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Put Your Savings On Autopilot

You want your savings to last. But you don’t want to spend your days and nights worrying about whether they will. 

Here’s a GenuLines look at money management that will let you sleep at night. 

Put Your Savings On Autopilot

picture of savings
Putting a little money away for a rainy day isn’t always easy. You may have some good intentions, but at the end of the day, there isn’t any money left.
Somehow whatever you make is spend before you get it to the next paycheck.
Start by making a personal budget. Take a look at what you bring in each month. Next, write down your fixed expenses.
These are things like rent, car payments, utilities etc..
Figure out how much you need each month for groceries and other essentials. This is your bare bones budget.
It’s good to know what you need each month to get by.

Do the math

Next it’s time for a little bit of math. Start with what you bring in each month and subtract all your core expenses.
What you’re left with is your discretionary income.
This will pay for entertainment, clothes, and other things. And from this point on, part of that income will go into a savings account.
Pick a number you’re comfortable with. It could be a mere $20 per month, Or $500.
Put it in your budget and treat it like any other bill.
It won’t take you long to get into the habit of setting aside that money for savings.

Bank on it

To make it even more hands-off, talk to your bank about opening a separate savings account. Set up an auto-deposit to have the savings transferred to the new account.
This will happen as soon as your pay check comes in. If you don’t see it, you’ll never miss it and your savings will run on autopilot.
Don’t forget to audit your nest egg from time to time. Take a second look at your budget.
Can you increase your savings a little more?
Another savings booster involves things like birthday cash, tax returns, and bonuses. You’ll put those straight into the savings account
Again, you won’t even miss the money, but it will give you a quick savings buildup.

Don’t lose interest

Make sure your savings are sitting in an interest bearing account. Since you won’t be touching this money unless it’s a dire emergency, you should be able to earn at least a little interest.
Talk to your banker about your best options and start putting your savings on autopilot.
One last tip: Talk to your employer about matching 401K funds. Their contribution can help you reach your goal even faster.
JohnK 10-31-2022
stick man hears about savingsOverheard: “A man who both spends and saves money is the happiest man, because he has both enjoyments”
                                         ~Samuel Johnson
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What Is Prosperity? ( And How Do You Find It?)

Prosperity isn’t guaranteed in life. First you have to know what it is, then know how to get there. 

The following is a GenuLines road map aimed at getting you to your destination. 

What Is Prosperity? ( And How Do You Find It?)

Okay, let’s have a look. The dictionary definition is – ‘The state of being prosperous’
Well that wasn’t much help. So, what is the definition?’
piggy bank means prosperity
Prosperous means – ‘successful in material terms, bringing wealth and success.’
Okay now we’re getting somewhere. We know what prosperity is, but how do we go about finding it?

Let’s Talk About Prosperity

Although we have the dictionary definition above, I’m not real happy with it.
Yes prosperity can apply to material wealth and success. But it can also take in mental, emotional, and even spiritual wealth and success too.
But what if it doesn’t reach into every facet of our lives?
To find prosperity in all areas, we have to be very clear about the things that we want in our lives. And the things that we don’t want.
We must also make sure that we’re living a way of life that removes anything that doesn’t serve us. Examples include addictions to negative behavior or people.

Internal & External Prosperity

You can’t consider only your external environment or external resources.
You want to secure your external and internal prosperity. We do this through the means of internal mental and emotional mastery.
So even if you do lose your material wealth you won’t lose your ability to be happy. You can stay in a state of internal peace.
To summarize: know yourself to the best of your ability. Then develop a better mindset and way of life.
One that supports, encourages and cultivates this innate capacity for prosperity. For you and for others, too.
You’ll become a force for good. The world, your world¸ will be a much brighter place if you can do this.
So, get to work. At the end of the day, true prosperity comes from you.
No one in the world can give this to you. You’re going to have to forge this one for yourself.
All the best!
JohnK 10-24-2022
stick man hears about prosperityOverheard: “Prosperity of wicked men runs like a torrent past, and soon is spent
                     ~Marcel Proust, Swann’s Way
Article image by Ann H:
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How To Make Wellness A Habit In Every Part Of Your Day

You’re making positive changes in your habits. Have you included the wellness habit? 

You can make this second nature as GenuLines will show you today. .

