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Relaxation Is An Important Part Of Mental Focus

Tough times make tough conditions for relaxation. A calm mind helps you stay focused.

So GenuLines offers some ideas to keep you in the calm zone.   

Relaxation Is An Important Part Of Mental Focus

It sounds counterintuitive. But if you want to improve you mental focus, you need plenty of rest and relaxation.
In other words, it’s easy to overdo it, and work too hard, which can then lead to lapses in concentration and focus.
dog during relaxation

For Starters

Start out by doing what you can to get a good night sleep. Poor sleep makes it harder to concentrate.
And a couple of hours of sleep isn’t going to cut it.
Your brain needs long periods of rest to process information. This “makes room” for you to focus on something new the next day.

Late Nights

While burning the midnight oil may seem like a great way to get more done and stay productive, the opposite is true. Yes, you can power through a long night to finish a project every once in a while, but it isn’t sustainable for the long run.
Do it when you must, but get in the habit of getting good sleep the rest of the time. Your brain and your body will thank you.
Taking breaks throughout your work day is another good way to stay focused and get more done. Work hard in short bursts of time and then take little breaks.

Break Time

Go get a cup of coffee. Move around your work space for a few minutes.
Or enjoy a day dream and give your brain a short rest before diving back in.
This doesn’t have to be long. You can get big benefits from breaks shorter than five minutes.
Go chat to a coworker, or do something like filing or straightening up a few things on your desk.
Then get back to your most important task at hand.

Time Out

A few longer breaks throughout the day can be as important as short breaks. Every couple of hours, take a 30 minute or longer break and walk away from your desk.
Go to lunch, have coffee with a friend, or go for a walk outside.
This gives your brain time to process what you’ve done so far and gets you ready for the next couple of hours of work


Now, don’t forget to do something fun and completely work unrelated at the end of the day and on the weekends. We all need balance in our lives.
If you enjoy your work and you’re invested in it, it can be hard to unplug and not think about it for a while. Make a conscious effort to take time for rest and relaxation.
You’ll find you actually get more done in the end since you’re able to focus when it’s time to get back to work.
JohnK 6-13-2022
stick man hears about relaxationOverheard: “Every now and then, go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work, your judgment will be surer”
                                  ~Leonardo da Vinci
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7 Small Habits That Will Change Your Life

You barely notice some of your habits. Yet one of more of them can lead to big results.

Go big with this GenuLines look at a life changing process. 

7 Small Habits That Will Change Your Life

It’s hard to imagine sometimes what deep impact small things can have. But if you’ve ever doubted the impact of tiny actions then think about how erosion created the Grand Canyon.
Over time, something as small as sand, water, and rock have created one of the most awesome of nature’s miracles.
So too will small habits affect your life in such a way that they create lasting and significant change. Read on and find some habits you can start immediately implementing.
These can reshape you into the person that you’re meant to be.
man keeping good habits


1. Get up on time

Starting the day with repeated hits of the snooze alarm sets a bad tone for the rest of the day. You set the alarm with the intention of rising at that hour – why are you breaking that promise to yourself?
By getting up on time, you’re putting a positive start on the day. Shouldn’t you give yourself the best odds of a good day as possible?

2. Make every meal healthy

It’s hard to feel energized when you’re slogging along on a diet filled with fats and sugars. When you put more healthy choices onto your plate, you will feel better.
Your mind will be sharper, and you’ll be better energized to get through the day.
Start small. Add a salad to your meal.
Or replace dessert with that piece of fruit instead.

3. Exercise

Fancy equipment or huge time investment isn’t necessary here. Start small.
Try taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator.

4. Read more

Dedicate a half hour of every day to your mind. It’ll stay sharp while you expose yourself to new ideas.
Pick books that inspire you or encourage you to think.

5. Be an ‘idea’ person

Make a goal of writing down a few ideas every day. Some researchers suggest ten.
But even one new idea a day gives you material to challenge yourself.

6. Become more mindful

Meditate. Even a brief meditation has a positive impact.
It can reduce stress and lower your heart rate. Plus it corrals your mind when it’s running in a million directions at once.

7. Think about your day

When you finish the day, reflect on your accomplishments. Focus on the things you’re proud of, on the things that made you smile.
These actions shouldn’t take long – even 15 or 30 minutes a day on some of these is enough to create lasting change. You’ll not only feel better, you’ll like the person you’re becoming.
This is building ‘you’ at your best. If a small change can do all that, then isn’t it time you got started?
JohnK 6-6-2022
Ostick man hears about habitsverheard: “A nail is driven out by another nail; habit is overcome by habit”
Article Photo by Marc Najera on Unsplash
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Make Better Personal Decisions

You never know when one of your everyday decisions will turn out to be a life changer. It’s best to be prepared for whatever you face. 

