5 Steps to Find Your Passion

Your passion in life seems so elusive. Yet, the ancients told us you carry it with you at all times. 

GenuLines breaks down the process of carving out a path toward your passion.

(listen to this article by clicking on the player below) 



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5 Steps to Find Your Passion

If you want to live your best life, then you need to find your passion and follow it. Sounds easy, no?
Actually, it isn’t that hard, so it’s surprising that more of us don’t do it. Rather, we seem to choose existing over living a life of happiness and success.
To make a positive change in your life consider the following five steps.

Step 1: Dream Big

Everyone has big dreams. What have you done with yours?
dog dreams of his passionDo you think about them, act on them or hide them away?
Help yourself find your passion and purpose, by dreaming big. List those big dreams you’ve had from childhood to today.
No matter how wild or funny, write them all down. Which of those dreams resonates most with you?
Which makes your heart sing and inspires you the most?
Now, if you’ve set your sights on being the first full-time resident of Mars, then double-check your list.
You may be coming from your ego rather than your Self.
Don’t expect your dream to be outrageous or huge. But expect that it will push you out of your comfort zone.
Be ready for the changes in your life that will help you achieve it. You’ve got to want it.
It needs to spark your inner passion and desire.

Step 2: Set Mile Markers (Goals)

I’ve always preferred the words “mile markers” to goals since goal has the sound of being finished.
Once you’ve fleshed out your ideal or dream you need to set your mile markers. They’ll lead you to your dream.
There will be other, smaller goals, that you will need to achieve along the way. You want to jot these down, too.

Step 3: Plan Your Way

Now that you know what you want and need to achieve, it’s time to plan what you need to do to get there. Think about several things.
The action you need to take. The resources you’ll need.
And anything or anyone that can provide help and support.

Step 4: Take Action

You know what you want, how you can achieve it and the steps to take. It’s time for action.
Remember you’re looking for a passionate life. One that fills you with excitement, joy, and success.
Step 5: Live Your Best Life
Once you’re taking action and seeing your direction you’ll find that your life starts to improve. Instead of dreading each day you’ll look forward to it with excitement and anticipation.
Your best life is the one that gives you achievement AND fulfillment. It’s the result of living your passion and your purpose.
You can get your desired result on your own. Or you can get the help of a coach or mentor.
Either way, your passion is waiting for you.
JohnK 2-18-2020
stick figure man looks for his passionOverheard: “When you are born, your work is placed in your heart.”
                                                        ~Khalil Gibran
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