How To Make Wellness A Habit In Every Part Of Your Day

You can become distracted by what life throws at you. This leads you to neglect your own well-being.
Days can be fast paced. But seldom do you slow down to think about the importance of maintaining your well being.sign urges good habits
Stress is commonplace in this scenario. Driving to work in gridlock traffic can make you a basket case.
But you can make better choices and develop good habits to make wellness a part of your every day routine…
Make a Decision and Stick to it
First, you’ll need to make the decision to live a healthy lifestyle. This is a step that many people avoid.
They end up giving up and reverting back to their original way of everyday living. Wellness is a decision (As simplistic as it seems) and it’s a necessary one.
How Can We Make Wellness a Habit?
Doing something over and over again until it becomes ingrained within makes it a habit. It’s like you’re rewired to now make choices without thinking.
So, here’s a few ways you can make wellness a habit every single day…
Set an alarm clock.
Make healthy diet choices.
Plan an exercise routine.
Make time every day to do one thing you enjoy.
Spend more time with friends and family.
If you do this every day as often as you can you’ll notice improved wellness. Being disciplined is the best way to go about it.
Especially in the fast-paced world we’re so accustomed to.
Alarm clock
Setting an alarm clock to wake up early is a good way to start your day. You’ll know exactly why you’re waking up early… to get things done!
The nutritional choices you make are crucial to physical wellness. Feeding your body live foods (Vegetables, fruits, lean meats, grains etc.) will make you feel good.
And they’ll give you energy for the days ahead.
Daily exercise
The benefits of exercise are wide ranging. From improving mental health to creating stronger and more capable bodies
And there’s more. Exercise helps prevent chronic disease like Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease and Osteoporosis.
Enjoy life
We tend to get too focused on things like work, personal issues, relationships etc. . But why can’t we take the time to laugh and enjoy being in the moment?
It’s so important to relieve stress by putting worry aside for a little bit each day to focus on leisure activity. We’re not meant to always be in fight or flight mode.
Having leisure time can bring down accumulated stress levels.
Have healthy relationships
The relationships we develop and maintain in life are essential for wellness. Having a sense of worth often comes from the love and appreciation of others.
We want to get along with others and function as a society. Friends and family can give a nice boost to our self-confidence and happiness, too.
Make Wellness a Daily Habit
Make a decision to live every day in a state of wellness.  At the very least, you’ll have a good start in creating healthy everyday habits.
Good habits can take you far. Wellness is a determining factor in your ability to be productive and effective.
JohnK 10-17-2022
stick man hears about habit formingOverheard: “All people are the same; only their habits differ”
Article image by Drew Beamer on Unsplash
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5 Tips To Stop Stress Eating

It seems your stress never stops. And you’re thinking the same might be said about your eating.

Today GenuLines chips in with some ways to delete the caloric part of this equation. . 

5 Tips To Stop Stress Eating


man is stress eatingStress eating can happen to any of us during any stressful situation. We turn to food for comfort.
This is not a healthy way to deal with stress and will cause weight gain, depression, and low self-esteem. Here are 5 tips that can help you end stressful eating.


Food Choices

We often turn to junk food for comfort such as chips, chocolate, candy and anything sweet. You can create a food diary to track your eating progress.
Keep track of what you eat, when you eat, and what times you’re hungriest to figure out what is your trigger food.
You don’t want to throw out every one of your favorite foods because this will only tempt you more. Instead, make healthier food choices.
You’ll feel better. and healthy eating helps decrease your appetite and improve your health in general.


The second tip is to exercise. .Stress can bring on depression and overwhelm.
Exercising will help manage stress and keep you healthy. You don’t need to run to the gym or a treadmill.
You can work out at home, go jogging, running, play a sport, or go for a walk.
Mayo Clinic studies found a positive connection between exercise and feeling better. They found that your brain receives feel-good neurotransmitters called endorphins.


Meditation is a powerful tool used for stress, anxiety, and depression. It brings you into a relaxed and soothing mood.
Even if you only meditate for 5 minutes, you’ll feel a difference. It’s best to meditate every day to help cope with stress.

Prevent Boredom

The fourth way to end stressful eating is to prevent boredom. Many people don’t realize they turn to food because they’re bored.
To prevent boredom, keep active throughout your day. Buy some art supplies from your local art store. and you can paint, draw, try out pottery, knitting, or even sewing.
There are so many things you can do to fill up your day no matter where you live. You can go into the city.
Visit an art gallery, learn a new language, read a book, visit family or friends to help prevent boredom.
Your preoccupied mind will keep your thoughts away from eating unless necessary.


