Tag Archive for daily habits

6 Effective Ways To Change Your Attitude Towards The Positive

It’s tough to feel positive these days. A lot of us need what I call an “atti-tune-up.” Today GenuLines takes a look under the hood to help you run on all cylinders. 

6 Effective Ways To Change Your Attitude Towards The Positive

Your attitude reveals how you live your life, how you treat others, how others treat you, and a whole lot more.
man feeling positive
It can help you be successful at home and work.
At the same, you’ll enjoy a sense of inner peace and confidence.
If you’re looking for ways to boost your optimism, these six effective ways can help you.
Have the Desire to Change
Change may be scary. But if you want a more positive attitude, you have to embrace change.
You’ll find you become a calmer, more accepting person. Your self-confidence will also get a nice boost because fewer things bother you.
Personal growth is a slow and steady process. Yet, it goes hand-in-hand with change and all the good that can come of it.
Find a New Vantage Point
Life shows us both a good side and a bad. They’re always there, co-existing. Which one you see depends on your perspective.
The next time something happens, try to look at it from more than one angle. If there are other people involved, try to picture it from their point of view.
Being aware of other people’s vantage points gives clarity and puts things in their right place. It also helps you see both the good and bad in everything.
To develop a more positive attitude, direct more of your energy to the good.
Develop Good Habits
Negative thoughts and beliefs lead to negative habits. A habit is a learned behavior that, over time, becomes reflexive. Start doing more of the good habits.
Develop one good habit at a time. For example, start with taking a 10-minute walk during your lunchtime.
Add 10 minutes each week. You may even find yourself waiting in anticipation for your daily walks.
Other good habits to try could be: Getting quality sleep each night. Cutting back on processed food, alcohol, or smoking
And being a more effective manager of your money.
Take some time to re-energize and de-stress. Give back to your community.
Practice self-reflection through meditation, journaling, or prayer. Find a hobby that indulges your creative side
Spend Time with Positive People
Positive people seem to find a way to see the silver lining in a situation. Their presence will lift your mood.
Their can-do attitude will remind you of your accomplishments and life lessons.
Hanging out with people who have a positive attitude can help you see things in a brighter light. It’s a scientific fact that, after a while, you’ll start to think and act like them.
You’ll start to be more optimistic and self-assured.
Focus on Solutions
Rather than spending so much time and energy focusing on the problem, try to focus more on the solution. Brainstorm one, or ten, ways to solve a certain prickly situation.
It could get difficult in the beginning. But soon, finding solutions will become an automatic response.
Live in the Present
The past contains all life lessons that have helped shape the person you’ve become. In the future your goals and dreams are lying in wait.
While they’re important, they’re both out of your control.
The only thing you can control is the present moment. You can either make it the best it can be or you can let it pass you by, causing you to spend the rest of your life feeling regret.
One great way you can live in the present is to practice mindfulness. Sit somewhere quiet for a couple of minutes.
Let your eyes wander to absorb everything going on around you. Whatever it is you’re seeing, take a few seconds to look at every detail.
Mindfulness meditation doesn’t only reduce stress by allowing you to live in the moment. It also teaches you gratitude for all you have and all you’ve accomplished.
JohnK 11-7-2022
stick man hears about positiveOverheard: Satisfaction consists in freedom from pain, which is the positive element of life.
                                    ~Arthur Schopenhauer
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How To Make Wellness A Habit In Every Part Of Your Day

You’re making positive changes in your habits. Have you included the wellness habit? 

You can make this second nature as GenuLines will show you today. .

