Tag Archive for Chi For Yourself

With New Thoughts The Projected Winner is YOU

picture of john kobikWhew! This has been a wild week, to say the least. You may be in need of some (slow) downtime, whether your candidates won or lost. Today I invite you to examine your thoughts. Maybe they need a little re-working? New thoughts can come from taking a new perspective on things. One way to do that is to challenge the assumptions that exist. I’m Gio and I approved this message 🙂

  New Thoughts on Love

Desire and attachment can be strong feelings, and they are often called love in certain contexts. However, attachment can be for bad reasons too, right? Desire too can come from less than noble places. What is an alternative definition of love?

How about a recognition of value? Seeing the inherent value in a person, like the beauty you see in a painting or hear a melody. You do not need to be attached or even desirous of beauty to enjoy it. You just have to recognize it. The enjoyment that you take in another’s existence could then be a definition of love. At least the emotion.

Love is more than an emotion, though. How much love does a mother have for her children if she feels fondness toward them, but doesn’t feed them? Love in this context has to include action, doesn’t it?

This points up the real problem with defining concepts like love. There are seven or eight or perhaps a hundred things we want to communicate. They are each different, yet we have just one word for them. Maybe rather than re-defining love we need to create a dozen new words. Now there’s an area for some new thoughts.

Random New Thoughts

Another way to have new thoughts is to just look for new ideas to replace old ones. Then you expand on the new idea, to see what value you might find in it. Here are some examples of new thoughts, without expanding on them (help yourself).

– Why do we encourage uninformed people to vote? Maybe it’s better to insist on a better- informed electorate.

– Is multi-tasking really a sign of efficiency? Maybe the fact that we need to be so busy just to get what we want shows that our actions aren’t effective enough.

– Why not wake up to the fact that medical care is one of the leading causes of death? What if we took health and healing into our own hands and became our own advocates? Consider natural remedies. And recognize that standard medical care is a wonderful thing- when used wisely

– How about wonder instead of faith? Faith is just believing without reason. Wonder is to marvel at the world and accept that we don’t have reasons or explanations for everything.

Finally, what if our level of creativity, and ability to have new thoughts isn’t just something that is set at birth. What if it is a systematic process, one that may not be recognized by those who use it, but can be identified and copied? All of us can train ourselves to have creative new thoughts.


Be Well,

John in cursive



JohnK 11-11-2016


Image for overheardOverheard:  “Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.”
                           ~Earl Nightingale

Today on CHI FOR YOURSELF: Amelia Kinkade and “Whispers From The Wild”

picture of john kobikJust a reminder that our guest on today’s CHI FOR YOURSELF is Amelia Kinkade, author of  WHISPERS FROM THE WILD: LISTENING TO VOICES FROM THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. We start at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time at chiforyourself.com.

Hope to have you with us!


JohnK 11-3-2016

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Next CHI FOR YOURSELF: “Wild” Times With Whispers From the Wild

picture of john kobikOur next scheduled CHI FOR YOURSELF takes a little different spin. We’ll hear from Amelia Kinkade, a psychic who has devoted her life to using her gifts to communicate with animals. But her wild stories don’t just stop with the animals she communicates with. There are also stories of living with her “vixen tigress” aunt, Rue McClanahan (“Blanche” on the beloved American television comedy The Golden Girls), and she even talks about her own scandalous career as a horror movie queen when she herself played the villainous predator “Angela,” in her starring roles in Night of the Demons film series. Amelia teaches us to come to terms with our own wild side — our unexplored spirituality and sexuality, our love for danger, our fascination with supernatural powers, our ache to rescue wild animals and restore our relationship with Nature, even the wildest of the wild.

Amelia Kinkade is the author of  WHISPERS FROM THE WILD: Listening to Voices from the Animal Kingdom. 

picture of Amelia Kincade

Hear the interview on Thursday, November 3rd at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time at chiforyourself.com.

Dividing line

Tom Sterner was our guest on last week’s CHI FOR YOURSELF. It was his second visit to the program and this time he talked about his book FULLY ENGAGED: Using the Practicing Mind in Daily Life. If you missed the show you can hear it by clicking on this player..

Here are some of the talking points from that interview:

  • Keep yourself process-oriented
  • Stay in the present
  • Make the process the goal and use the overall goal as a rudder to steer your efforts
  • Be deliberate, have an intention about what you want to accomplish and remain aware of that intention.


Be well,
John in cursive




JohnK 10-31-2016

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Image for overheard Overheard:

“An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language.”

~Martin Buber



Today on CHI FOR YOURSELF: Thomas M. Sterner and “Fully Engaged”

picture of john kobikToday’s edition of CHI FOR YOURSELF marks the second visit of Thomas M. Sterner, who visited us several years ago to talk about The Practicing Mind. He’s back today with a book called FULLY ENGAGED: Using the Practicing Mind in Daily Life. We’ll be discussing why simple shifts in perspective can completely transform the experience of going through each day.