Call calling a friend or family member for support. It’s a great option to help overcome stressful food intake.
In fact, some other options such as joining a support group or signing up for therapy will help you even more!
Talking with a professional will help you identify your stressors and triggers. And you’ll come away with a plan that works best for you.
Joining a support group partners you with others facing the same challenge. It’ll be inspiring and uplifting!
JohnK 10-10-2020
stick figure hears about stressOverheard: “Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one”
                                       ~Hans Selye
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What Are You Doing with Your Life? Tips for Figuring It Out 

Yo want to make good life choices. But you can’t figure out where to start. 

Get some ideas today from GenuLines and then get going and start mapping it out. 

What Are You Doing with Your Life? Tips for Figuring It Out 

Do you often find yourself wondering what to do with your life? Many people reach a point where they feel they lack direction.
Instead of living life to the fullest, they only go through the motions.
sign says live life
If this sounds like you, there are things you can do to help you get out of the rut. Below, you’ll find some fabulous tips for figuring out what it is you want from life.
Consider Your Passions
If you want to know what direction to go in, it’s helpful to think about the things you’re passionate about. The things that motivate and inspire you will change from time to time.
For example, what you want today may look very different from what you wanted a few months ago. We change and adapt over time according to our experiences.
This means to keep a direction in life, we need to assess what it is we want. Figuring out the things you’re passionate about will help you to understand where to go next.
And what you need to do to get there.

Address Your Fears

Even if you know what it is you want to do, you might be stuck because of fear. It’s one of our most powerful emotions.
Fear can stop you from going after the things you want in life.
So, if you’re going to move forward and figure out what it is you must do in life, you’re going to need to address your fears. Figure out where the fear is coming from.
Then, be willing to work it them so you can stop it controlling your life.

Assess Your Current Goals

Do you have any goals you’re working toward right now? Chances are, if you aren’t sure what you’re doing in your life, you won’t have any goals to work towards.
This can exacerbate the problem.
You need to set goals to keep you motivated and positive. When you have something to work toward it gives you a purpose each day.
You generate more motivation to get you to where you need to be. Make sure you set small, specific goals that are easy to achieve.

You Don’t Need To Have It All Figured Out

Nobody has everything in life figured out. There will always be doubts and things you want to do better.
In fact, at times going with the flow can present you with a lot of opportunities you would otherwise miss.
Feeling like you don’t know what you’re doing in life can be lonely and frustrating. Let the above points help you figure out exactly what you want.
JohnK 10-3-2022
stick figure hears about lifeOverheard: “Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans”
                                   ~John Lennon


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What to Do When You Feel Stuck or Trapped in Life

You’ve heard the saying “life is tough, then you die.” It’s like you’ve been bound and gagged all your life.

Let GenuLines help you get un-stuck with this look at some countermeasures.

What to Do When You Feel Stuck or Trapped in Life

When you feel stuck or trapped in your life, it becomes almost impossible to be happy. You tend to feel depressed, frustrated and dissatisfied.
man trapped by life
The truth is life is full of ups and downs. There will be times of great change, and times where nothing changes at all.
Feeling stuck at some point in your life is normal, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay that way. Here, we’ll look at some of the best things you can do when you feel stuck or trapped in life.





Make That Tough Choice

There’s a reason why you feel stuck or trapped in life, and it’s often down to avoiding making a tough decision. For example, if you feel trapped in a job you hate, the tough choice would be to leave that job.
If you’re in a relationship that isn’t working, the hard choice would be to walk away.
What choice are you avoiding changing? Sometimes, the only way to move forward and be happy is to have the courage to make the difficult decisions.
You deserve to be happy, so never be afraid to do what’s right for you, no matter how hard it is.

Begin With Small Changes

Making changes in your life can be overwhelming. So if you want to get out of your current situation, start with small changes. Do this until you feel comfortable and confident that you’re making good decisions.
Think about the things you want to change and then figure out the steps you’ll need to get there. Working on change one step at a time prevents it from becoming overwhelming.
You’ll see steady progress as you make smaller changes. And you’ll gain the motivation to carry on making bigger ones.

Work On Self-Improvement

How you feel about yourself can hold you back. If you do feel stuck or trapped, could it be due to a lack of confidence or self-belief?
Working on self-improvement can help you to view your life in a more positive way. You’ll be able to recognize opportunities.
You’ll be more likely to work through any challenges keeping you from your dream life.
Think about your current flaws. What can you improve about yourself to be a better person?

