your Enthusiasm For Life

Feel like you’ve lost your enthusiasm for life? Does it seem like it’s not worth caring anymore?
You’ve got plenty of company.
Many people lose their enthusiasm for life somewhere along the way. Whether it’s mental or emotional , or because they’re stuck in a rut.
boy shows enthusiasm
But there are ways you can get back on track and regain your enjoyment of life. Let’s look at some of the things you can do right now to take back your enthusiasm for life…
What Is Holding You Back?
It’s a good idea to figure out exactly what it is that’s holding you back. Is it self-doubt?
Could be that you had unrealistic expectations that led to you giving up on what you wanted? Figuring out the causes can be the start of working your way back toward enthusiasm.
Get Into A Healthy Routine
Keeping a healthy and positive routine is important. The things we do each day give power to our outlook.
If you feel as though you’re going through the motions in life, switch things up.
Start with your morning routine.
Does it leave you feeling energized, positive, and inspired? If not, change it up so it better serves you.
Avoid checking your phone and the news as soon as you wake up. Do things the night before that will make your mornings easier.
When you start the day right, it can leave you feeling a lot more positive all day.
Surround Yourself With Positivity
As you’ve no doubt guessed by now, staying positive is key to regaining your enthusiasm. The people you surround yourself with make a huge difference in how you feel.
Keep negative companions and your outlook will head south, too.
The reverse is also true. Be around positive people and you’ll be more positive.
You’ll see opportunities and start to enjoy each day.
Your inner circle should consist of people who build you up and support you. When you have encouragement and support, it helps you to feel like you can take on anything.
Know When To Seek Help
At times depression may be the cause of a low enthusiasm for life. If you suffer with mild depression, the above tips may help you to overcome your current low state.
But, if you have moderate to severe depression, you may need professional help. Getting this help can prove invaluable for getting back your passion and joy for life.
Many of us go through times when we lose interest in life. Yet, the key thing to remember is that you’re not stuck.
There are things you can do right now to regain your enthusiasm and live a happier and fulfilled life.
JohnK 8-8-2022
stick figure hears about enthusiasmOverheard: “It’s faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes a life worth living.”
                                    ~Oliver Wendell Holmes
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Be Excellent by Taking Ownership

Your most excellent life begins with your taking agency for it. Simply stated, it’s all up to you. 

Start with these GenuLines tips to head you in the right direction. 

Be Excellent by Taking Ownershipman displays excellent

Are you trying to lead a life of commitment to displaying excellence in everything that you do? One way to do this is by taking ownership and responsibility for all your actions. 
Once you ‘own’ your choices and accept the consequences you’ll gain others’ respect. They’ll see you as someone they can count on. 




Take It Easy

The easiest way to display ownership is by not making excuses. If you were late for an appointment don’t come up with a ridiculous excuse.
Tell the other person why you were late, then apologize for not calling to let them know. 

Stay Inside

It’s easy to blame outside influences for your mistakes or oversights. No-one can control one hundred percent of what happens.
But you can control how you respond to certain situations. This reaction can change your life. 
Take ownership for your relationships, your education, your fitness and your social life. As you start this process you’ll find that you feel more confident and have a purpose in life.


Along with ownership you need to learn how to be flexible. Are you willing to do things in a different way?
This means not being stubborn when something isn’t working.
Take advice and attempt to change what you’re doing. If you do you will begin to excel at more tasks and this helps increase your confidence and self-esteem. 
Becoming a flexible person means that you’re happy to respond to a situation in a different way. When you’re flexible you’re not rigid and set in your ways.

Balancing Act

There’s another important factor in your move toward excellence in everything you do. This is the step of adding balance to your life. 
When you live a balanced life you’re focusing on those things that hold meaning for you. At the same time, though, you’re still mindful of those around you.
You make choices related to the way you feel and what you’re thinking.

Add It All Up

Balancing your life includes knowing not go out with friends when you need to finish up an important project. You recognize the importance of staying healthy and fit and you follow through.
Combine taking ownership, being flexible, and balance, into your life. You’ll be well on your way to leading a life that’s committed to excellence.
JohnK 6-20-2022
stick figure hears about excellentOverheard: Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
                                  ~ Vince Lombardi
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Motivation Through Adversity- A Proven Path

A life lived without adversity of some kind is rare. At it’s worst it can seem as though motivation is lost.

With that in mind GenuLines takes a look at a few who made their difficult roads work for them

Motivation Through Adversity- A Proven Path
People sometimes feel that they have no hope. They find themselves in dire situations and believe they’re never going to recover.
For instance, a person born with an issue that sets up barriers right from the start.
It’s understandable why they feel defeated. But there are examples of people who beat the odds and thrived in the process.
reminder of motivation
The Miracle Worker
One example is Helen Keller. At the age of 11, she lost both her sight and hearing due to an illness.
Her live-in teacher, Anne Sullivan, helped Keller prepare for college. She went on to became a prolific author and activist.
And she set up schools for the blind and deaf.
Birth of Greatness
You may have heard of Helen Keller, but have you ever heard of Nick Vujicic? Nick was born without arms and legs.
He’s now a motivational speaker and evangelist.
You can find plenty of videos of Nick doing activities as well as or better than people who have all their limbs. He refuses to let hid situation get in his way.
Super Effort
You may remember Christopher Reeves. He was an American actor famous for playing Superman in the 1990s movie series.
He developed quadriplegia after a horse riding accident. Shortly after the incident, he used his fame to help others who experience similar fates.
There are plenty of other examples of people who rose above their disabilities. It is a source of inspiration and motivation to others who feel helpless.
No Quit
These are all examples of people who would be likely to give up based on their circumstances but refused to do so. Their situations were in no way easy to deal with, and they all had long journeys to rise above their situations.
They not only accomplished something but excelled at it.
Someone in your life may be facing a particularly difficult situation. You can help them by showing the inspiration of the people mentioned in this article.
The Takeaway
Even you’re not in a dire situation you can get motivated by these inspiring people. For instance, if you are facing a problem, think about what these people had to go through.
Their experience will lend you some perspective. It’ll help motivate you to look for a solution.
And don’t look at this as reveling in their misery. Instead, you’re celebrating their lives.
And their ability to overcome the adversities they faced.
JohnK 11-8-2021
Stick figure hears about motivationOverheard: “Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records”
                               ~ William Arthur Ward
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