How To Make Wellness A Habit In Every Part Of Your Day

You can become distracted by what life throws at you. This leads you to neglect your own well-being.
Days can be fast paced. But seldom do you slow down to think about the importance of maintaining your well being.sign urges good habits
Stress is commonplace in this scenario. Driving to work in gridlock traffic can make you a basket case.
But you can make better choices and develop good habits to make wellness a part of your every day routine…
Make a Decision and Stick to it
First, you’ll need to make the decision to live a healthy lifestyle. This is a step that many people avoid.
They end up giving up and reverting back to their original way of everyday living. Wellness is a decision (As simplistic as it seems) and it’s a necessary one.
How Can We Make Wellness a Habit?
Doing something over and over again until it becomes ingrained within makes it a habit. It’s like you’re rewired to now make choices without thinking.
So, here’s a few ways you can make wellness a habit every single day…
Set an alarm clock.
Make healthy diet choices.
Plan an exercise routine.
Make time every day to do one thing you enjoy.
Spend more time with friends and family.
If you do this every day as often as you can you’ll notice improved wellness. Being disciplined is the best way to go about it.
Especially in the fast-paced world we’re so accustomed to.
Alarm clock
Setting an alarm clock to wake up early is a good way to start your day. You’ll know exactly why you’re waking up early… to get things done!
The nutritional choices you make are crucial to physical wellness. Feeding your body live foods (Vegetables, fruits, lean meats, grains etc.) will make you feel good.
And they’ll give you energy for the days ahead.
Daily exercise
The benefits of exercise are wide ranging. From improving mental health to creating stronger and more capable bodies
And there’s more. Exercise helps prevent chronic disease like Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease and Osteoporosis.
Enjoy life
We tend to get too focused on things like work, personal issues, relationships etc. . But why can’t we take the time to laugh and enjoy being in the moment?
It’s so important to relieve stress by putting worry aside for a little bit each day to focus on leisure activity. We’re not meant to always be in fight or flight mode.
Having leisure time can bring down accumulated stress levels.
Have healthy relationships
The relationships we develop and maintain in life are essential for wellness. Having a sense of worth often comes from the love and appreciation of others.
We want to get along with others and function as a society. Friends and family can give a nice boost to our self-confidence and happiness, too.
Make Wellness a Daily Habit
Make a decision to live every day in a state of wellness.  At the very least, you’ll have a good start in creating healthy everyday habits.
Good habits can take you far. Wellness is a determining factor in your ability to be productive and effective.
JohnK 10-17-2022
stick man hears about habit formingOverheard: “All people are the same; only their habits differ”
Article image by Drew Beamer on Unsplash
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7 Small Habits That Will Change Your Life

You barely notice some of your habits. Yet one of more of them can lead to big results.

Go big with this GenuLines look at a life changing process. 

7 Small Habits That Will Change Your Life

It’s hard to imagine sometimes what deep impact small things can have. But if you’ve ever doubted the impact of tiny actions then think about how erosion created the Grand Canyon.
Over time, something as small as sand, water, and rock have created one of the most awesome of nature’s miracles.
So too will small habits affect your life in such a way that they create lasting and significant change. Read on and find some habits you can start immediately implementing.
These can reshape you into the person that you’re meant to be.
man keeping good habits


1. Get up on time

Starting the day with repeated hits of the snooze alarm sets a bad tone for the rest of the day. You set the alarm with the intention of rising at that hour – why are you breaking that promise to yourself?
By getting up on time, you’re putting a positive start on the day. Shouldn’t you give yourself the best odds of a good day as possible?

2. Make every meal healthy

It’s hard to feel energized when you’re slogging along on a diet filled with fats and sugars. When you put more healthy choices onto your plate, you will feel better.
Your mind will be sharper, and you’ll be better energized to get through the day.
Start small. Add a salad to your meal.
Or replace dessert with that piece of fruit instead.

3. Exercise

Fancy equipment or huge time investment isn’t necessary here. Start small.
Try taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator.

4. Read more

Dedicate a half hour of every day to your mind. It’ll stay sharp while you expose yourself to new ideas.
Pick books that inspire you or encourage you to think.

5. Be an ‘idea’ person

Make a goal of writing down a few ideas every day. Some researchers suggest ten.
But even one new idea a day gives you material to challenge yourself.

6. Become more mindful

Meditate. Even a brief meditation has a positive impact.
It can reduce stress and lower your heart rate. Plus it corrals your mind when it’s running in a million directions at once.

7. Think about your day

When you finish the day, reflect on your accomplishments. Focus on the things you’re proud of, on the things that made you smile.
These actions shouldn’t take long – even 15 or 30 minutes a day on some of these is enough to create lasting change. You’ll not only feel better, you’ll like the person you’re becoming.
This is building ‘you’ at your best. If a small change can do all that, then isn’t it time you got started?
JohnK 6-6-2022
Ostick man hears about habitsverheard: “A nail is driven out by another nail; habit is overcome by habit”
Article Photo by Marc Najera on Unsplash
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Make Better Personal Decisions

You never know when one of your everyday decisions will turn out to be a life changer. It’s best to be prepared for whatever you face. 