So GenuLines has prepared some pointers to guide you in the decision making process.

Make Better Personal Decisions

man facing decisionYou’ll make countless decisions in your life. Some of these decisions are small. (What should I watch on TV?) and some of these decisions are big. (Should I take that job overseas?)
But, the outcome of a vast majority of these decisions, big or small, affects us in a very personal way.
These outcomes can have both a positive and negative effect on your life. So it makes sense that you take the time to learn how to make better personal decisions.


Under Construction

You use your brain to make decisions. That brain is the product of millions of years of development and evolution.
And it continues today.
Think of this development as the remodeling of an old house.
In the beginning, there was the original house.
Over time, you might add a garage.
Then, a family room. Then a second story.
Follow that up with a fireplace. The point is the skeleton of the old house is still there.
Over time it’s surrounded by all the new additions.

The Old and The New

Our brains evolve this way. Parts that developed a million years ago work alongside newer parts.
Newer as in those that developed ten thousand years ago.
It’s like the light sockets in the older part of the house. They’re designed for a different era, so to the older parts of our brains.
Yet, today the whole brain works to make decisions that have a direct affect on us.
Studies show that the average person makes a decision in less than ten seconds. When confronted by a life and death situation, you don’t have time to think about your next move.
Otherwise in less critical situations your best move is to take some time to think.

Easy Does It

A primary step in learning how to become a better personal decision maker is to teach yourself to slow down. Then think about the decision that’s facing you.
With any decision, big or small, you need to take the appropriate amount of time. You want to assess and weigh all the choices involved.
Look at all the angles and all the possible outcomes. Start making choices that increase you chances for positive results.
JohnK 5-30-2022
Stick figure hears about decisionsOverheard: “The risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision”
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Time Management: Key to a Better Life

Time can be a merciless tyrant when you let it get the upper hand. But things go much better when you’re the one in charge 

Here are some ideas from GenuLines on how to become master your time. 

Time Management: Key to a Better Life

Time management is pretty much about focus. The Pareto Principle is also known as the ’80:20 Rule.’
It tells us that 80% of efforts that are not time managed or focused generate only 20% of the desired output. But 80% of the desired output can result from only 20% of a well time- managed effort.
(The ratio ’80:20′ is only arbitrary. It’s used to put emphasis on time management’s effect on gains or losses.)
Some look at time management as a list of rules. They can involve scheduling of appointments, goal settings, and thorough planning. It can also include creating to-do lists and prioritizing.

man wasting time


But There’s More

There are more skills involved in time management than the core basics. You also need to see the big picture.
Your efforts are meaningless if you have the wrong goals. Other personal growth must-haves are decision making, clear vision, and critical thinking.
Personal time management involves everything you do. No matter how big and no matter how small, everything counts.
Take into consideration what you learn, advice you consider, and skills you develop. And make life-style balance the desired result in your personal time management.
This is a part of personal time management that many of us overlook.


For some people, time management seems stressful. They think it means that they must not ‘waste time’ by doing anything they don’t enjoy.
But that’s not it at all. In fact, it can be closer to the opposite.
Time management is making time for the things that matter to you, not about being busy.
There are six areas of life that personal time management can improve. These are- physical, intellectual, social, career, emotional and spiritual.
The physical aspect involves having a healthy body, less stress, and fatigue.
The intellectual aspect involves learning and other mental growth activities.
The social aspect involves developing personal or intimate relations. Add to that being an active contributor to society. 

Time Management and Choices

The career aspect involves school and work. The emotional aspect involves recognizing appropriate feelings and desires and manifesting them.
The spiritual aspect involves a personal quest for meaning.
Some of these areas lend themselves well to basic time management skills like to-do lists. But determining which area isn’t getting enough attention is important too.
Each one creates the whole you.
For Your Consideration
One permanent improvement step to consider is reviewing your goals. This is the case whether it be immediate or long-term goals.
A way to do this is to keep a list that is always accessible to you. This is not a to-do list but a list of your goals.
You can add to it as you like. Remember, you have goals in all aspects of your life.
In fact, everything you do moves you toward one of those goals. Even if it is a goal you did not know that you had. 

