Tag Archive for Chi For Yourself

Talkin’ Relationships: Today on CHI FOR YOURSELF


Make CHI FOR YOURSELF part of your listening day. On today’s call we’ll be welcoming Gina Vucci, co-author (with Shakti Gawain) of The Relationship Handbook: A Path to Consciousness, Healing, and Growth.

The book makes the point that each of us is in relationships not only with romantic partners, family, coworkers, and children, but also with internal core beliefs and a variety of selves, including primary, disowned, and shadow selves.

Hear the conversation with Gina Vucci- today at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time at chiforyourself.com.

picture of Gina Vucci

Gina Vucci


JohnK 12-17-2014

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On the Next CHI FOR YOURSELF: Gina Vucci On Relationships


picture of Gina VucciOur next CHI FOR YOURSELF guest is Gina Vucci. Gina and Shakti Gawain have co-authored The Relationship Handbook: A Path to Consciousness, Healing, and Growth.Their approach reflects the fact that each of us is in relationships not only with romantic partners, family, coworkers, and children, but also with internal core beliefs and a variety of selves, including primary, disowned, and shadow selves.

Be with us “on the call” on Wednesday December 17th at 1pm Pacific time at chiforyourself.com


JohnK 12-9-2014

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Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You

thank you block lettersI wanted to take today to say “thank you” for subscribing to CHI FOR YOURSELF blog posts on GenuLines. Part of my attitude of gratitude today is for how you make my work a joy! Our community continues to grow as does my appreciation for your continued intention to live a genuine life.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving today– if you’re in the States — and your
Thursday if you’re anywhere else.


My best,
John Kobik (“Gio”)


JohnK 11/27/2014

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Manifesting Lite: Looking Back on Hop, Skip, Jump


picture of Marney MakridakisMarney Makridakis made her second CHI FOR YOURSELF visit last week, and she gave us some very different looks at manifesting! Marney is the author of Hop, Skip, Jump: 75 Ways to Playfully Manifest a Meaningful Life. Here’s a list of talking points from the show:


  • how Marney’s able to come up with all those word plays in her books
  • putting playful manifesting into a serious world
  • entrepreneurial types can benefit from playful manifesting
  • “jump-starting” the not very playful types
  • giving ourselves permission to lighten up
  • manifesting comes down to momentum
  • finding our place among the Hop, Skip, Jump steps
  • daydreaming toward manifesting
  • spending time in the Hop, Skip, Jump phases
  • what the reader can take away from the book


If you missed the program you can listen to the podcast by clicking on this player:





JohnK 11-24-2014

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Marney Makridakis on CHI FOR YOURSELF: Hop, Skip or Jump on Over!



Hear the CHI FOR YOURSELF interview with Marney Makridakis now. Marney visited us a couple of years ago to talk about her book Creating Time. She’s back with a lighthearted look at manifesting and a new book called Hop, Skip, Jump: 75 Ways to Manifest a Meaningful Life.

Marney Makridakis

Marney Makridakis

Listen to the interview here: chiforyourself.com


JohnK 11-20-2014

“Marney” Happy Returns!: Welcome Back to the Creator of “Creating Time”

I want to give you the heads up on the next CHI FOR YOURSELF guest along with a couple of my random thoughts of late..

picture of Marney Makridakis CHI FOR YOURSELF welcomes back Marney K. Makridakis, author of Creating Time. Marney has a new book called Hop, Skip, Jump: 75 Ways to Playfully Manifest a Meaningful Life. Her intention is to help you discover your Play Personality and learn how to use it to create more experiences in which work feels like play, and struggle gives way to momentum, ease, and joy.

Note: The Google Hangout On-air is scheduled to begin an hour earlier than usual..at 12 NOON on Thursday November 20th on the Start page of chiforyourself.com. Of course the podcast will later be made available on iHeart Radio, iTunes, and other hosting sites.

Dividing line

Well, it seems that Consciousness refuses to die even when we do! Consider this from Sputniknews.com:

DeathWithScytheA four-year medical study into near-death and out-of-body experiences conducted by scientists at the University of Southampton has found that some levels of awareness may continue in people after they are clinically dead. Continue reading article..