So GenuLines has prepared some pointers to guide you in the decision making process.

Make Better Personal Decisions

man facing decisionYou’ll make countless decisions in your life. Some of these decisions are small. (What should I watch on TV?) and some of these decisions are big. (Should I take that job overseas?)
But, the outcome of a vast majority of these decisions, big or small, affects us in a very personal way.
These outcomes can have both a positive and negative effect on your life. So it makes sense that you take the time to learn how to make better personal decisions.


Under Construction

You use your brain to make decisions. That brain is the product of millions of years of development and evolution.
And it continues today.
Think of this development as the remodeling of an old house.
In the beginning, there was the original house.
Over time, you might add a garage.
Then, a family room. Then a second story.
Follow that up with a fireplace. The point is the skeleton of the old house is still there.
Over time it’s surrounded by all the new additions.

The Old and The New

Our brains evolve this way. Parts that developed a million years ago work alongside newer parts.
Newer as in those that developed ten thousand years ago.
It’s like the light sockets in the older part of the house. They’re designed for a different era, so to the older parts of our brains.
Yet, today the whole brain works to make decisions that have a direct affect on us.
Studies show that the average person makes a decision in less than ten seconds. When confronted by a life and death situation, you don’t have time to think about your next move.
Otherwise in less critical situations your best move is to take some time to think.

Easy Does It

A primary step in learning how to become a better personal decision maker is to teach yourself to slow down. Then think about the decision that’s facing you.
With any decision, big or small, you need to take the appropriate amount of time. You want to assess and weigh all the choices involved.
Look at all the angles and all the possible outcomes. Start making choices that increase you chances for positive results.
JohnK 5-30-2022
Stick figure hears about decisionsOverheard: “The risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision”
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You Can Improve Your Character Defects

Your character is not set in stone. There are ways to make changes that can power up your life. 

Let GenuLines start you on your own character re-charge.. 

You Can Improve Your Character Defects

Everybody has at least one character defect. But it’s how you go about changing your bad habits that define you as a person.
Life is non- linear and non- stagnant, and nobody is perfect. Keeping that in mind, be gentle on yourself.
And open your mind as you discover your character defects and work towards changing them.
examples of character



What Are Character Defects?

They are what seem to be harmful or toxic traits hindering your growth. These present issues for you in your life.
It could be a vice, your habits, or a way of thinking. It’s something that you have may have recognized as a problem area that you would like to fix.

Changing Your Personality

Personality changes don’t happen overnight. It’s a process.
As humans, we spend most of our lives changing and evolving. The key is to acknowledge and work on what you see as an issue in your life and take action to fix it.
Personality has to do with your mind and the way you think. Here are some steps and things to think about as you work on overcoming what you believe is holding you back.

Progress Not Perfection

We spend the majority of our lives working to better ourselves. The goal is to start the process chase this idea of making progress, not finding the solution.
It’s the steps you take toward the solution that count.
Time is linear. But remember that progress and life are very much non-linear in how and when events in life happen.
It’s okay if something doesn’t work. The goal is to keep trying. 

Replace Behavior

Replace malicious behavior with positive behavior. Substitute destructive activities with alternative tasks.
Use these to distract yourself. It can be something productive, but it doesn’t need to be.
The goal is for it to be less harmful than whatever it is you are trying to replace. This will do one of two things.
It will rewire your brain until you won’t focus or crave that harmful activity. And two, it would provide you less time to think about such.


Don’t give up. Aim to change and improve yourself as a person.
This is an ongoing process. We’ll spend our whole lives improving.
And we’ll become better versions of ourselves each time. It won’t be perfect, but the idea is progress, not perfection.

Let Go

Let go of old negative behaviors from your past. Work towards conquering past pain so that you can move forward.
Let go of the things that stop you from moving forward. The ones that make you bitter or bear a grudge, and in general, anything that’s not making you happy.
Taking off that bitter edge will allow you to move forward and give up things that no longer serve you.


Envision what you want for yourself and who you want to be. In a sense you’ll be a role model for yourself.
And you provide yourself something to strive toward. Control your narrative.
You can become the type of person you want to be. You have the power to change.
Not right away, but over time.

