Kick Your Procrastination to The Curb

Procrastination leaves you with questions. Maybe you wonder where the time went, and eventually where the years went. 

So today GenuLines looks at how time and opportunities slip away, and some ways you can change this. 

(Listen to this article by clicking here)

Kick Your Procrastination to The Curb

Procrastination is a thief. It will rob you of precious minutes and hours before you realize they’re gone.
You put off the task you intended to complete today. There was good reason to do it, but right now you can’t remember why.
Procrastination comes in many disguises. Sometimes it’s called rationalization.
You didn’t get started on that project because the weather was too hot. Or you didn’t have all the parts to finish the job.
You can always come up with good reasons to delay a project.
Procrastination as a habit
When you put off correcting this it becomes your constant companion. You find ways to delay a task because there are other things more important to do.
bee doing procrastinationThere are lots of excuses.
Like checking your email. Playing an on-line game.
Or turning on the TV to see if you’re missing something interesting.
You have to recognize a real reason you delay as opposed to an excuse not to do something you don’t want to do. Ask yourself if that job needs to get done. and if your answer is yes then get it done and then reward yourself for a victory over procrastination.
When the job is complete, step back and assess what you’ve done to see if it was worth the time and effort. Could be you were procrastinating for good reason, but that’s rarely the case.
Lack of direction can cause you to procrastinate because you’re not sure what to do next.


This could be the father of procrastination. Get organized with a to-do list, putting the most urgent at the top.
Make a deal with yourself that you cannot do anything else until you finish at least one thing on the list. You can make giant strides with tiny steps.
Big projects can be daunting whether you’re writing a book or building a house. Break them into sections.
A small manageable task is much more palatable than trying to swallow the entire project. No matter how small the success it’s another step toward completion.
Decide what needs done and do it. Even if it’s done wrong at least you’ve done something.
Indecision can cause major delays in both your business and personal life. It’s easier to make a decision if you make a list of project pros and cons.
Once you have a clear direction, your mind clears and the way opens up.
Fear of failure can cause procrastination. But, the failure lies in never getting started.
Difficult and dreaded tasks are rarely as bad as they seem at the beginning. Stop procrastinating today.
Don’t put it off until tomorrow.
JohnK 1-8-2021
stick figure man hears about procrastinationOverheard:  “Life, as it is called, is for most of us one long postponement”
                                  .~ Henry Miller
Article image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay 
disclaimer for talking about procrastination

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