..and when the topic of the hereafter comes up around here we turn to a past CHI FOR YOURSELF guest Julia Assante, author of The Last Frontier. Click on the YouTube badge to hear her..

YouTube logo


JohnK 11-12-2014

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This Week on CHI FOR YOURSELF: The Conversation Turns To….Conversation!

Rob Kendall headshotMany of us don’t know this, but miscommunication, aside from being one of the most frustrating things in the world, is also one of the leading causes of sabotaged friendships, relationships, careers and yes, even the cause of political warfare.

Our scheduled Chi For Yourself guest this week will look at how we communicate and the most common mistakes that we make when trying to assert ourselves or simply express our opinions and ideas.Rob Kendall is the author of Blamestorning: Why Conversations Go Wrong and How to Fix Them.

Note- Rob will join us for the interview on Wednesday November 5th at 4pm Eastern..1pm Pacific time. You’ll hear the interview at chiforyourself.com.


Clipart image of overheardOverheard

Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside awakes.

~Carl Jung




JohnK 11-2-2014

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A Great Response to First Responders

police car pictureYour response to Capt. Dan Willis’ interview on CHI FOR YOURSELF last week was great to see! Dan talked about the challenges that first responders face and how they can be helped to do their very important jobs. I thought it was great to hear that inner exploration is being used as a healing tool, and that Spirit is taking its place in the process.


Here are some of the talking points from the show:

  • just who are the First Responders?
  • suicide as a growing problem among police officers
  • how Dan got started helping other First Responders
  • Dan’s realization that he was in trouble
  • red flags that could indicate PTSD
  • the lack of this type of training for First Responders
  • a frightening story about a fellow officer
  • personalities that might be more susceptible to PTSD
  • how families can be of help


You can hear the CHI FOR YOURSELF interview with Capt. Dan Wills by clicking on this player:



JohnK 10-21-2014

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First Responders, The Last Word on Love…and The Next CHI FOR YOURSELF Guest

picture of Dan WillisCaptain Dan Willis spent 25 years as a police officer in La Mesa, CA. He and his colleagues suffered along with their victims, witnessed senseless violence, and gradually slipped into the hole of misery and defeatism. His new book Bulletproof Spirit: The First Responder’s Essential Resource for Protecting and Healing Mind and Heart is intended to help first responders maintain emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual fitness in order to take care of themselves, their loved ones, and the people they serve.

Capt. Dan Willis is our guest on this week’s CHI FOR YOURSELF. If you’re a First Responder, have one in your life, or just appreciate the important work they do each day you’ll want to join us for the conversation- Thursday October 16th at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time at chiforyourself.com

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The Linda Carroll/CHI FOR YOURSELF interview was well-attended- thanks to all who were there. Our subject was love (and Linda’s book Love Cycles) Love is a topic (and definition!) that could be discussed for hours. This article from Conscious Life News asks the dual questions:


What Exactly is Love? And How Do We Learn to Love?
Much is written about love. Countless songs have love as the main theme and thousands of movies include love and romance as the underlying premise. Religions talk about love and kindness, battles have been fought over love and it seems almost everything we do, say and feel, has undertones of love intertwined throughout. When it comes to describing love it can be very difficult to articulate. Continue reading..


JohnK 10-13-2014

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Riding the Love Cycles Toward Genuine Living

picture of Linda CarrollI hope you enjoyed last week’s CHI FOR YOURSELF interview with couples therapist Linda Carroll, author of Love Cycles: The Five Essential Stages of Lasting Love. Linda says that love’s more challenging stages are part of genuine intimacy, rather than signs of its demise. In fact, Carroll goes as far to say that courageously moving through what comes after the rapturous initial Merge stage is the only way we can get to an authentic intimate relationship. Here are some talking points from the show:

  • Can couples beat the odds and stay in the initial state of bliss?din
  • Is there a point where we know that the relationship just isn’t worth it anymore?
  • Red flags that pop up at the start of a relationship
  • The importance of sex in a relationship
  • How intimacy depends on the ability to be separate
  • Something for couples to remember at the beginning of their time together

Listen to the interview by clicking on the BlogTalkRadio logo:

JohnK 10-6-2014

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