We grow

Everybody has something that could fall into the category of a character defect. We’re always growing and evolving.
Identify your problem areas and make a plan to address them. This will go a long way to a happier, healthier life.
JohnK 3-21-2022
Stick figure hears about characterOverheard: “You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.”
                                            ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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Eight “Bad” Habits That Are Actually Good for You

Some habits we break, while other habits we make. But some of the not so good ones can work in your favor.

Join us as GenuLines unwraps this riddle for you. 


Eight “Bad” Habits That Are Actually Good for You

picture of habits

Believe it or not, some bad habits are good for you. Your parents may have tried to punish you out of or control us out of doing these things.
Of course, everything in moderation, right? Let’s look at eight “bad” habits that are actually good for you that you can stop trying to end now.


1. Fidgeting

If you tend to wiggle a lot, your mom might have tried to stop it. Your partner might try too.
Yet, fidgeting is good for you because it burns more calories and keeps your blood moving.
This is especially true if you have a job that requires a lot of sitting. Sitting is comparable to smoking in damaging health.
So anything that can undo that damage is a good thing.
2. Gum Chewing
Sugarless gum is good for you. That’s if you have the right dental work or your own teeth.
Chewing gum burns calories and helps you eat less. It freshens your breath and also cuts down on cavities.
3. Video Games
While there may be some games that aren’t worth the added benefit. But in general playing video games helps with developing fine motor skills.
It keeps the mind nimble. And by some reports can help give relief for chronic pain conditions by taking your mind off the problem.
4. Daydreaming
Finding a way to allow your mind to get bored enough to be able to daydream is very good for your mind. It clarifies your goals in life, too.
You won’t create lofty goals for your life if you can’t daydream.
5. Swearing
Most of us feel that swearing is inappropriate. But studies show that swearing in a certain way reduces stress.
Remember that swearing is completely different from a slur. A slur is something you say about a person, whilst a swearword is a curse word – otherwise known as an expletive.
6. Messiness
If you are a messy person by nature, take heart; you’re likely also a very creative person. Messiness is sometimes a sign of creativity.
If you want to be more creative, don’t become messy on purpose. But realize that sometimes being messy is part of the creative process.
7. Sleeping in Late
They say that “the early bird gets the worm,” but does it? Sleeping well and enough each night is important to your health and brain function.
If you stayed up late and need to sleep in and it won’t cause you to get fired or miss something important – go for it.
8. Passing Gas
Passing gas is a normal action. It gets rid of built-up gas from your digestive tract. to prevent bloating and pain.
Of course, you don’t want to do some of these things when other people are around. But it’s okay to accept some of them as part of who you are and part of living life.
As long as you can choose the habits you create, you can build a life in line with what you want it to be.
JohnK 3-7-2022
Stick figure hears about habitsOverheard: “The truth is that everyone is bored, and devotes himself to cultivating habits”                                       
                          ~Albert Camus, The Plague
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Signs Your Current Routine Needs an Update

Your daily routine can be so hum-drum that you don’t even notice. This can leave you feeling that you’re sort of stuck in “neutral.” 

Get your life back in high gear with this GenuLines look at how you can get back up to speed, 

Signs Your Current Routine Needs an Update

Daily routines can be invaluable for improving our lives. But they aren’t all equal.
When you’re creating your first routine, there are several things you may miss out on or get wrong. At first, it may have worked for you.
But now you’ve stopped seeing the progress you wanted.
As humans, we change and evolve over time. Where you are now and how you feel willDull routine look completely different from how it did a year ago.
This means, what works for us, in the beginning, may not work for us further down the line.
Not sure whether your routine is working for you? Examine the issues, situations, and signs below.
They can help you decide if you need to hit the “refresh” button.
You find the routine is difficult to stick to
The right routine will become easy to follow over time. But, all routines need effort in the beginning.
When you’re making changes, the mind needs time to adjust. It has to re-learn different patterns of behavior.
It’s often said that it takes around 21 days to build up consistent habits. If you’re still struggling after 21 days, it could be a sign you need to change it.
You don’t see the value in it anymore
When you first start following a routine, it adds a lot of value to your life. It can boost energy levels, reduce stress, and make you feel happier.
You’ll have few problems identifying the value in the things you’re doing.
If you’re struggling to see the value in your routine, changing it up can help. Over time, you change and the things that once helped you are no longer relevant.
This means it’s important to make changes as you and your circumstances change.
There is no room for spontaneity
Daily routines create structure. Yet you want to leave some room for flexibility.
Life is unpredictable and it needs factoring into your routine. If you make it too strict, you’ll find it’s much harder to follow.
Stick to including the most important tasks in your routine. These include habits to improve your mornings.
Don’t aim to create a strict timeline of how your day should go.
You find change more difficult now
One of the great things about a daily routine is that it gives you structure. And it should leave room for change, too.
If you use your daily routine to avoid change, it’s time to stop.
Many people find that change is a lot tougher if they’ve been following a strict routine. Such as adjusting to a rigid new schedule.
Any change can leave you feeling stressed out and overwhelmed. But it’s important to be open to change so re-doing your routine may be necessary.
These are some of the top signs you may need to update your current routine. Remember, over time you may need to alter your routines.
You’ll be making room for any lifestyle and personal changes.
JohnK 2-21-2022
stick figure hears about routineOverheard:  “The fixity of a habit is generally in direct proportion to its absurdity”
                                      ~Marcel Proust
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Why Personal Growth Matters