Thomas M. Sterner on CHI FOR YOURSELF. Today at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific at chiforyourself.com



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Engaging Conversation with Thomas Sterner on CHI FOR YOURSELF

picture of john kobikOn the next CHI FOR YOURSELF, we’ll welcome Thomas Sterner. Tom was a guest several years ago when he told us about his book The Practicing Mind. This time he returns with a book that teaches the principles of mindfulness in clear, concise and extremely practical ways. The book puts a special emphasis on helping you reach whatever goals you are working toward in the most efficient and enjoyable way possible.

Thomas M. Sterner is the author of FULLY ENGAGED: Using the Practicing Mind in Daily Life.

picture of Thomas Sterner

Thomas Sterner

Join us for CHI FOR YOURSELF with guest, Thomas M. Sterner, this Thursday, October 27th, at 1pm Pacific, 4pm Eastern time, You can hear the interview by going to the chiforyourself.com Start page.

I’ll look for you then!

John in cursive




JohnK 10-24-2016

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Easy Steps for Finding Your Passion

picture of john kobikWe’ve reached the final installment of the series on finding your “why.” This one wraps things up with a nice list of questions to help you get clear on your passion. I send you all the best thoughts toward your exploration. And, in the days to come, I’ll be sending you a little “reminder” in case you’re talking yourself out of it.


Easy  Steps  for  Finding  Your  Passion                                                


Are you trying to find your passion in life? If so, you are not alone, many people are attempting to this every day. So why is it so difficult to recognize what your true passion is?

It really isn’t that difficult to identify your passion, one easy way to do this is to ask yourself some questions. Let’s take a look at a few examples here.

What do you do outside of work? This should give you a good insight of what your hobbies and interests are.

What one thing do you do whenever you get the chance? This will identify those things that you feel more passionate about.

What makes you feel excited? This is normally associated with those things that you are good at. Mainly your talents and your gifts.

What makes you feel more confident? You may find that talking, writing, singing or art makes you feel this way. Again these are things that you know you are good at, therefore you feel confident. You don’t have to think twice about doing them.

What would you do if you weren’t earning money from it? Again this signifies your passions. You aren’t in it for the money, you truly love doing it and just want to spend your spare time enjoying yourself with this task.

What one thing or item would you like to change in the world? Your answer here could be a multitude of things including providing better drinking water. Helping underprivileged children or to help stop an animal from becoming extinct.

What do you do in your spare time? You probably spend time developing one of your hobbies or talents. You may spend this time writing, creating music or exercising.

What makes you smile? All those things that make you smile are things that you love and enjoy doing. Of course, it doesn’t have to be an item. Spending time with your grandchildren or visiting a seniors home can be other things that put a smile on your face.
Go through this list and start writing down your answers. From here you want to see if there is one thing that gets repeated again and again. If so, chances are that this is your passion. That one thing that you love to do, or want to do whenever you can.

Your next step is to simply start making time for it, and yes you can if you truly want to.

You can listen to this article by clicking on the audio player:


JohnK 10-17-2016

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Image for overheard Overheard-

There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.

~ Nelson Mandela






Mindfulness- and Munchies!

picture of john kobikWe’re settling into fall and our appetites are for things that are warm, like beverages, blankets, and– FOOD! Jo Eager is back with another recipe that is tasty AND healthy.

Our next first-run edition of CHI FOR YOURSELF is scheduled and you’ll be able to join us on the call in the next few weeks. For now, I’ll tell you that we’ll be looking at the principles of mindfulness in clear, concise, and extremely practical ways. It’s all intended to help you reach whatever goals you’re working toward in the most efficient and enjoyable way possible. Details later in a GenuLines post..

I hope you’re benefiting from our series on finding your “why.” Lots of good, actionable points you can put into practice to get you moving toward your purpose. If you haven’t seen it you can check out the latest installment here.

I don’t know about you but I’m getting hungry! Time for another helping of Jo’s Healthy Eats.

Be well,

John in cursive




JohnK 10-7-2016

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stick figure of manOverheard:

“A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety.”

~ Aesop







Does Your Life Hold Meaning?

picture of john kobikWe’re moving right along in the CHI FOR YOURSELF series on finding your “why.” Time to take notice of feelings that are surfacing. Maybe you’re a little down and thinking that your life doesn’t have much meaning. If so, this installment is intended to give you the courage to keep move through the feelings.


Does Your Life Hold Meaning?                                                          


Can you honestly say that your life holds meaning for you? If you are not sure, then do you know how to identify your true calling in life? Once you do the next step is to have the strength to follow it.

Many people sit and feel quite depressed about not knowing what they should be doing with their life. This happens early in life. Do you remember being in high school and having to choose a career for the rest of your life? Talk about feeling pressured at a young age.

Everyone has some type of true calling or purpose in life, and yes life does have a meaning. Sometimes your true calling is staring you in the face, you just don’t recognize it yet.

Your true calling can be identified in various ways. Many people believe that God will show them the way to their true calling. Others experience dreams that open up their eyes to a new opportunity.

You have no doubt heard stories about people experiencing death and then coming back to life. When they recover they find they have a new outlook on life altogether.

