Tag Archive for conscious talk

Notes to Start The Week March 17th, 2013

Meditation practitionerVery much enjoyed our Chi For Yourself interview with Ajayan Borys. I hope it dispelled some notions about meditative practice and gave you some ideas to help in your own meditation..




If you didn’t catch Ajayan on the show you can listen here:

..and on a related note, here’s something from Business2community that can give you more encouragement:

Meditation: Making it a Daily Habit For a More Fulfilling Life

Meditation is an excellent habit to add to your daily routine. Not only does it help you relax, but it also helps with almost every other part of your life as well. Read more..


We’re enjoying a spell of the kind of weather that Southern California is famous for, and it’s the kind of weather that moves me to start cleaning out the house. Items are making their way out of my house most every week- shirts, pants, shoes, books, even an old computer that dates back to the Reagan administration. Gotta say I’m inspired by the writing of Tammy Strobel. Tammy has written a book called You Can Buy Happiness (and it’s cheap): How One Woman Radically Simplified Her Life and How You Can Too.

Tammy is scheduled to be a guest on Chi For Yourself on April 11th.

Also working to get Polly Campbell on the show. Polly is the author of Imperfect Spirituality: Extraordinary Enlightenment for Ordinary People.


Image for overheard

Overheard: “Times change. For the usual person this is very discouraging. You cannot rely on anything. You cannot have anything. And you will see what you don’t want to see. So you [have to] change the foundation of your life. ‘That things change’ is the reason why you suffer in this world and become discouraged. [But] when you change your understanding and your way of living, then you can completely enjoy your life in each moment.”

– Shunryu Suzuki


JohnK  3-18-2013

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December 21 2012 A Day That Will Live in Levity: Lessons Learned From Yet Another End Time

My friend Ron told me the world would come to an end this Saturday. I must say the week went by slowly as I pondered the meaning of that statement. Ron’s family was on board with the prediction, too. It was a helpless feeling as Saturday approached. Well, Saturday came and went and no end of the world. In fact, a lot of Saturdays passed since that week of “doom”. The year was 1956, and Ron and I were 5 years old.

Here and gone again

My friend’s prediction was based on religion, not unlike much of the fear over the 2012 end- of- the -world prediction. Back in the late 1990s, I was skeptical when people began to worry about Y2K, the computer malfunction that was going to cause Armageddon, or at least a few cases of indigestion. Of course, Y2K came and went. No harm no foul. Well, December 21st came and went, and we’re both still here. Now what? I hope surviving the “end of the world” taught you not to listen to the paranoia of the media and the masses. Life is to be lived, not feared.

Now what?

There is a nugget of (interpreted) Mayan prophecy that I find interesting and somewhat hopeful. It says December 21st will mark the end of an era of darkness and usher in a new era of light. Come to think of it, that really doesn’t sound like an end of the world does it? Let’s go under the hood for a look at this one.
Like Y2k, it’s hard to believe that darkness and the forces of darkness will now suddenly pack up and go away. Remember there have also been visions of utopia and societies where there is nothing but light. Yes more light will shine, but darkness will hang around, causing disruption at home and around the world. It’s not an all-or-nothing-at-all proposition. Rather the light and the darkness are part of the prefection. To paraphrase Einstein, ‘we must decide whether we live in a friendly or a hostile world’. As we speak someone is feeling hate, someone else is radiating love. one person is crying ‘victim’, while another is designing his day.

A “to-do” list

Let’s take a calculated risk. Let’s assume the world will move along as usual. For our part, we’ll pay more attention to our inner voice and what we’re passionate about. For its part, the world will continue to do what it does and bring what it brings. Be the “noticer”..keep your attention on your state of mind, your fears, and especially on how you would like your life to be. I suggest you continue to act “as if”…bringing all you desire into your life, with all the power and faith in NOW on your side. Tomorrow (and I expect there will be one) will take care of itself.

Do this today. Do it now.


JohnK 12-21-2012


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