Think of your personal growth as the measuring stick of your life. The quality of your progress can affect the quality of your years. 

And GenuLines wants to make you aware of that quality and how you can improve it. 

Why Personal Growth Matters

How much time have you dedicated to your personal development in the past year? Six months? Week?
Unfortunately, society trains us to put other things first, like education and careers. We’re not downplaying their value in life.
We only want to point out the importance of taking the time to invest in our self-improvement.
Today, we’re talking about all the reasons why personal growth matters. As you’ll find out below, it makes up a huge chunk of your life as a whole, no matter how old you are.
graph showing growth
So, let’s get started.

What Is Personal Growth?

Working on accomplishing things in life, setting goals, and achieving them. This is personal growth.
It starts with the drive to do and be better.
Even before that, you have to start with a positive mindset. That helps boost your resilience and keeps you going, even when things don’t go your way.
The beauty of personal growth is that it’s subjective. It’s different for everyone, like success.

A Closer Look

Some people define being successful as having a happy, healthy family. Others define it as having a career, or more money than they know what to do with.
Even though personal growth is a bit more elusive, it’s all improving as an individual. This can be polishing up your education or refining your temperament. Whatever it is you’re seeking out of life, that’s your personal growth journey.

What’s In a Name?

Because it’s so diverse and covers so many aspects, it goes by several names, including:
*Personal development

Why Does Personal Growth Matter?

Now that we understand what personal growth is, you can see how it can have a positive effect on someone. Then, without even trying, that person will motivate others to work harder and do better.
So, personal growth isn’t a solitary journey. Yes, you do the hard work. Yet, you reap so many rewards that soon you realize it was all worth it.
Working on developing as a person will help you in various aspects of your life. You’ll shine at work and you’ll notice people will start to praise your accomplishments.
You’ll also grow into a more compassionate and loving person. Listening and being attentive will become second nature. You’ll feel good about yourself, and you’ll make others feel good as well.

How to Start Your Personal Growth Journey

Empathy and positive thinking are two traits we seem to lose over the years. Personal growth can help you regain them.
Here are some of the things you can do to begin achieving personal growth.

Set Short-Term Goals

Aim to set and achieve short-term goals. When creating goals, keep the following in mind:
Make your goals realistic
Divide long-term goals into several short-term ones
Write each goal on a Post-It and hang it on your desk or bathroom mirror
Recognize and accept your strengths and weaknesses
Treat yourself to something nice every time you complete one of your goals

Keep Learning

We’re never too old to learn. Keep an open mind and take a step out of your comfort zone, and you’ll find fascinating things to learn about.
Ask any entrepreneur, and they’ll tell you they never stop learning. Their fascination with the world is what keeps them a step ahead of everyone else.
The trick is to find something that piques your interest. Nowadays everything is evolving so fast, there’s no shortage of that!

Find Your Purpose

What makes you happy? Find what makes you giddy with happiness, a.k.a. your purpose in life.
Each one of us has something that drives them and sets them apart from everyone else. Find what you want and go after it.
Even if you don’t know much about it, you can always learn. Thanks to modern-day technology, there are plenty of options to choose from.