Now, you don’t have to wait for something terrible to happen to you! Instead, you can start discovering your true calling and the meaning of life yourself.

question mark

Sit down and think about what it is that you would love to do with your life. Think about what you would do if money was no objection and you didn’t have to worry about anyone but yourself.

Write down all the things that come to mind. If you have several put them in order of priority. Which is the one item that you truly feel passionate about? Then ask yourself– if you were to do this would you feel as though your life had meaning?

When you can truly answer these questions openly and honestly you will be well on your way to uncovering what the meaning of life has for you. Remember we are all different and no two people will see something in the same way.
Your next step is to be courageous and follow your passion. You may be surprised at the opportunities that open up for you. There is no reason for anyone to be sitting and feeling unfulfilled, or thinking that their life has no purpose. It does, you just have to find yours.

Listen to this article by clicking on the following player:



JohnK 10-3-2016

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stick figure of manOverheard: “Everyone now knows how to find the meaning of life within himself.”
~ Kurt Vonnegut, The Sirens of Titan


Can Anger Identify Your Passion?

picture of john kobikLIfe seems to provide an endless supply of things that make us angry, bugged, hassled, or ticked-off! Yet if we examine those feelings they can take us a long way toward finding our fulfillment. This next installment in the CHI FOR YOURSELF series on finding your “why” is offered to you as another tool for self-discovery.


Can  Anger  Identify  Your  Passion?                                                          


If you have read any type of self-development or improvement information, you know you are told to find those things that make you feel happy. Everyone should have a passion in life, as this helps you add meaning to your life. But just how do you find it?

One way to identify your passion is to look at those things that make you angry. You know, those times when you fly off the handle without even thinking about it. This could be when you see an animal being mistreated or hear about a child being abused.

Still not sure what your passion is? Then take a look around you and make note of all the things that make you upset. Anything that stirs some type of emotion in you; tears, anger, or frustration.

It can be helpful to write these things down, especially if you have more than one thing that bothers you. Once you have your list select the main one that troubles you the most. This would be the one thing that you would happily fix if you could.

The more personal this becomes the more passionate you will be. If you have seen one of your pets abused first hand, this would resonate with you on a much deeper level.
angry man

When you get angry your feelings can often overwhelm you. You have no real control over them and they flare up unexpectedly. What this signifies is that you are dealing with something you are passionate about. Your goal is to now take this energy and turn it into a passion instead of feeling angry.

When identifying your passion you need to pick that one thing that you can identify with. You don’t want to bend to the rules of society and be passionate about something just to be part of a group.

Finding your passion often entails getting out of your comfort zone. It is way too easy to like something just because a friend does. It is much harder to stick up for yourself and stay passionate to your true feelings.

By being true to your own feelings, you are fulfilling your life. You are doing something meaningful and making a difference. Not everyone is going to approve of what your passion is. You need to have the confidence to stay on track, if and when friends try to tell you otherwise. This way you will know you are being true to yourself and to your passion.

You can listen to this article by clicking on the player:


Be well!

John in cursive





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Image for overheard


“The greatest remedy for anger is delay.”
~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca



Are You Stuck Finding Your Why?

picture of john kobikThe CHI FOR YOURSELF series on finding your why is moving right along. But as we reach the mid-way point you may be feeling as though you’ve hit a wall. This process is simple but not always easy. The following tips (I think of them as bullet points) are intended to give more clarity to your journey.


Are  You  Stuck  on  Finding  Your  Why?                                                                          

Anyone who has taken any type of self-improvement course has been told to find their why. While this may sound easy enough, it is not always simple to identify your why. This article will give you some suggestions for how you can really find your why in life.

Before you can identify your why you need to know which area of your life needs improvement. Why are you looking for a meaning to your life? Are you looking for an overall purpose, or do you need to develop a why for a specific reason? For example, you may want to uncover your why so you can lose weight or stick to an exercise regimen.

It can often be a little easier to define your why for specific reasons. If you are trying to lose weight you will want to have certain reasons for doing so. This could include wanting to look more attractive, to feel better, to be able to play with your kids or to battle a medical issue.

To uncover your why it can be helpful to understand why you are doing your current habits. With eating, as an example, why is it that you are over eating? Are you self-conscious about a certain part of your body? Are you addicted to sugar or to carbs?

Once you have this information in hand it can be easier to develop a why. If you want to kick the sugar habit start paying attention to those times when you eat more sugar.  Are you feeling unhappy or alone when you do this?

Uncovering your why can be difficult and it does require that you are open and honest with yourself. But once you have a why then you can be more focused and motivated.

If you want to find your why to living a more fulfilled and happier life in general,  you have to do almost the same steps.  First, you need to identify what it is that is making you feel unhappy. Are you lonely, do you hate your job, or do you wish you were in a better relationship?

Once you know why you feel the way you do, it will be easier to take corrective steps. If you are feeling lonely, can you join a health or social club? If you are just plain bored, is there a hobby that you would like to start?

Even if you are currently stuck on finding your why use the above steps to uncover your true feelings. This, in return, will identify your why.

If you would like to listen to this article click on the player:



JohnK 9-19-2016

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Clipart image of overheard


“Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.”

~ Marcus Aurelius