Get Physical

Another aspect of time management is recognizing your physical abilities and needs. For example, everybody has peak times of day when their concentration is at its best.
For most people, this is around the middle of the morning. Use that period to work toward one of your goals that calls for concentration and sustained effort.
It would be wasting that peak time if you spent it sitting and watching TV. Yet sitting and watching TV for an hour in the evening may not be a waste of time at all.
It can be a good way to wind down for a restful night’s sleep. You can include most every kind of activity that you enjoy in your day.
But make sure it keeps its proper place.

Get To It

It’s important not to procrastinate, or put off the things that need doing right now. If something is your top priority for the day, then get started on it right away.
If you start doing other things first it will become harder and harder to tackle the main task. You’ll end up without much achieved.
So the night before, decide what will be your top priority for the following day. Then tackle it as soon as you can when the day comes.

Be In The “No”

Learning to say “No” to some people or activities is important if you’re going to make the most of your time. It could mean telling your boss that you’re not the best person to do a certain task.
Or that if you do this, you won’t be able to do that more important thing that he also wants from you.
It could mean telling your kids that you can only play with them at certain times. It could mean turning down an invitation.
Or rescheduling a meeting to make way for something more important.

Remember Your Priorities

None of this will be a problem as long as you make it clear to other people that they’re important to you too. When it’s time for work, you don’t play with the kids.
And when it’s time to play with the kids, you give that your full attention.
You don’t act in a way that makes them think that you would prefer to be working. Remember, time management does not mean prioritizing your work above all else.
It means making room in your life for everything that is important to you.
JohnK 5-23-2022
stick figure hears about timeOverheard: “The two most powerful warriors are patience and time”
                               ~Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace
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Are You Committed to Excellence?

You do your best every day to cover all of life’s bases. But do you include excellence?

Allow GenuLines to help you make it the centerpiece of your efforts.

Are You Committed to Excellence

Even if you’ve heard the phrase ‘committed to excellence’, do you understand what it means? The following quote is from Aristotle and defines what it is.
“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” 
You can see that excellence is a habit, and you can solidify any habit. The best way to create a new habit is by setting yourself new goals and creating a plan of attack.

How you can do this

Picture of excellenceFirst you want to define your reasons, or why, for wanting to commit to excellence. Does this pertain to your business, your family life or for some other reason?
If it helps write down your reasons and your why for wanting to achieve this. 
There are some simple actionable steps that you can put into place.
Get into the habit of demanding more from yourself than customers or clients do of you. 
What you can do: 
               Give more value
               Over deliver
               Finish the work ahead of schedule
               Add a bonus
Here’s another way to project excellence in your business. Portraying a professional image.
Are your website, logo, brochure information, business cards well-designed and up to date? If not this is an area to improve upon. 


Customer service is another area you can improve. Make sure you have a great customer service center, whether online or offline.
It’s very easy to set up online help desks today. Become known for quality customer service. Always respond to tickets in a timely fashion.
Never get angry at the customer, regardless of the situation. 
If you want to excel in your life you can start by attempting to put forth your best effort. If you do this consistently you will have that air of excellence surrounding you.
This will rub off on other people and they’ll begin to view you in a different light. 
JohnK 5-16-2022
stick figure hears about excellenceOverheard: “Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way.”
                                    ~Booker T. Washington
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Setting Aside Fear Can Free You

You can look at fear as friend or foe. It depends on the situation.

Today GenuLines reminds you that sometimes you just have to kick it to the curb. 

Setting Aside Fear Can Free You

Fear is something that can protect you. When you enter into an unknown area, your sense of fear increases.

You want to survive to live another day. In this way, fear can help you determine whether you should move forward or go somewhere else.
man feeling fear
But that same fear can hold you back from experiences that may advance your life. People fear the unknown.
Most will need to venture into the unknown to reach their goals or to get out of unwanted situations.
One way to overcome fear is to read about others who have faced similar situations like yours. See what steps they took and try to fit what they did to what you would like to do.
Not every solution will be viable.
But if you search for ideas from different people, you may find a set of ideas that will work. Know that usually most of what we fear is not as bad as we first believe.
In other words, try something that you’re afraid to try,
That Was Easy
You may find it was much easier than you thought it would be. This won’t happen in every case, but with a fair majority, it will.
Think about those times when you said to yourself, “that wasn’t so bad!” There are likely to be many of those in your life.
Create a vision of what your situation would be without the fear. Continue this vision for as long as it takes to reduce or end it.
Mind Game
The very act of believing the fear is not real can help convince your mind that there is nothing to be afraid of.
There are circumstances where we should take heed of our fears. Jumping out of a 50-story building is going to kill you unless you are somehow very lucky.
Of course you have to respect and acknowledge these fears. Other fears have the potential of positive outcomes.
Get Started
Think asking for a raise, buying a stock for the first time, or starting a new business. These are the types of fears that we need to try and overcome.
It can cripple you in other ways, too.
For instance, you have a lot of experience in your job. So you get caught up in avoiding new experiences since you’ve already “done it all.”
Your experience tells you that these new situations will not work. This is also the reason why inexperienced people try things without fear.
They have no bias associated with it.
JohnK 5-9-2022
Stick figure hears about fearOverheard: “Ignorance is the parent of fear”
                                  ~Herman Melville
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Why We Don’t Like to Take Chances

You want to take more chances in your life, but you keep holding back. GenuLines reminds you that this is learned. 

