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5 Benefits of Conflict (Yes, Benefits!)

The thought of conflict can make you tighten up, ready to deal with trouble. That’s a natural reaction.

But there’s a good side to conflict and today GenuLines shows you how that’s natural, too.

5 Benefits of Conflict (Yes, Benefits!)

When you experience a violent storm, it’s easy to rail against the weather. The wind and the rain can seem terrifying.

Especially when coupled with the thunder and lightning.

picture of conflict


But ask any farmer, and they’ll tell you that even storms have their benefits. Of course the rain is necessary for their crops.

But lightning hitting the ground, puts nitrogen into the soil that’s so needed for things to grow.

Likewise, conflict in the workplace has certain benefits. But we don’t always see them right away.




Keep reading to find several of them you might not have considered before now.

1.  Conflicts make us aware of new ways to do things

The very fact that there’s a conflict tells you that someone else has a different point of view from your own. By exploring those conflicts, you’re likewise invited to explore the idea from a new angle.

This might bring out a new solution that wouldn’t have occurred before.

2. Conflicts enable us to verbalize better what we want

It’s through conflict that we decide what’s important to us, and how to put those feelings into words.

3. Conflict drives flexibility

When we’re in conflict, we’re hoping for others to see our point of view. But also in dealing with conflict, we’re forced to see the point of view of those around us.

That’s where we learn how to become flexible, to acknowledge that we’re not always right.

So the conflict teaches you two very important traits.  Being open-minded, and understanding humility.

4. Conflict forces us to listen

The only way to resolve conflict is to listen to the other person. Through listening, we gain wisdom and learn to make better decisions.

5.  Conflict drives solutions

When you deal with conflict, you’re likewise dealing with a problem that needs a solution. Resolving that conflict means finding those solutions, usually in new and innovative ways.

So conflict forces us to solve our problems in a creative way.

At first you might shy away from the idea of conflict, but it’s good to remember these benefits. Without conflict, we stagnate.

In time you’ll be able to see how much you’ve grown and benefitted by that conflict.

JohnK 6-19-2023

stick man hears about conflictOverheard:  “The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph”                                                                  ~Thomas Paine



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A Closed Mind Versus An Open Mind

We’re told to keep an open mind, but it this really necessary? I mean, there are plenty of closed minded people in society, and they seem to do okay.

Here’s a GenuLines look at both sides of the question.

A Closed Mind Versus An Open Mind

There are two different mindsets that pretty much determine how you look at life. They’re at the root of belief systems, opinions, and thought processes..
sign symbolizes open mind
We’re talking about open-minded and close-minded approaches.
People under almost the same circumstances can have differing attitudes about a situation. One person can feel devastated and sorry for themselves.
The other can see the problem as a learning opportunity. And they may use it to improve themselves in some way.
Or, something that seems positive can leave a person ungrateful or unsatisfied.
Living life with an open mind is the better way of navigating through life’s ups and downs. This mindset put you in a better position to enjoy the good times and to cope with the bad.
Today we look at common examples of how keeping an open mind is the better choice.
We experience conflict in the workplace and at home. It touches our relationships with friends and family alike.
During their interactions people bring differing opinions and perspectives to the table. Let’s say a group wants to reach an agreement.
The closed-minded individual tends to see things from their own viewpoint only.
This way of thinking ends in a stalemate. Not only does progress stop, but there’s damage to relationships.
But, the individual with an open mind can empathize with others in a way that moves everyone to a middle ground. Having an open mind is an important approach when working through disagreements.

Struggle Sessions

How often do we see people struggling with the same issues over and over? Yet they never seem to resolve them.
There are plenty of examples of this.
The person who gets into and out of relationships on a regular basis. The coworker who fails to progress in a company after years of grinding it out at the same position.
Or the person who falls off the wagon despite the same new year’s resolution made every year. Usually this failure pattern results from approaching these situations with a closed mind.
Closed minders find it tough to change their tactics to deal with the issue. They make the same mistakes over and over again, failing to learn from them.

Taking Responsibility

Maintaining an open mind helps you to own up to your mistakes. This helps you adapt to similar situations moving forward. An open mind powers your progress in any situation.
These are far from all the examples that show the superiority of an open-mind. But the message is loud and clear.
The neutrality of your circumstances is open to your interpretation. Having an open mind enables you to find the silver lining that the closed mind doesn’t see.
JohnK 12-19-2022
Stick figure hears about open mindsOverheard: The world is full of people who have never, since childhood, met an open doorway with an open mind.
                                   ~E.B. White
Article image by Steven Cordes on Unsplash
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