Wake Up Early

Having healthy sleep patterns will regulate your physical, emotional, and mental states. You’ll feel more energized and ready to tackle the day that lies ahead.
Studies looked at people who make a habit of waking up early. They found those people to be healthier, happier, and more productive. It may take some time to get used to, but, once you do, you’ll never go back!

Read More

Many of us have given up on reading, thanks to our ever-present smartphones. You have to start the habit of reading each day, even if you read one blog a day.
Acquiring knowledge can be quite satisfying. You feel both competent and good. It’s an easy way to boost self-confidence and personal growth.

Personal Self-Acceptance

Knowing what your talents and skills are, is a vital part of self-acceptance. Likewise it’s important to recognize the areas where you’re not as strong.
Be confident in what you’ve accomplished and forgive yourself for any past mistakes. That’s the first step to accepting who you are and realizing your true worth.
We’re all here for a reason. Take the time to find out what yours is.

A Final Note

Understanding why personal growth matters is like understanding the secret of the universe. It can mean the difference between being happy, hopeful, and feeling dejected and lost.
Well, of course no one wakes up saying, “I want to be miserable.” It requires hard work and dedication.
You have to have a positive outlook and accept yourself for who you are. Only then can you unlock your true potential, which I have no doubt, will be amazing!
JohnK 12-27-2021
Stick figure hears about growthOverheard: “Don’t go through life, grow through life.”
                                    ~Eric Butterworth
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How Your Thoughts Influence Your Behavior

Someone once said thoughts are things. Whatever they are thoughts thoughts play a big part in guiding your day to day activity. 

And GenuLiines wants to give you some insight into how that’s done. 

How Your Thoughts Influence Your Behavior

picture of thoughtsThere’s a universal secret to living a full life: you are what you think. Not what you were expecting, huh?
Many of the great minds of our time agree that thoughts are the building blocks of life experiences. They’re telling us that the quality of your thoughts reflects the quality of your life.
The problem is when you start to believe that material things can make your life better. You buy shiny, expensive things and go on trips to faraway, exotic places.
Some people even resort to mind-numbing substances to help them forget their reality.
The truth is that creating a better reality starts by creating change from the inside.
Your thoughts are the driving force behind why you feel and act the way you do. Once you understand the link between those three, you can start living the life you want in the way you want it.
Below, you’ll find three life-altering tips. Incorporate them into your day.
They’ll help you change negative thought patterns to positive ones. Let’s dive in

Recognize Faulty Thought Patterns

Most of our beliefs and thoughts tend to be more on the negative side. These faulty thought patterns can lead to mental disorders like anxiety and depression.
The author Earl Nightingale said, “We become what we think.” So, why are you letting your negative thoughts dictate how you live your life?
Below are some of the more common negative patterns of thought many of us suffer from. Get a pen and paper and write down which of them you most relate to.
Once you’ve identified them, you can start to transform them from the negative to the positive.
Minimizing achievements and maximizing simple errors
*Catastrophizing future outcomes All-or-nothing dichotomous thinking
*Generalizing people and situations
*Filtering out positive statements and focusing only on the negative

Foster Healthy Habits

When you do something often enough it becomes a habit. The more you do it, the more likely you’ll keep doing it in the future.
Thought patterns are the same way. The more you think in a certain way, the more you’ll likely keep thinking about it the same way over and over again.
Soon enough, it’ll start to consume your day-to-day living. The science behind it is that each thought ignites a chemical reaction in your brain.
This process then triggers a certain emotion.
As a result, your emotions send a signal to your body and then you react. This cycle repeats itself until you realize you’re not living the life you want for yourself.
You can’t even recognize who you are anymore.
Think Good Thoughts
Marcus Aurelius’ quote rings true here, “A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it.”
It’s then that you should decide to make a change.
Recondition yourself by recognizing negative thoughts and how they affect your emotions.
This thinking about your thinking is what psychologists refer to as metacognition. It’s one of the best ways to find out what’s causing your thought patterns.
As with most things, reconditioning your thoughts takes time. Brace yourself for a few bumps along the way but stick with it.
You’ll realize it’s the only way to become aware of the link between your thoughts, emotions, and behavior. Only then will you be able to regain control and live the life you deserve.

