Saying NO to Stress: More Ways You Can Do This

picture of john kobikTomorrow’s CHI FOR YOURSELF scheduled guest (Arthur Ciaramicoli-The Stress Solution) will help us lower our stress levels. This week is a great time to get you to thinking about some ideas you can consider to begin the process. Each day this week GenuLines is posting several “stress-busting” tips. At the end of the week, you’ll get some actionable steps that are easy to do and will help you nurture good chi! 🙂

man with check signTOP TIPS
Stress is an overwhelming force that interrupts our body’s natural ability to fend off disease. Use the following tips to help reduce your stress.


4. Connect Socially:
We need contact with each other. Face-to-face contact is the best but if that is
not available connect with people on social media. Strive to stay off business
and political topics when you are stressed out. These will only add to your
stress. Consider talking about music, funny stuff, or whatever you and your
friends would like to talk about.
5. Volunteer:
Volunteering can help people see that their lives aren’t always as bad as they
thought. When they see others that are worse off and have the ability to help
those people, the stress levels can be drastically reduced.
6. Exercise:
Exercise is a proven stress reducing activity. If you are extremely stressed out,
consider upping the ante and going for higher impact type of activities like
Kickboxing or some kind of boot camp. Exercise can actually help prevent
onsets of stress from happening in the first place and can reduce the effect
when it does.


JohnK 7-6-2016 home


Overheard:clip art of man

“Its not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.”

~Hans Selye


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