Commit To Being Yourself

The problem could be that you aren’t being yourself in life. Many people find they struggle to be themselves around other people.
If you’re trying to present a fake version of yourself to others, you’ll never be happy. Only by being your true self will you be able to live a fulfilled and happy life.
Feeling stuck or trapped in life is common, but it doesn’t mean you need to stay stuck. The above tips and advice can help you to start moving forward and living the life you deserve.
You may feel trapped, but this is an illusion. You know what you need to do.
Now build up the courage to do it.
JohnK 9-26-2022
Stick figure hears about lifeOverheard: “Life isn’t a matter of milestones, but of moments”
                                     ~Rose Kennedy
Article image by Zachary DeBottis:
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What Is Personal Mastery?

Your road to personal mastery can be long and winding. And it can be a frustrating process. 

GenuLines has been on this road before, and today we’ll make some of the “stops” along the way. 

What Is Personal Mastery?

Personal mastery is about approaching life in a different way. People sometimes refer to it as a journey towards continuous improvement.
Tiger showing mastery
Certain key principles can guide you. These include vision, purpose, creative tension, and commitment to truth.
Add to those an understanding of the subconscious mind.




One of the most important fundamental aspects of personal mastery is personal vision. Combine these two and you get a guiding philosophy.
This can be your operating system throughout life. Supplement with books, tapes, and courses for continued growth.
Personal mastery is about loving yourself and expressing your gifts to the fullest. It’s not about control or limiting yourself.
The more you suppress things the tougher it is to overcome them.

Take Responsibility

Personal mastery is self-discipline. It’s about taking responsibility for the direction that your life is going to take.
You come to realize that you can do anything with the aide of your skills and talents. Discipline can clarify and deepen your perspective in life.
And it can help you develop patience and a healthy view of life.

See The Signs

Personal mastery can actually help you become successful in life. A sign of progress is starting to understand your strengths, talents, and purpose in life.
Personal mastery makes you inspired, energized and happy with your life. You start to show a sense of commitment in changing on how people perceive life and the world.
Important qualities to include on your journey are integrity, humility, justice, and industry.

A Long Road

Reaching personal mastery has no shortcuts or no quick fixes. The process can take a lifetime.
You’ll detach from self-interest or selfishness. You’ll encourage people to care about and serve others.
And you’ll see the connections in your surroundings and everything in general as a whole.
Proactive behavior is another product of personal mastery. You base your actions and services on maximizing your skills in a creative way.


Personal mastery guides you to awareness of your beliefs, attitudes and behavioral impacts. It also enables self acceptance, and responsibility for your action, attitude, and thought.
It’s living with integrity and purpose. And it’s all tied together with your ideals, standards, and behavior
JohnK 9-19-2022
stick figure hears about masteryOverheard: :”The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions”
                                    ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson
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5 Steps To Boost Your Motivation Skills

Motivation is like a muscle, and it can get flabby over time. There are ways to deal with this. 

Let these GenuLines pointers be your strength coach and motivator. 

5 Steps To Boost Your Motivation Skills

Life can sometimes feel like nothing more than one struggle after another. This is especially true for anyone set on living a life of fulfillment and achievement.
Motivation is the one variable that allows you to push yourself when those around you give up.
suggestion to motivation
Today’s post is worth your attention. Even if you’ve never thought of yourself as driven , but would like to change that.
We’ll look at 5 helpful steps, in no particular order, to help boost your motivation and drive.

Know Your Why

When you first set out toward a goal or achievement, your “why” for doing so tends to be pretty clear. But as you work toward your goal, the foundation can become obscured.
No matter what you pursue there WILL be days on which you feel less motivated than others. Stay aware of why you started in the first place.
It will serve as your second (or third, or fourth) wind to get back up and keep pushing.

Know Your Direction

Extreme motivation has a tendency to cause you to put your head down and work like a maniac. At times this mindset is beneficial.
You want to maintain some sense of direction.
Big goals rarely consist of point A and point B. Instead, it’s important to have a general outline in mind of each step toward your destination.
So yes, keep your nose to the grindstone.
But look up every now and then. Adjust and begin the next phase of your blueprint.
This is the way to continue heading in the right direction!

Allow Small Victories

Make sure you enjoy small successes in pursuit of the finish line. No matter how much (or little) motivation you have towards your goal.
You won’t run out of gas before you get there. Take some time to reward yourself when you do one of the (often many) small steps along the way.
And remember: You Versus You, not You Versus Them
Keep in mind that your goals are YOUR goals. Letting other people’s pursuits dictate what you strive for is counter-productive.
You won’t find the motivation to achieve great things without personal conviction. Whatever it is you want, the only comparison to consider is to the person you were the day before.