Seek Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective tool for dealing with certain mental disorders. This type of therapy focuses on the idea that our thoughts, behavior, and emotions are all linked.
The best thing about CBT is it’s all about your present, rather than focusing on past events. After all, it was Ralph Waldo Emerson who wrote, “A man is what he thinks about all day long.”
Through CBT, you learn how to challenge negative thoughts and behaviors. CBT is also unique in that it assigns practical work outside each session.
It’s a great way to see first-hand how thoughts influence behavior. You’ll be able to start living with intention.

Check out some of the most common CBT strategies:

*Exposure: Coming face-to-face with your fears to confront and overcome stress and apprehension
*Mindfulness: Focusing on the present moment through steady breathing and your five senses
*Skills training: Practicing certain skills through role-playing, modeling, and mock scenarios

The Takeaway

Now, it’s time for a little challenge. Become more conscious of your thoughts, both the good and the bad.
Negative thoughts hold you back from living life to the fullest. They keep you shackled in a tiring cycle of self-doubt, fear, and panic.
On the flip side, positive thoughts make you feel good about yourself. They lift your mood, boost your motivation, and encourage you to work hard.
So, work on rewiring your brain to think happy, positive thoughts. Getting started may be difficult in the beginning, but it’s worth it in the long run.
Your future self will thank you!
JohnK 12-20-2021
Stick figure hears about thoughtsOverheard: “Our thoughts make us what we are”
                             ~Dale Carnegie
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Make Wellness A Habit In Every Part Of Your Day

Life happens, and wellness can sometimes be one of its casualties. This is especially true during these stressful times. 

But this GenuLines list of suggestions can get you thinking about and doing the things to keep you in the wellness zone. 

Make Wellness A Habit In Every Part Of Your Day

We often become distracted by what life throws at us. This leads to neglect of our own well-being.

Days can be fast paced. But seldom do we slow down to think about the importance of maintaining your wellbeing.

An apple for wellness

Stress is commonplace in the modern world. Think of how driving to work in gridlock traffic can make you a basket case.
The good news is that you can make better choices and develop good habits. You can make wellness a part of your every day routine…
Make a Decision and Stick to it
So first off, you’ll need to make the decision to live a healthy lifestyle. This is a step that many of us avoid.
We give up and revert back to our original way of everyday living. Well, wellness is a decision (As simplistic as it seems) and it’s a necessary one for everyone.
How Can We Make Wellness a Habit?
You form habits when you do something over and over again until it becomes ingrained within you. It’s like you’ve rewired your brain. It makes certain choices that are automatic.
So, here are a few ways you can make wellness a habit every single day…
• Set an alarm clock.
• Make healthy diet choices.
• Plan an exercise routine.
• Make time every day to do one thing you enjoy.
• Spend more time with friends and family.
Do these things each day and at the very least, you’ll notice improved wellness. We need discipline and there’s no other way to go about it.
Especially in the fast-paced world we’re so accustomed to.
Alarm clock
Setting an alarm clock to wake up early is a good way to start your day. The good thing is we know exactly why we’re waking up early… to get things done!
The nutritional choices we make are crucial to physical wellness. Feeding our body live foods (Vegetables, fruits, lean meats, grains etc.) will make us feel good.
And it gives us energy for the days ahead.
Daily exercise
Exercise has so many benefits. They range from improving mental health to creating stronger and more capable bodies.
Daily exercise can help you prevent chronic disease. These include Type 2 Diabetes,
Heart Disease and Osteoporosis.
That’s how powerful getting the body moving is.
Enjoy life
We tend to get too focused on things like work, personal issues, and relationships. But why can’t we take the time to laugh and enjoy being in the moment?
It’s so important to relieve stress by putting worry aside for a little bit each day to focus on leisure activity. We’re not meant to stay in fight or flight mode.
And having leisure time cuts the stress that can interfere with out wellness.
Have healthy relationships
The relationships we develop and maintain in life are essential for wellness. Having a sense of worth often comes from the love and appreciation of other people.
Let’s face it, the reason for our existence is to coexist with others so we can come together to function as a society. Friends and family can give a nice boost to our self-confidence and happiness.
Make Wellness a Daily Habit
Decide to make a decision to live every day in a state of wellness. Follow the steps in this article and you’ll have a good start toward creating healthy every day habits.
Wellness is the key to our ability to be productive and effective in every day life.
JohnK 10-4-2021
stick figure hears about wellnessOverheard: “The greatest wealth is health”
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