And today we’ll help you re-write that lesson

Why We Don’t Like to Take Chances

We’re taught from a very early stage by our parents to be careful.
We’re told to lookman takes a chance both ways before crossing the street and not to eat what is unfamiliar.
Parents want their kids to live long healthy lives. So they teach them to be cautious about most everything.
It was the same for their parents and so on down the line.
What’s It All About?
It’s all about self-preservation and keeping the family going generation after generation. But there are other reasons that we don’t like to take chances.
Societies have rules that its citizens must follow. Failure to do this can lead to jail time.
Even if what we do is legal our need to follow rules can take over. This tends to add to our cautious state of being.
Crowd Control
We hesitate to take chances because these rules are such a part of our lives. We also tend to follow the crowd and there are studies to back this up.
This is a herd mentality.
Say you’re on a busy city street and you look up in the sky for a long period of time. You’ll find more and more people gathering around to see exactly what you’re looking at.
There may be nothing of importance up there. But folks want to know what the attraction is.
So It Is With Taking Chances
If no one else has done it before we’re not likely to take the plunge. As mentioned earlier, we want to see others experience something.
Then we’ll decide whether to go for it ourselves.
This is why we look to product reviews and forums before making purchases online. We want to know that others used products or services without problems.
Go Around The Block
These reasons that we don’t like to take chances are mental blocks. They put up a proverbial stop sign anytime we encounter something that doesn’t sit well with us.
This leads us to create excuses not to do something. The biggest problem is that these barriers took a lifetime to build up so breaking them down is never easy.
We first have to have the belief that we can break them down before we allow ourselves to do so.
JohnK 5-2-2022
stick man hears about taking chancesOverheard: “May you always have courage to take a chance”
                                       ~Irish Saying
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What is Your Confidence Quotient?

Is your confidence up to the task? It may be time to take stock of where you are on the confidence scale. 

These questions from GenuLines are intended to help your sweet spot.

What is Your Confidence Quotient?

Yes you want to be confident. But not so confident that you come off as arrogant.
man shows confidenceYou want to project the confidence needed to succeed in life and reach the goals that you’ve set for yourself.
Read and answer the following questions (all yes or no) and then look back on your answers. You should have a pretty good idea if your confidence quotient is high or low – or in the middle.
This will show you areas you need to work on to raise it.

Do you feel guilty when you say “no?”

Saying “no” can be traumatic for you if you lack confidence in your decisions.
You may find yourself making up lies to get out of things rather than saying, “no.”

Do you compare yourself to others?

There’s always going to be someone smarter, richer and better looking than you. Until you become comfortable with yourself you’ll lack confidence to go farther in life.

Do you feel intimidated in most situations?

You’re likely to feel intimidated by others if you compare yourself to others. (see previous question) Don’t think of yourself as inferior to them.
Stop comparing yourself and enjoy the moment.

Do you stand up for your values and beliefs?

Let’s say you easily get swayed by others or stay silent in an uncomfortable situation. You could lack confidence.
Compromising your belief system can be a confidence killer.

Do you try hard to impress others?

When you’re confident, you don’t have to strive to impress. You’ll impress others with your mere presence.
Confidence exudes an image that means you don’t have to try to impress – it will become natural

Are you money sound?

Financial well-being can add to your confidence quotient. If you have trouble budgeting and spending you may need help from a pro.
A financial planner can give you more confidence in your financial future.

Do you hesitate to take the initiative on projects or ideas?

Building confidence helps you feel good about taking on challenges and new ideas. It’s okay to take a back seat to someone who knows more and whom you can learn from.
But put yourself out there by sometimes taking the initiative.

Do you feel confident about your future?

It’s important that you feel comfortable about the choices you’re making. This will go a long way toward impacting your future.
That future encompasses your health, family and job decisions that you’re making now. Be sure they’re based on facts.
Assess your confidence quotient and determine what you need to do to raise it.
Check your progress
Take action on your weak points. Later, when you feel you’ve made progress in the areas you needed to work on, answer the questions again.
And see how far you’ve progressed.
JohnK 4-25-2022
Stick figure hears about confidenceOverheard: “It is best to act with confidence, no matter how little right you have to it.”
                                   ­­-Lillian Hellman
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Why Is Self Development Important?