Controlled Tunnel Vision

Consider this: whatever you’re after most likely involves only one facet of your life. Career, athletic, personal and other areas won’t stop while you go after it.
Balance is always key. Don’t let the rest of your life fall to the wayside while you pursue your dream!
JohnK 9-12-2022
Stick figure hears about motivationOverheard: “Hold the vision, trust the process”
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5 Factors That Keep You From Finding Your Life’s Purpose

Why are you here and what is your purpose? Don’t spend your life struggling with this question, as many do. 

Explore the possibilities with GenuLines and start finding some answers.

5 Factors That Keep You From Finding Your Life’s Purpose

A great way to find your true purpose in life is by living what I call your ‘genuine life.” You live your life without needing approval from other people.
sign warns wrong way to purpose
You explore your interests and passions. And when you discover that passion, you have to listen to one voice only.
The voice that lives inside of you. That voice which is your True North.
The voice that will tell you to keep trying, keep moving, believe in yourself, and to stay true to your purpose.
Unfortunately, few people find their true purpose in life. They’re living a life someone told them they’re supposed to live.
Or they follow the misguided notion that finding your true purpose takes years and years. Which may not always be the case.
Here are 5 things that are hindering you from finding your true purpose in life:
1. You don’t know where to begin
To find your calling know where to begin searching. And the best place to start is inside you.
What are you passionate or excited about? What are you so good at that people come to you for help or advice?
That could be your true purpose.
2. You rely on other people to dictate your life purpose
You miss your calling when you become accustomed to people telling you how to live. And what you ought to be doing.
Close friends or family may have the right intentions when advising you. They’ll tell what you should be pursuing.
But because they have good intentions doesn’t mean they’re right. They may have a picture of who and what they want you to become.
But that doesn’t mean it’s what you must become.
3. You’re busy comparing your life to that of others
Don’t spend your time focusing on “If only I was that smart.” Or “I wish I could do that.”
You won’t appreciate what you’re already great at. Get rid of negative thoughts, and replace them with “I was born to have an impact and I will find out what that is.”
4. You already have a “picture” of what your purpose is
We all have an “idea” of what we’re meant to do. Or which line of work we’re supposed to be in, particularly during our adolescent years.
Not to generalize but more often than not this is an idealized “picture.” This picture from our younger years turns out to be the wrong picture. 
5. You are not seeking guidance from the right people
While discovering your true purpose on your own is the way to go, seeking guidance from the right people won’t hurt. It will speed up the process of finding out what your calling is in life.
It will give you ample time to look for ways of staying true to your purpose. And working on becoming who you’re meant to be.
JohnK 9-5-2022
Stick figure hears about finding purposeOverheard: “There is no hope of success for the person who does not have a central purpose, or definite goal at which to aim”
                                               ~Napoleon Hill
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Why Stress is Terrible for Problem Solving

Working on problems and dealing with the resulting stress is a delicate balance. It can derail an important project.

GenuLines looks at the problem for ways you can keep everything “on the rails,”

Why Stress is Terrible for Problem Solving

Got a challenging problem that’s causing you stress? Is it preventing you from working to the best of your abilities?
 Then take a lie down!
Lying down on the job might sound like the worst thing you could do when you have a problem. But it’s actually one of the very best options of all.
Let’s take a look at why…

Neurochemistry and Problem Solving

When we’re stressed, our body assumes that we are in immediate danger. And it responds by putting us in the ‘fight or flight’ mode.
This means that we’re flooded with norepinephrine, dopamine and cortisol – stress hormones.
These have some effects on the body. From contracting our muscles, to clotting our blood (so we can better survive injury).
Another effect is intense focus. The resulting ‘tunnel vision’ helps us escape from the threat we’re facing.
This is very useful if you need to keep your eye on the terrain while you run from a leopard that’s chasing you. But it’s not very helpful when facing down the kinds of problems you encounter in the office.

Creativity and Problem Solving

This is because problem solving in the modern world requires creativity. It requires us to be able to think outside the box and to make connections between disparate ideas.
That’s why we’re actually at our most creative when we’re relaxed – even when we’re close to sleep.
The ‘hypnagogic’ brain state is what we slip into right before we nod off. It’s actually considered responsible for many creative works and scientific breakthroughs.
Studies say this is also why sitting in a more supine position at work boosts creative thinking. Likewise, exposure to the color green is enough to increase creativity.
Our subconscious mind associates it with being in natural environments.
Next time you’re facing stress, know that your stress will only make it more difficult to find the answer. So relax, take a breather and come back to it when you feel calmer!
JohnK 8-29-2022
stick figure hears about problemsOverheard: “Problems are the price you pay for progress”
                              ~Branch Rickey

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