Tag Archive for abilitiies

The Value of Playing to Your Strengths

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The Value of Playing to Your Strengths

Stuck in a job that doesn’t exactly ignite your sweet spot? That doesn’t mean you can’t find happiness.

A lot of us put in the hours, earn a good wage and reap the rewards that help support our families. It’s entirely possible to appreciate what you have while still longing for something more fulfilling

But does that mean you should be complacent? Does that mean you have to give up on branching out to find where your real skills and enthusiasm lie?

The answer is no, and GenuLines is going to show how you can make changes by playing to your real strengths.

What Happens When You Play to Your Strengths?

Most of us have at least a few things that we’re good at. And for most of us, those are the things we love. We spend more time practicing them and we love them because we’re so good at them.

man demonstrates strengths


So, when we work on that ability or strength, everything about our demeanor changes.

For starters, we become much more focused on what we’re doing.
Our brains produce dopamine and catecholamine hormones to keep us fixated.

This is what some circles refer to as ‘flow states’.


You’re much happier and more confident when you’re doing what you love. You’re motivated and you become much less likely to take breaks.

All this of course helps you perform at your very best. At the same time, you’re more focused, happier, and you’re more motivated since you’re in flow.

It means that you’re now going to produce better work that gets you noticed and that gets you promoted. You’ll earn more and perform better because you’re doing what you love.

Signs You’re Playing to Your Strengths

All these are the benefits of playing to your strengths. They’re also a tip-off that you’re doing what you love.

Ask yourself: when was the last time you felt completely focused on a project and found it rewarding? That you worked so hard you ended up holding your need to go to the toilet?

Yeah… you should start doing a lot more of that!

JohnK 9-23-2024

stick man hears about strengths Overheard:  “One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity”

~Albert Schweitzer


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Top Ways to Identify Your Strengths

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What are your strengths? Are you uncertain how to answer the question? Get some clear answers with this GenuLines look at finding those strengths.

Top Ways to Identify Your Strengths
Lion symbolizes strength

We all have unique strengths and unique weaknesses. This is part of what makes us, well, unique.

And it’s what makes teamwork so important in a working environment.

This way it’s possible to leverage the individual strengths of many different people. The result is a well-oiled machine.

The problem is many of us actually don’t know our own strengths. We’re unable to be objective in analyzing our skills

Our ego or our self-doubt kicks in to prevent us from finding out what we’re good at. So how do you find where your strengths lie?

Ask People
One approach is to ask people what they think your strengths are. Now, you don’t want to take anyone’s word and leave it at that.

But when you start noticing patterns in the responses there could be at least a bit of truth.

Look at Your Experience
Another way to find your skills is to look at your own experience. If you’ve spent a lot of time on a particular career path, you may have gained specific abilities related to that.

And they may open your eyes to strengths you weren’t aware of.

Asses Your Weaknesses
Another good way to find your strengths is to look at your weaknesses. In other words, as you drop the things you’re bad at, it should leave the things you’re good at.

Look at your own career. Let’s say you’re a web designer – do you work better with the code, with the layout or with the artistic part?

Which of these is your skill and which is the weak link?

Look at What You Love
As a general rule, you’ll tend to enjoy doing the things you’re very good at. So if you want to know what you’re good at, try to spot the times when you’re the most engaged and the most switched on.

Try Lots of Things
There’s a good chance that the thing you’re good at is something you haven’t even considered yet. That’s why it’s important to broaden your experiences.

Give yourself more leverage in finding your strengths and skills.

JohnK 9-11-2023

stick figure hears about strengthsOverheard: ” Rudeness is a weak imitation of strength”

~Eric Hoffer


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