You’re thinking about starting a self development program. But you’re not sure. It can be an important move for you and GenuLines is here to show you some “whys.”

Why Is Self Development Important?

When you were a kid your doubts, fears and insecurities could cause you to think, “I wish I was somebody else.”

man doing self developmentEven today it’s common to think that some or most people are better than us, especially when we’re feeling low. The truth is often very different.
You look at a successful young business entrepreneur and say “What else could he ask for?” Yet he may wonder why his friends won’t talk to him any more.


Isn’t it funny? We look at other people and envy them for what seems to us to be their perfect lives.
We wish we could trade places with them, while they look at us and think the same thing. We’re insecure about other people who themselves might be insecure about us.
The result could be low self-esteem. Or low self-confidence and loss of faith in self development

Not So Magnificent Obsession

So it can happen that you spend all your time obsessing about what seem to be your negative points. Yet it might be that they don’t matter to anybody else.
At the same time, you could have an irritating habit that you’re not even aware of.

Stop, Look and..

One key to self improvement is to LISTEN and TALK to a trusted friend. Find someone you’re comfortable with.
Someone who’ll let you open up on even the most sensitive topics you want to discuss. Ask questions in a way that makes it possible for the other person to tell you what is really happening.
This signals to the other person that you’re interested in self development. Usually, the person will hesitate to tell the truth right away.

Be Gracious

Of course it’s important to accept any comments or criticisms that you hear. You may feel hurt but try not to show it or your listener won’t want to tell you more.
Then you may want to check out the results with other people. It doesn’t hurt to get a second opinion.
Let’s say you’re the one offering self-improvement suggestions.
Start with letting them see that you yourself are following the path of self development. Self improvement makes us better people, more open to the world around us.

Re-imagine YOU

It’s vital to stop thinking of yourself as a second-rate being. Forget the repetitive thought of “If only I was richer .. if only I was thinner” and so on.
Accepting your genuine self is the first step to self improvement.
We all have our insecurities. We can wish we had better things, better features, etc.
But life need not be perfect for you to be happy about yourself. It’s more about acceptance and contentment.
When you begin to improve yourself you’ll begin to feel contentment and happiness.
JohnK 4-18-2022

stick man hears about self developmentOverheard: “The longest journey is the journey inward.”

                             – Dag Hammarskjold
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Stress and Motivation And How They Pressure Us

We’d all like to have grace under pressure. Easier said than done. 

Today GenuLines looks at pressure and what you can do to make it manageable.


Stress and Motivation And How They Pressure Us 

We’ve all been there. The deadline is looming and you’re not even out of the starting block.
We all recognize that feeling in the pit of our stomach as we settle down to work. But does it have to lead to stress?
And what does stress actually do to our motivation and focus?
pressure breaks pencil

Stressed Sick

Stress effects our bodies. It leads to higher blood pressure, anxiety, and a host of other symptoms.
It also makes it hard to concentrate on the task at hand.
Let’s say you’re feeling pressure at work, and it’s leading to stress. Your effectiveness could suffer.
You might be missing deadlines or making mistakes. You might even worry yourself sick and have to take a personal day.
Stress from psychological pressure can be the cause of all these problems.

Mounting Motivation

With good coping skills, pressure doesn’t have to lead to stress. It can affect motivation in a positive way, too.
When you’re feeling stressed, try practicing positive thinking or self-distraction. These are some of the many techniques that can beat stress and help your focus.
Like other skills, motivation under pressure takes practice. Learning to cope is crucial.
Positive coping mechanisms can help you melt away your stress. The stress is then replaced by a host of positive benefits of working under stress.

Performing Under Fire

When you master your stress levels and learn to perform under pressure you might notice a few things. You’ll keep a cooler head in difficult situations.
Your thinking is clear. Those around you may be struggling with the thought of some terrible outcome.
You’ll notice that your leadership skills improve, and that people turn to you in a crisis.
Up your game
You might also see that you perform better under pressure, People who do are in huge demand in most every industry.
At the office or behind a counter, performance under stress can lead to positive feedback. And promotions.
Employers value someone who can keep their cool. With a little bit of practice and some positive habits that someone could turn out to be you.
JohnK 4-11-2022
Stick figure hears about pressureOverheard: “No pressure, no diamonds”
                             ~Thomas Carlyle
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