3 Benefits Of Working Out At Home

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3 Benefits Of Working Out At Home

You know that exercise should be a regular part of your life. The benefits are many.

man working out at home


But first of all you’re busy. And second, the idea of cramming anything else into your schedule seems out of the question.

Today GenuLines proposes a solution. We look at a middle ground between these two facts: working out in your own home.

Fitting in an exercise routine in the comfort of your home comes with a lot of benefits. Here we highlight three of them.


Time Efficiency

When it comes to going to the gym, there can be a lot of time required in the process besides the actual workout. For many people, the commute to and from the local gym can often take longer than the actual workout!

This is especially true if you’re in the habit of working out right after work. 5 o’clock traffic is a killer.

This fact alone scuttles many a planned fitness routine. Time is a very precious commodity.

The last thing most of us can afford is to dedicate several hours of our day to workout for, at most, an hour. So consider working out at home.

There’s no extra time involved if you’re headed home anyway,. And you spend no time waiting for a piece of equipment or rushing to make it to a group exercise class on time.

When your home is your gym, everything you need is already right there waiting for you any time you’re ready!

Cost Efficiency

Access to the large array of equipment at most commercial gyms is great. But it’s not required.

Even without buying a single piece of equipment, you can get the job done. Your body alone is capable of serving as your own personal set of weights.

There are bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, squats and burpees. These fundamental movements alone can whip you into shape.

And there are many more creative exercises you can do in your living room using only your body.

Now you may think that you need some equipment. The price for a few items such as resistance bands, a jump rope or even a couple of kettle bells isn’t much.

It’s less than a single month’s membership at many gyms. Are you starting to see that working out at home saves money in the long run?

Free Of Distractions

Other things that might keep you out of the gym are the annoying patrons who hog the equipment. Add to that the equipment hogs who are checking their social media

Making your home your gym solves both of these problems. In the home environment you’re able to enjoy a focused workout.

You challenge your body and improve your physical fitness uninhibited by other people.

JohnK 6-17-2024

stick figure hears about working outOverheard: “Exercise should be regarded as tribute to the heart”

– Gene Tunney


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