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Your Daily Routine Can Make Your Day

Is it time to make some changes to your daily routine? You want your day to get off to the best start possible. 

So, let this GenuLines list help you to tweak your routine. 

Your Daily Routine Can Make Your Day

When you were growing up you may have followed a strict routine. As an adult you tend to relax the rules.
This can lead to other problems.
To keep the issue count low create a daily routine. A structured life can yield many powerful benefits.
Develop good habits
One of the best reasons to create a daily routine is that it can help you change bad habits. The changes may be gradual.
clock as part of routine
But in time you’ll start seeing big improvements.
Boost your efficiency
Do you ever wish you could get more done and make the most of your time? A daily routine can add structure to your life and make you much more efficient.
You won’t waste as much time as you once did, and you day will be a whole lot more productive.
Improve your health
One of the most powerful reasons to create a daily routine is that it can help you improve your health. This goes for physical or mental health.
You’ll notice the changes in your mood and general wellbeing.
Sleep better
When you have a routine you tend to sleep better. If you go to bed at the same time each night, and awake at the same time each morning, you’ll feel much more refreshed.
Work in other habits like switching off screens and other gadgets an hour before bed.
Incorporate more structure
To reach your goals you need willpower and motivation. A daily routine can incorporate both.
Exercise is a good example. When you add it into your daily routine, it becomes an automatic habit.
And you won’t need willpower or rewards to keep it going.
Reduce and relieve stress
Knowing that you have a daily regimen can help you add even more healthy habits. This turns down the stress levels.
And it opens more possibilities for you to schedule time for relaxation each day.
So, there you have it, 6 reasons you should create daily routines. An effective routine can take time.
But once you have it in place you won’t regret taking the time to create it.
JohnK 8-2-2021

stick figure hears about daily routineOverheard:  “Either you run the day or the day runs you”

                                ~Jim Rohn
disclaimer for daily routine

Prioritizing: A Key Stress Management Skill

We’re into a stressful time of the year, and prioritizing tasks may not be top of mind for you right now. But it’s worth thinking about, especially if the stress is really starting to build.
Since wellness is a high priority around here, GenuLines offers a tip “yule” be glad you used!



prioritizing list
The skill of prioritizing can be a key tool in your ability to manage stress. It allows you to look at a set of tasks and determine which are the most important.
You’ll put your focus on completing those first at the expense of those lower on the list. 
It isn’t about working smarter, it’s about dedicating your time to the correct tasks. 
When you have a list of things to do you think that you won’t have the energy (or the time) to get through them all. So, a lot of it will get left undone and you’ll be left feeling guilty about what you couldn’t get to. 
But when you take the time to prioritize them you ditch the guilt. You’re more efficient.
It seems as though there’s an 80/20 rule in every aspect of life and prioritizing is no different. In this case, the rule states that 80% of your activities contribute under 20% of your value of work. 
Focus on completing 20% of your tasks (the most important ones of course). This way you’ll achieve more.
This should make your working life run a bit more smoothly and allow you to spend more quality time with your family (or yourself!). 
The Trick To Prioritization 
Well, there actually isn’t a trick. It’s all about choosing what you should be doing and what you shouldn’t be doing.
High priority tasks should be taken care of first. No doubt you’ll have more energy to do them at the start of your day anyway.
To achieve this, though, you need to be able to see what tasks or projects are of greatest importance. These jobs will help you achieve long-term goals, or have a consequence for not completing. 
You might be thinking that everything on your list is important – they’re all urgent. But in the big picture many of the activities you consider urgent are not.
Good prioritizing lets you finish the most urgent/important tasks early in the day. Then you can shift your focus to the non-priority tasks.
These are more than likely the jobs you find most rewarding. It’s human nature to put off tasks that aren’t enjoyable and instead indulge your enjoyable tasks.
You can put tasks in order of importance to keep yourself on track or categorize them. The choice is yours and you should choose whichever method would serve you best.
You can have a list of A tasks, B tasks, and C tasks. Of course, anything in the A category should be completed first and then you can move onto the B’s and then the Cs. 
While you make your list question yourself about tasks you can delegate or remove. 
Wrenches In The Mix 
What about unplanned activities? They can throw a wrench into the works. These types of tasks crop up all the time and often throw your day out of whack.
You have to rely on your instinct in these situations. When you’re better at prioritizing, you’ll be more confident making judgment calls.
But consider your goals and determine how best to fit in unplanned activities.
How effectively you handle these situations will depend on how clear you are on your goals. 
JohnK 12-11-2018
stickman prioritizingOverheard: “Action expresses priorities.”
                           ~Mahatma Gandhi